18 - Squeaky Clean

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Yo guys sorry!! I've been so focused on my other story that I haven't updated this one... but I'm updating now : )

You may have to glance back at the last chapter since it's been so long, but the story continues on from where that one left off : )

It's almost one hour after Minhyuk has left for his class that Hyungwon finally allows himself to stop smiling. If anyone asks him- No, he wasn't smiling for that long all because of his roommate. It's just... been a really good day. That's all.

Never would he ever have imagined kissing Minhyuk that way. Well, okay- maybe he has a few times... but that's besides the point. This is real and it happened. Minhyuk kissed him. More than once.

If it weren't for the test Minhyuk had to get to class to take, who knows what would be ensuing now? It's been an hour and Hyungwon is still finding it hard to breathe, let alone comprehend that it happened at all.

Changkyun has texted saying that he'll be there sometime soon, though, causing Hyungwon to eye the dorm room with careful eyes. Dirty clothes are strewn around just about everywhere, textbooks are in piles in corners, and Hyungwon knows Kihyun would have a cow and a half if he stepped foot inside. Good thing it's Changkyun that's coming and not him. No cleaning necessary.

Hyungwon does, however, have the liberty to make his bed and neatly arrange a few of his pillows. He glances over at Minhyuk's bed. It's halfway-made, some of the blankets falling off the side and pillows scattered due to how restless the oldest sleeps.

The longer that Hyungwon stares at Minhyuk's bed, the longer he craves to lay down on it with him. He imagines Minhyuk's soft, slender fingers carding through his hair. He imagines kissing him again.

It's probably weird to be having these types of thoughts about his roommate, but maybe it'd be okay just to... make the bed for him?

Would that be weird?

Hyungwon makes the bed regardless, setting the pillows up the way that he's watched Minhyuk do over the past week. He smiles upon thinking about the words the older said to him just over an hour ago.

I think I'm in love with you.

The phrase topples around in his mind. Minhyuk's voice had sounded so perfect, husky and like honey, when he let the words fall from his tongue and into Hyungwon's ears.

A sudden rapping on his dorm door snaps him out of his thoughts. Is Changkyun here already?

Hyungwon crosses to open the door, not bothering to look through the small peephole to see who is on the other side. He's shocked to see a short, purple-haired man on the other side, though.

"Kihyun?" Hyungwon questions, raising an eyebrow. "Did I leave something at your dorm?"

Kihyun lets out a laugh and then shakes his head in response. "No, I just wanted to come by and make sure everything was okay."

"Oh," Hyungwon mumbles, glancing back over his shoulder at the un-tidy space just behind him. He knows Kihyun is going to want to come inside. He will literally kill Hyungwon when he sees the mess. Either that, or he will offer to help clean. Kihyun is just nice like that. (And he really just cleans a lot).

"Well, I'm fine," Hyungwon muses, leaning against the doorframe in an attempt to block Kihyun's line of sight. "Everything is a-okay."

Kihyun furrows his eyebrows at Hyungwon. He doesn't believe him. "You're acting weird. What are you hiding?"

"Wha- I'm not hiding anything! Really," Hyungwon exclaims, unable to hide the smile fighting its way onto his lips.

He is hiding something. Minhyuk kissed him. And then told Hyungwon that he loves him.

- - -

Hyungwon ended up telling Kihyun everything that he wanted to know as they worked together to clean up the living area. Kihyun claims that he knew it all along, and Hyungwon can't disagree with that. Kihyun gives off an I know everything type of vibe.

"So, how was the kiss?" Kihyun asks absentmindedly, moving Hyungwon's pencils and pens and brushes into a pencil cup. "You didn't give many details about that part."

Hyungwon feels his face flush, heat rising to his cheeks within a matter of seconds. "It was..." Hyungwon stops to think. How does he describe a kiss (or two) that was... that perfect?

"Everything you pictured it'd be?" Kihyun tries to finish the thought for him, but Hyungwon shakes his head in reply, causing Kihyun to look at him in confusion.

"It was better than that," Hyungwon finally says, a grin never leaving his face even after he's spoken.

".... Yeah," Kihyun decides, nodding his head as he returns to cleaning. "You're definitely whipped."

- - -

"Wait, so..." Kihyun trails off and stops straightening things on Hyungwon's desk momentarily. "Why are we cleaning again?"

Hyungwon, deciding that the conversation has been much too serious for far too long, perks up with a joke. "Wow, I never thought I'd see the day when you'd question cleaning something."

Kihyun shoots Hyungwon a glare. "You know what I meant. Who are we cleaning for? Do you have family visiting or something?"

"Oh, right," Hyungwon laughs, "I forgot to tell you. Changkyun is coming."

Kihyun's eyes widen. "The... rapper friend that you told me about?"

Hyungwon nods in affirmation as he places Minhyuk's textbooks in a neat stack. "Yes, my rapper friend. He said he had urgent news, or something."

Kihyun allows himself to continue cleaning, distracting himself from the thought of meeting Changkyun. His name alone sounds sexy, he doesn't know anyone else named Changkyun.

Kihyun smiles as he rearranges the kitchen. He can't wait to meet him.

- - -

Unedited &&&&& again it's been awhile ahaha I know. Hopefully I can keep this story updated too ^·^

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2019 ⏰

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