6 - Roasted

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Hyungwon sulks back to his dorm room, preparing himself to face his old best friend once more. Though it's only his first day here, he's already finding himself wanting to go back home. The tall boy inserts his key into the door and pushes it open, not caring if he disrupts anyone. He shuts the door behind him just as carelessly, sliding his shoes off as he walks into the room.

Hyungwon lets out a sigh of relief as he doesn't see Minhyuk, plopping down onto his own bed. It's seconds later when he hears a yelp from the kitchen, causing his eyes to widen. Should he help? Should he just pretend like he didn't hear anything? When he hears Minhyuk groan in pain again, though, he opts to help.

Hyungwon scrambles off of his bed and into the kitchen, his eyes landing on Minhyuk clutching his wrist in pain. The oven door is still wide open. Minhyuk finally realizes that Hyungwon is standing in the doorway, just staring as he holds onto his injured hand.

"What did you do?" Hyungwon asks, partly thinking that that's what Minhyuk gets for being such an ass to him years ago, and partly thinking that he should be a little more considerate since the older is hurt.

"I burnt myself," Minhyuk winces, still holding onto his wrist. "What does it look like I did?"

"If you want my help, don't be such a smartass," Hyungwon mutters, walking towards Minhyuk and grabbing him by the shoulder, leading him towards the sink.

He turns the cold water on, glancing over at Minhyuk's hand. It's not too bad, but it's definitely not going to feel great for a while.

"Put your hand under the water," Hyungwon orders, walking back over to the oven and shutting it carefully. He turns the heat off and sighs upon seeing Minhyuk still standing in front of the sink with his hands still dry.

"Will it hurt?" Minhyuk asks, gulping at the thought of more pain than he's already experiencing at the moment.

"I don't know? Just put your damn hand under the water. It will help," Hyungwon states, waiting for Minhyuk to listen. He finally does, wincing at first as the water comes into contact with his burn, but eventually sighing as the stinging goes away.

Hyungwon grabs a clean dish towel out of the drawer and turns the faucet off, handing the towel to Minhyuk. The oldest dries his hand off carefully, handing it back to Hyungwon hesitantly. "Why are you being nice to me?" He questions, unsure of the motive behind his old best friend's actions. 

"I can't get a room change for at least another week, so for the next six days I'm going to try and be civil," Hyungwon states, already starting to walk out of the kitchen. He turns back to look at Minhyuk once more before he leaves. "But that doesn't mean that we're friends. So don't get any ideas. I still haven't forgotten about what you did."

"What?" Minhyuk exclaims, a little bit louder than he had expected his voice to sound. "What are you talking about? What did I ever do to you?"

"Oh, please." Hyungwon rolls his eyes, shaking his head. "Don't even try to pull that card and act like you don't fucking remember." 

"What-? I don't remember doing anything! You're the one that caused all of this!" Minhyuk yells, shoving past Hyungwon, obviously hurt. The older's shoulder bumps against the younger's as he stalks back into their shared room, still clutching his injured hand against his chest. 

"Whatever," Hyungwon mutters, not having anything else to say, anyway. If his mother had heard him talking to someone who is technically older than him the way that he is now, he'd be smacked across the room. Good thing she's not here to hear it. 

Hyungwon follows Minhyuk into their room, ignoring the older's presence and settling down at his desk to do some kind of artwork to take his mind off of how bad of a day it's been. 

He ignores the urge to look over at Minhyuk and see if he's alright, using that emotion that he feels in the moment to brush across his canvas instead. It's all a mix of orange and red as he works, but he doesn't mind. 

On the other side of the room, Minhyuk is also hard at work in expressing himself. He's seated on his bed so that the younger won't look at what he's currently writing in his notebook. Thank God it was the hand that he doesn't favor that got burnt instead of his good one. He starts writing down everything that he's feeling in the moment:

My chest burns as I watch you paint. It's a feeling that I can't quite express without comparing it to something, so I guess I'll try that out. Out of the billions and billions of people on this planet, I fell in love with you. It wasn't my choice, that's just the way that it happened. That's the way that love goes. There's nothing that I can do about that now, though, because after that one summer when you started ignoring my texts and my calls and wanted nothing to do with me anymore, my feelings started to lessen for you. Eventually, we stopped speaking all together, the small talk completely gone and replaced with silent glares. 

I was fine with that. If it made you happy to cut me out of your life, I was fine with that. But, now here you are, sitting across from me painting in red and orange, and you expect me not to fall for you all over again? How is that fair? How is it fair that I have to sit here and watch you look so mesmerizing as you swirl colors together to form your own kind of art? Is this some kind of cruel joke?

The universe is unfair.

It's at that moment that Minhyuk looks up from his notebook, noticing that Hyungwon has stopped painting. The younger's head is against his arm on the desk, eyes shut softly and dark hair swooped across his forehead. Minhyuk would give anything to reach out and touch his soft locks, to apologize for any misunderstandings that the other has. But he doesn't. He shuts his notebook instead, shutting off the light and laying down to sleep. He doesn't want to disturb the younger.

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