10 - Good Boy

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Hyungwon sits up in bed, groaning at the pounding in his head. He refuses to open his eyes, knowing that the light seeping in through the closed curtains will still be all too much for him. Why does my head hurt so badly? 

As Hyungwon is about to lay back down, he hears a door open and then shut. He forces himself to open one eye, wincing at how bright everything seems. He hears feet padding across the carpet towards him, but everything is blurry and he can't understand what's happening. He groans. 

"Hyungwon? Are you okay?"

He recognizes Minhyuk's voice immediately and he forces himself to nod. He wants to tell Minhyuk to buzz off out of habit, but he's scared that if he opens his mouth he'll vomit everywhere.

"Hey, here." Minhyuk's voice is quiet and gentle. Hyungwon appreciates that. He finally opens both eyes and sees his roommate hovering over him, a washcloth in one hand and a glass in the other.

"Lay back down for now, I checked your schedule and you don't have anywhere to be today," Minhyuk says, pushing Hyungwon gently back down onto the bed. "You drank too much too quickly last night," He adds, pressing a damp washcloth to the younger's head, causing Hyungwon to sigh and shut his eyes. After a moment, Minhyuk speaks up again. 

"I went to the store to get you some pain killers. Do you think you could take some for me?"

Hyungwon would normally ask why the older was being so nice to him, but he simply opens his eyes back up and nods again. He's growing used to the sunlight now, but that doesn't stop the aching in his head. 

He notices that Minhyuk is in gray sweatpants and a blue hoodie, and with his whitish hair, Hyungwon thinks that he resembles Jack Frost. It's cute. I mean, Jack Frost is cute, not Minhyuk. I don't like Minhyuk.

"Here." Minhyuk is holding out his hand and two pills lay in his palm. He hands the glass of water to Hyungwon along with the medication, but Hyungwon just stares at the pills. 

"Can you take them, Wonie?"

Hyungwon feels something flutter in his stomach. It's probably just from the alcohol. Not from being called an old nickname.

Hyungwon sits up and swallows the medicine with the water, earning a smile from Minhyuk. "Good boy," He praises, and Hyungwon tries not to widen his eyes. Why did I like that?

Hyungwon opens his mouth to respond but immediately shuts it, still feeling nauseous and not quite knowing what to say, anyway. Minhyuk understands and gently pushes him back down until he's lying down again. Hyungwon suddenly feels the urge to pull Minhyuk down into the bed with him and never let him leave and hug him forever. He doesn't know why. He doesn't like Minhyuk.

"Just rest, okay? I'll be right over here if you need me," Minhyuk says, pointing at his own side of the room. Hyungwon nods and closes his eyes, trying to will himself to sleep.

- - -

Hyungwon opens his eyes and doesn't groan this time. His headache has let up tremendously. He looks around the room to find it empty, causing him to feel a surprising pang of sadness. Where is Minhyuk?

Hyungwon sits up and rubs the sleep out of his eyes. He grabs his phone and checks the time. 2:30. Not bad. He's still got time to eat a late lunch. 

He stands up and almost falls over, grabbing the chair at his desk to steady himself. "Fuck," He mumbles, feeling slightly dizzy. He hears his stomach growl and suddenly wishes that his mother were here to make him something.

After he feels as though he can walk on his own, Hyungwon makes his way to the bathroom and checks himself in the mirror. There are dark bags under his eyes and his hair is a mess from sleep. He's still in the same clothes from last night.

Wait. Last night... what had happened last night? The last thing that Hyungwon can remember is seeing people do body shots in a kitchen. Did I do body shots? He wonders, hoping to God that he didn't.

As the tall boy is walking to the kitchen he hears the door to the dorm open and close. He's rummaging through the cabinet when Minhyuk walks in, setting down his bookbag on the table. He's changed clothes since the last time Hyungwon saw him this morning. Now he's in an oversized red sweater and light-washed jeans. He can't help but admire the older boy. (Hyungwon likes red. Not Minhyuk. He just likes the color red). 

(A/N: LMAO he wishes it was just the color red that he likes).

"I brought you some food," Minhyuk says, unzipping his backpack. "I was walking back from class and figured you'd probably be hungry."

Hyungwon wants to grin and hug the older, but he knows that they don't like each other and that would be weird. He doesn't like Minhyuk.

"Thank you," He says instead, walking to where Minhyuk is standing at the table and taking the small bag from the blonde. 

"You're welcome," Minhyuk says, zipping his backpack back up. "But this doesn't mean that we're friends again, okay? Don't get the wrong idea. I'm just being civil until this week is over."

Hyungwon furrows his eyebrows at the older's statement. Wasn't he just taking care of him earlier today?

"But, earlier you were being so nice?"

"Just forget about that, alright? I just had to make sure you were okay because we both know that you wouldn't have taken care of yourself," Minhyuk states, throwing his bag back over his shoulder and walking out of the kitchen.

"Wait," Hyungwon calls, following after him down the hall. "Were you at the party last night? I don't remember seeing you at all."

Minhyuk stares back at him for a moment, deciding on what to say to the younger. He already almost gave his feelings away today when taking care of Hyungwon- he just couldn't help it. The younger has his whole heart in his hands and at any given moment he could just snap it in two-

"Were you there?" Hyungwon repeats, bringing Minhyuk out of his train of thought.

"Yeah, I was," Minhyuk trails off, glancing at the floor as he remembers the way that he acted the night before. He only had one drink- just enough to make him buzzed- and had gotten a feeling to make Hyungwon jealous. He doesn't know why he made out with a guy that he has no real feelings for in the first place. He just wanted to see how Hyungwon would react.

"Are you sure you don't remember seeing me there?" Minhyuk questions, trying to see if Hyungwon is lying or genuinely doesn't remember trying to pick a fight with the most built guy at school over Minhyuk.

"I really don't remember," Hyungwon answers truthfully, sighing as he shakes his head. "I really wish that I could, though."

Minhyuk nods, letting it sink in that Hyungwon really doesn't remember acting the way that he did. "I have to get to my next class," The older says, not waiting on a response from Hyungwon and heading to the door. He steals one last glance at the younger as he walks out the door.

Hyungwon stands in the doorway, both confused and still hungry. I have to talk to Kihyun and find out what happened last night.

roommates // hyunghyuk [monsta x]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن