9 - Empty Cups

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Hyungwon stands in front of the frat house's front door, trying to decide if he should knock or just walk in. Would it be weird if I knocked?

He can hear the rhythm of some rap song that he doesn't recognize thumping against the speakers through the closed door. Eventually he opts to just walk in, deciding that he's had enough time to gather himself in the cool night air.

As Hyungwon pushes the door open, he's unsurprised to see empty red cups littering the walkway. There's a long hallway leading to what he assumes is where the action is at. He made sure to arrive about thirty minutes late as Kihyun had mentioned, not wanting to seem weird at his very first party. 

He's about to slide his shoes off at the door out of habit, but when seeing no other pairs of shoes around, he opts to keep his on. He closes the door, starting to walk down the hallway and trying not to trip on the various cans and cups on the ground. 

As he enters the kitchen, his eyes widen slightly. Can a kitchen hold this many people?

There's at least fifteen college kids surrounding a table and Hyungwon can register that there is in fact someone lying down on top of it. Oh. Hyungwon shakes his head, quickly deciding that this room is in fact too crowded and not the room for him.


The tall boy spins around as he's beginning to head for the backdoor to get some air and possibly go back to his dorm room. Kihyun is grinning at him, though, bouncing up and down in place slightly. "I'm glad you came!"

"Yeah," Hyungwon says, nodding. Kihyun giggles as he walks towards Hyungwon, causing the taller of the two to give him a confused glance. 

"Are you already drunk?" He asks unsurely, glancing down skeptically at the purple-headed. 

KIhyun nods, grinning up at him. "I'm not drunk."

"You just... okay," Hyungwon trails off, growing slightly uncomfortable with the sight of his friend drunk. He's a mess, contradicting every statement that he says.

"D'you want a drink?" Kihyun asks, gesturing towards the kitchen. 

"Ah..." Hyungwon peers over Kihyun's shoulder once more to see if people are still doing body shots. They are. "I think I'll pass. I'd rather not go back in there unless absolutely necessary."

"I'll go make you a drink. You just wait wherever and I'll come find you," KIhyun states, starting to turn away. "Any allergies?"

"Uh, not that I know of," Hyungwon responds, already turning the handle on the back door. Kihyun says something in response but Hyungwon is no longer listening as he's halfway out the door.

He sighs as he feels a cool breeze brush across his skin. He's in his ripped black skinny jeans and a loose gray tee, but the coolness doesn't really bother him much. Hyungwon notices that it's much less crowded out here, the only other company being some couple making out in the corner. 

He's about to pull his eyes away from him when he notices something. 

Holy shit. That's Minhyuk.

Hyungwon watches with wide eyes from beside the door as his roommate is making out with another guy. Wha- Minhyuk likes guys, too?

Hyungwon feels something burning in his chest as the very built man that Minhyuk is currently kissing brings his hands to the blonde's hips. Minhyuk brings his hands up to the built man's chest, and Hyungwon swears that he's going to explode. He doesn't know why. 

He's about to walk over to the two and pull them apart as Kihyun appears beside him suddenly. 

"I brought you a drink!" He chirps, holding out his hand and offering a red cup to Hyungwon. Hyungwon takes it from the older boy's hand suddenly, downing it in one chug. He ignores the immense burn that he feels and uses that to hype himself more. He's going to go up to them.

"Wha- Is this your first time drinking, or-"

"Isn't this stuff supposed to give you some kind of buzz?" Hyungwon asks, angry that his roommate is kissing someone and angry that he feels no sort of buzz like all the movies say. "Go get me another one."

"Uh, I think you should maybe wait a few more minutes and let this one hit you first-"

"Go get another one."

Kihyun leaves with wide eyes to get Hyungwon another cup after hearing the demanding tone in the younger's voice. Hyungwon sighs and cracks his fingers as he thinks of how to approach his roommate. What will he say? Wait, wait, why is he even approaching them in the first place? What is he doing?

As Hyungwon is about to back out, Kihyun is beside him with another cup. Hyungwon takes it and begins drinking it again, the burn not as strong this time.

"I really think you should slow down, Hyungwon-"

"Who is that guy that Minhyuk's with?" Hyungwon questions, his voice rough from drinking so quickly. Kihyun glances over at the two men still making out near the corner of the backyard of the frat house.

"Oh, I think that's Lee Hoseok, the guy over the frat house. He goes by Wonho, though," The purple-haired informs, taking a tentative sip of his own drink. Kihyun's mother-like instincts have kicked in, causing him to watch Hyungwon like a hawk. He notices the way that the younger is slightly puffing out his chest in what Kihyun assumes is an attempt to look stronger.

When Hyungwon doesn't respond and only glares at the two in the corner, Kihyun starts to understand. "Why do you ask?" He questions anyway, even though he thinks he already knows how Hyungwon is feeling.

"I-I was just wondering who he was," Hyungwon dismisses. "I'm about to beat his ass, though."

Kihyun scoffs. "You? Beat his ass? I don't think so."

"Watch me," Hyungwon mutters, tossing his empty cup to the ground carelessly as he stalks towards the two in the corner.

"Hyungwon! NO!"

The younger doesn't listen and is already halfway across the yard when he catches Minhyuk's eye. The blond turns his attention back to Wonho, kissing him noticeably harder than before. Hyungwon is outraged. He taps on Wonho's shoulder.

"Excuse me?" He questions, causing Minhyuk and Wonho to pull apart. They both turn around to fully face him. Wonho laughs, glancing over at Minhyuk with an amused expression.

"This is him?"

Minhyuk's face flushes as he whacks the built man's shoulder. Hyungwon is confused, but mad all the same. Is mad really the word that he's looking for? 

"Seriously," Wonho says, glancing between Hyungwon and Minhyuk. "This is the guy you won't shut up about?"

Hyungwon furrows his eyebrows. This isn't what he expected. He doesn't know what he expected, actually. 

Hyungwon feels a hand on his shoulder, and he looks down to see Kihyun standing next to him. "What are you doing?" He asks the older, pushing his hand off. Minhyuk is glaring at Kihyun.

"Saving your ass," Kihyun mutters, rolling his eyes as he grabs Hyungwon by the elbow. "I'm sorry, this is his first party and he doesn't really know how to act yet."

Hyungwon wants to protest, but Kihyun is dragging him back into the house before he can get another word out. "What the fuck?" He questions the older, tearing out of his grip. "Why did you make me leave?"

"Wha- He was gonna beat your ass, Hyungwon! You're lanky, he's built. He's respected around here, you're a freshman. You need to learn your place quickly," Kihyun lectures, shaking his head. "If you get into a fight like that, you'll lose your scholarship."

"We weren't gonna fight." 

"...You were."

"Whatever," Hyungwon mutters, feeling a buzzing start to travel through his veins. "I just got mad seeing Minhyuk with that built-ass guy."

Kihyun smirks, causing Hyungwon to glare at him. "What?" He barks, not enjoying the look the older is giving him.

"You're whipped." 

"I'm anything but that. I am jealous, however, of people that are sleeping right now. I'm going back to the dorm and back to bed, where I should have stayed."

roommates // hyunghyuk [monsta x]Where stories live. Discover now