5 - Kind of a Big Deal

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Hyungwon taps his foot against the ground, feeling slightly impatient. Though he's seated in a comfortable chair and he's been told that he'll be helped shortly, he can't help but remain a bit irritated. He's stuck rooming with someone that he hates, and now the school is having issues with getting his schedule worked out, too. 

"Chae Hyungwon?" The lady from behind the desk-whose name Hyungwon can't remember- calls out, and Hyungwon walks towards her. She smiles, although Hyungwon recognizes it right away as a fake one. 

"The Dean will see you now," She states, gesturing towards a door to her left. 

"Uh..." Hyungwon deadpans. "The Dean? I just need my schedule printed..."

"The Dean will see you now," She repeats, slightly firmer this time. Hyungwon nods as he accepts that there's no changing this woman's mind. He opens the door that the lady had gestured to, but is confused when his eyes land on someone that looks... younger than he had pictured?

When thinking of a Dean of a college, this is not what he expected.

The man behind the desk stands as Hyungwon enters, grinning from ear to ear. Jesus, Hyungwon thinks, Why is he so happy?

"Hyungwon!" The man exclaims, walking towards Hyungwon. The man shuts the door behind Hyungwon, and that's when Hyungwon notices it. He's kind of handsome.

"Have a seat," The Dean says, gesturing to the chair in front of his desk. Hyungwon obeys, sitting himself down. He waits for the Dean to say something, but he never does. He's staring at Hyungwon as if he's expecting him to start the conversation.

"So uh..." Hyungwon trails off, unsure of what to say. "Can I have my schedule? Or.."

"I actually wanted to talk to you a bit beforehand," The Dean says, leaning back in his chair slightly. "Oh! I'm Kim Seokjin, the Dean of the school. You probably already knew that, though. I'm pretty well-known among the students here. I'm kind of a big deal."

"Oh," Hyungwon responds, nodding slowly. He doesn't want him to know that he had no idea who he was before he introduced himself.

"You can call me Mr. Kim."

"Uh, okay, Mr. Kim. Can I have my schedule, please?"

"I don't know, can you?" Mr. Kim questions, raising his eyebrows as he waits for a reaction out of the younger. It doesn't come.

"Uh... I don't know, that's kinda what I came here for, so-"

"No, no, just... Never mind." Mr. Kim seems disappointed that Hyungwon didn't catch onto what he was saying. "Anyways, before I give you your schedule, I just wanted to congratulate you on your scholarship reward. Only three students received full rides, and you're one of them!"

Hyungwon smiles. "Yeah! Thank you, I definitely couldn't be here without that."

"As soon as I saw your portfolio, I knew you deserved a full ride. You're so talented!" Mr. Kim explains, and Hyungwon feels slightly honored that someone thinks so highly of his art, but slightly weirded out that it's coming from someone that doesn't look very much older than himself.

"Thank you," Hyungwon mumbles, suddenly feeling a bit shy. He usually doesn't get nervous, but he usually doesn't receive much praise for his artwork, either. 

Mr. Kim hands Hyungwon a sheet of paper which he assumes is his schedule. As Hyungwon looks over it, he feels himself start to grin. He's in all the art classes that he registered for!

"Thank you so much!" He exclaims, smiling over at Mr. Kim. 

"You're welcome! I'll always be here if you have any kind of issues at all. My door is always open for you," Mr. Kim says. Upon hearing the word 'issues' come out of Mr. Kim's mouth, Hyungwon's mind automatically flies to Minhyuk and his smile falters.

"Speaking of issues," Hyungwon starts, folding his schedule up and sliding it into his pocket as he continues. "Is there any way that I could get a room change?"

Mr. Kim raises his eyebrows, a shocked expression etched onto his face. "A room change?! Why do you want a room change?"

Hyungwon didn't expect to receive such a harsh response to his request. "I'm sorry, I just really don't think I can handle living with my roommate."

"Wha- You don't like Minhyuk?" 

"How..." Hyungwon trails off. "How did you know his name?"

"I know all," Mr. Kim says seriously. Hyungwon gives him a confused look. "Okay... but, can I switch rooms or something? Or could you move him somewhere else? That would probably be better, actually."

"I'm afraid I can't, yet. We have a strict first week rule here," Mr. Kim says, leaning forward in his seat. As Hyungwon is about to ask what the hell a 'first week' rule is, Mr. Kim begins explaining.

"When I was a freshman, I was in your same position. I met my roommate, decided that I absolutely hated him, and then asked for a room change. After the Dean, at that time of course, explained that for the first week there was no switching, I tried to get to know my roommate. We ended up hitting it off after a couple of days! Then," Mr. Kim continues, staring deeply at a spot on the wall behind Hyungwon. "I realized just how much I love Joonie, I-I mean, how good of friends Namjoon and I could be... and yeah. The end. That's all for that."

Hyungwon tries to process everything that was just said to him. "So," He starts, rubbing at his eyes with the back of his hand. "I can't switch until next week, is what you're saying?" 

"Yes. That's exactly what I just said."

Hyungwon wonders why the elder couldn't have just said that, instead of rambling on about his old roommate. "Okay..."

"Just, try to get along! After all, Minhyuk also received a full ride scholarship. I'm sure you'll both have a lot to talk about!"

"What?!" Hyungwon exclaims, standing up from his seat. Mr. Kim is shocked at his reaction. "Minhyuk got a full ride?? He doesn't even like art! He always hated my paintings!"

"He's a brilliant writer. After reading his essay, all of the staff members were geniunely moved."

"I-I seriously can't believe this," Hyungwon sighs, shaking his head. "This is going to be the longest week of my entire life."

"Just grin and bear it!" Mr. Kim exclaims, walking behind Hyungwon's seat and clamping a supportive hand down on his shoulder. "You can do it, kid! Who knows? Maybe you two will end up hitting it off like my old roommate and I."

Sorry guys this was messy and I wasn't sure how to end it but here it is

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