13 - Only a Towel

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Hyungwon stretches out his limbs as he lies down on his bed, excited to finally take his afternoon nap. The walk back from Kihyun's dorm wasn't too far, but he's still tired nonetheless. As he's shutting his eyes to sleep, though, he hears a door open and then click shut. Great.

He opens his eyes and expects to see Minhyuk coming in through the dorm door from one of his classes, but Hyungwon is shocked to see the older walking into their shared room from the bathroom, a towel wrapped loosely around his waist.

Water droplets drip down the expanse of his torso, and Hyungwon's eyes follow a particular water droplet all the way down Minhyuk's lean abdomen. He tries to pull his eyes away, but he's finding himself mesmerized by the older boy's silky, honey-tinted skin.

His abs aren't predominant but they're definitely there, and Hyungwon has a hard time hiding the fact that he's definitely and openly staring. Minhyuk didn't look this way when they were younger.

"What are you staring at?"

Hyungwon gulps, eyes trailing back up to Minhyuk's face. Minhyuk looks slightly surprised, his eyebrows raised in a questioning manner. His blonde hair is still dripping wet, causing the water droplets Hyungwon was previously eyeing to roll down his body.

"I-I wasn't," Hyungwon stutters, sitting up quickly. Minhyuk lowers his eyebrows with a smirk. "You mean to tell me that that wasn't staring?"

No, Hyungwon thinks. It was admiring. I mean, no! No. It wasn't admiring. I don't like him.

"Yes," Hyungwon nods. "Wait, no? I don't know. I wasn't staring. I was just surprised that you were here."

Minhyuk laughs and it's a slightly husky, breathy laugh that makes Hyungwon's head spin.

"That makes two of us," Minhyuk muses, rummaging through his closet for clothes to put on. "I didn't know you were here, or I wouldn't have come out here in only a towel."

Part of Hyungwon's brain is wanting him to tell Minhyuk that it's okay, and that he can come out in only a towel everyday if he wants to, but the other half of him is screaming for him to go demand a room change immediately.

He's about to say something to make the situation less awkward, but Minhyuk has already gathered his clothes and left for the bathroom again before he can.

Hyungwon sighs dramatically and clutches his chest after he knows Minhyuk is out of earshot. He grabs his phone and immediately messages his friends about what just happened.

Hyungwon: Guys.

Changkyun: Ah, hyung?
Who is the other number
in the gc?

Kihyun: I'm Yoo Kihyun.
Who are you?

Changkyun: AH YOU'RE

Kihyun: ... Yes?

Changkyun: YOU'RE


Hyungwon: Guys? Something
kinda major just

Changkyun: Oh, what is it?

Kihyun: ^

Hyungwon: Minhyuk just
came out of the
shower in only
a towel

Changkyun: OOF

Kihyun: Did you two
get it on?

Hyungwon: What? No

Kihyun: Then why are
you telling us?

Hyungwon: It's just that
I was kinda
having trouble not
staring at him

Changkyun: WHAT

Kihyun: Finally
you realize it

Hyungwon: Realize what?

Kihyun: that you're

Changkyun: AHHHHHH

Changkyun: I THOUGHT ??

Changkyun: YOU SAID YOU

Kihyun: He doesn't


Kihyun: That's false

Kihyun: You're just
acting like you hate
him to cover up your feelings

Changkyun: Oh shit

Kihyun: Watch your
language, child

Changkyun: I'm not a child!! :(

Hyungwon stares at the text message from Kihyun. Am I really pretending to hate him? Or do I actually hate him?

Hyungwon: Since
when are you a
psychology major?
Get out of my face
about it

Changkyun: Hyung it's okay.
He's just trying to help you

Kihyun: The sooner you two stop
acting like you hate each other,
the sooner you two can date and
be cute and goals and stuff

Changkyun: I wanna be
goals with someone :(

Hyungwon: I've got homework
to do. Talk to you guys later

Hyungwon ignores the incoming messages as he locks his phone and rolls over in bed, shutting his eyes tightly as he tries to force sleep upon himself. If he sleeps, he doesn't have to think about any of this for a long while.

Minhyuk, on the other hand, is still in the bathroom panicking. He runs a shaky hand through his still slightly damp hair. Oh my God, Minhyuk thinks, gulping. He saw me in a towel. And I think I grossed him out or something.

He shakes his head as he hangs up his towel and exits the bathroom, now fully-clothed. It's just sweatpants and a t-shirt due to being done with classes for the day, but that doesn't stop Minhyuk from growing slightly self-concious about what had happened only ten minutes beforehand.

As he walks into their shared room, his eyes land upon Hyungwon lying down and facing away from him. Minhyuk imagines that the younger is asleep and doesn't want to wake him, so he settles for sitting down at his desk and quietly beginning his work.

Minhyuk reads over the directions on his sheet of instructions. It's only been a few days of class and they already have a paper due.

Our first project will be over something that doesn't require extensive research, but something that you already know well. Your prompt is as follows:

Write about something that makes you feel a lot of one emotion or a little of many emotions. There is no word limit.

Minhyuk swallows at the first thing that comes to his mind. He's sure that over half of the entires in his diary are already about the boy "sleeping" halfway across the room, but he picks up his pencil anyway and begins writing about his roommate.

roommates // hyunghyuk [monsta x]Where stories live. Discover now