4 - Is He Hot?

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"You've got to be kidding me!" Hyungwon exclaims, mentally restraining himself from reaching up to pull his hair out.

"There's no way I'm rooming with you," Hyungwon adds simply, finally looking Minhyuk in the eye once more. The blonde boy nods, looking just as annoyed as Hyungwon now that the shock has worn off.

"I agree," Minhyuk mutters, shaking his head.

"Well, glad we're in agreement," Hyungwon bites, slamming the door shut in Minhyuk's face. The older blonde boy shouts, pounding a fist on the door.

"Hey!" Minhyuk calls out. "You can't lock me out of my own room, dumbass!"

"I just fucking did!" Hyungwon shouts back, stalking back down the hallway and into the room with the two beds. He hears the the door open, though, and spins around.

"How did you get in?" Hyungwon asks, dumbfounded as Minhyuk shuts the door behind himself and starts unlacing his shoes.

"I have a key, idiot."

Oh. Shit. Yeah, Hyungwon forgot about that.

"Well, what are you still doing in here?" Hyungwon questions angrily, the annoyance that he felt only moments ago suddenly making a reappearance. "Can't you go ask for a room change or something?"

"Can't you just go ask for a room change or something?" Minhyuk spits back, rolling his eyes as he plops down onto his made bed. "I worked hard to set up and organize my side of the room. I'm not just going to move everything somewhere else to make you happy."

Hyungwon rolls his eyes as hard as he possibly can, hoping Minhyuk catches it and will become more annoyed, sitting down on his own bed.

"Well, I worked hard, too, and I don't want to move all of my stuff, either, just so that you aren't inconvenienced."

Minhyuk shakes his head and takes out his phone, grabbing his earphones from the desk and plugging them into the headphone jack. Before placing them inside his ears, he glances at Hyungwon with a hateful look.

"Guess we're roomies, then."

Who knew that such an innocent statement could come out so angrily and bitter?

"Guess so," Hyungwon mutters. He stands up from his bed and angrily walks past Minhyuk's to get to the door. I can't fucking believe this is happening,  he thinks, shaking his head as he pushes the luggage cart from earlier out the door.

- - -

As Hyungwon is walking back to his dorm room, his phone buzzes repeatedly with a call. Sighing, he fishes it out of his pocket and presses it to his ear after seeing his friend's name flash across the screen. "Hello?"

"Hyung? Are you busy?"

"No, I'm not busy, just fucking annoyed out of my mind," Hyungwon mutters. "I was just about to call you, actually."

"What's wrong?" Changkyun asks through the line, already sounding more concerned than usual. "Did you leave something here?"

"No, I didn't- wait, actually... yeah, I did, but that's not what's wrong." Hyungwon sits down on one of the many colorful benches outside of the dorm building. "I just can't believe this is happening."

"Hyung, what is it? I really want to know now!" Changkyun exclaims, and Hyungwon imagines that he's probably bouncing up and down in his seat with excitement. As Hyungwon is about to start explaining, he hears Changkyun yell, "Spill the tea!"

"What..." Hyungwon trails off, bringing a hand up to rub at his face. "I seriously can't handle you, kid. Where did you even hear that?"

"Jooheonie hyung! He said that it means the same thing as like... 'spill the beans' or whatever... Sorry, I thought it would be fit for this situation-"

"It's fine," Hyungwon cuts him off, knowing that Changkyun has a tendency to ramble. "Just... anyways, I found out who my roommate is."

"Who is it?! Is he hot?!" Changkyun is excited, Hyungwon can feel his energy radiating through the phone. 

"It's fucking Lee Minhyuk."

"Oh... is he hot?" 

"Changkyun... it's my old best friend, Lee Minhyuk," Hyungwon explains, hoping to get the younger boy's mind back on the right track. It's silent for a moment, and then the younger pipes back up.

"Okay, but... Is he hot?" 

"I'm hanging up," Hyungwon says, shaking his head.

"No! Wait, hyung! I'm sorry," Changkyun apologizes. 

Hyungwon begins speaking before he can stop himself. "I didn't even recognize him at first. He used to have dark hair like mine, it was even that way at graduation! It's only been like, what, two months since high school ended? And now he's gone and bleached his hair and-"

"He bleached his hair?" Changkyun cuts in, and Hyungwon nods. When remembering that he can't be seen by the younger boy, he speaks up. "Yeah. He looks completely different."

"That's hot," Changkyun mumbles, and Hyungwon lets out another deep sigh. 

"What? You know I have a thing for colored hair, don't judge," Changkyun mutters, causing Hyungwon to laugh. "It's not even colored! It's just super light!"


"I'm actually hanging up now. I have to go get my class schedule since it all starts tomorrow," Hyungwon states, watching as a bird lands on the ground not too far from him. It's a pretty red color, deep like a rose. The bird chirps and, though it probably wasn't directed at him, Hyungwon smiles back at it. Hyungwon likes red.

"Okay, hyung. Let me know if anything happens!" 

"Will do," Hyungwon responds, ending the call with a goodbye. He sighs (for like the seventeenth time already in this story) as he stands from the bench, heading to the front desk to get his schedule.

Hyungwon swears a lot lmao I'm sorry about that guys

roommates // hyunghyuk [monsta x]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz