8 - PaRtY pOoPeR

603 50 44

Hyunwoo: Hyungwon,
please answer me.

Hyunwoo: I know
you're upset, and
I'm so sorry. I really
really messed up.

Hyunwoo: Please
just give me another
chance to make it up
to you

Hyungwon: I have nothing
to say to you.

Hyungwon sighs as he rubs his eyes with his hand, looking over his last messages with Hyunwoo. He finally replied, but now he partly wishes that he wouldn't have sent anything in reply at all. 

"You okay?"

It's Kihyun who is snapping fingers in front of his face, drawing Hyungwon's attention away from his phone and towards the shorter boy sitting across from him. Hyungwon nods, locking his phone and putting it away. "Yeah."

"That's probably the most unbelievable 'yeah' I've ever heard, but alright, big guy," Kihyun says, taking another bite of his pizza slice. He gestures towards Hyungwon's plate of untouched food. "Why don't you eat something? It will help with your low energy."

Hyungwon is silent for a moment, but eventually nods, knowing that if he denies the older will continue pestering him to eat. Though he's only known Kihyun for a total of three and a half hours at most, Hyungwon can tell that Kihyun has a very mother-like personality. 

The cafeteria isn't as busy as Hyungwon had thought it would be. He doesn't know what exactly he was expecting, but it definitely wasn't this. There are several tables scattered throughout the room with various students sitting at each one. The chatter is kept at a reasonable sound level, though, which Hyungwon is very grateful for.

"Is it good?" Kihyun asks, referring to Hyungwon's food. Hyungwon nods once more, still slightly in a daze from having to get up so early and still partly an emotional wreck from everything that happened with Hyunwoo. (And still pretty annoyed out of his mind that he's stuck with Minhyuk as a roommate for the rest of the week).

"Do you want to hang out today?" Kihyun questions, causing Hyungwon to look up at him with curious eyes. He wants to hang out with me? I didn't think I'd make friends.

"Uh yeah, that'd be cool, I guess," Hyungwon says, nodding as he takes another bite. I can't believe someone wants to hang out with me.

"You're really tense, dude. You need to let loose," The older says, smirking as an idea suddenly hits him. "You need to get drunk. Get wasted. Safely, though, of course."

Hyungwon furrows his eyebrows. "I don't think that's a good idea. I'd rather just sleep my problems away."

"I don't think so. There's a first-of-the-year party tonight. Freshmen usually aren't allowed, but since you're with me, they won't mind," Kihyun winks, laughing at whatever expression is on Hyungwon's face. 

The younger's always had a slight issue with that, his emotions always being readable. Most of the time he doesn't even realize that he's making a face unless someone points it out to him.

"I really don't know if that's a good idea," Hyungwon repeats, eating the last of his pizza as he follows Kihyun out of the cafeteria. 

"Hyungwon, you're in college now. You're an adult. Live it up a little!" Kihyun encourages, nudging him in the side with his elbow. "C'mon, I'll be there, I'm sure there will be lots of other attractive people there...  It's a win-win."

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