15 - Love Isn't Always on Time

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Hyungwon bolts across campus, ignoring the strange looks he's receiving from other students. He's never been much of the sporty type, so he has to stop multiple times to catch his breath.

"Fuck," The lanky boy mutters, out of breath and only halfway back to his dorm. He begins jogging instead of running, hoping that the change in pace will give his lungs a break. The only thing keeping the adrenaline pumping through his veins is the thought of Minhyuk accepting his confession and for their rocky past to be behind them.

Upon reaching the outisde of his dorm room, though, Hyungwon sighs with a heavy breath and begins rummaging through his pockets for the key.


What the hell am I even doing? Hyungwon thinks, giving up on searching for his key and resting his forehead against the cool grain of his shared dorm door.

I can't tell him that I can't stop thinking about him. That'd be fucking weird.

Hyungwon gulps and, after moments of debate, decides to just read the room, and if the atmosphere is right, he'll tell Minhyuk his real feelings. (He's really praying that the atmosphere isn't right. Telling Minhyuk won't be easy). ((He's also praying that Minhyuk won't mind receiving a sweaty confession)).

Hyungwon pushes the door open slowly and immediately wishes that he hadn't. Minhyuk is mouth-to-mouth with someone that Hyungwon doesn't recognize.

Upon further inspection from the doorway, Hyungwon eyes the intruder in the room. Though Hyungwon can only see the huge expanse of the stranger's back, he has enough sense to know who Minhyuk is playing tonsil hockey with.

Hyungwon feels a burning in his throat as he tries not to cry, silently shutting the door back and fighting the urge to let a small tear roll down his cheek as he steps away from the frame of the door.

I should've fucking demanded the room change.

- - - 

Standing on the doorstep of his ex-boyfriend's house, Hyunwoo shifts his weight between his feet nervously. He's almost never nervous. This is an exception. 

Hyunwoo lets out a breath that he hadn't realized he was holding, and knocks on the door sharply, three times. He swallows hard at the thought of what he's about to do. He doesn't care if he has to lie about his feelings to get back in Hyungwon's pants, he'll do it.

The door opens, a woman looking to be in her 50's standing in the doorway. She looks confused upon seeing Hyunwoo, probably because they were never formally introduced. She opens her mouth to probably ask about who is on her doorstep, but Hyunwoo beats her to it.

"I'm Hyunwoo," He says, reaching out a hand for her to shake. "We've never formally met, but I'm a good friend of your son, Hyungwon."

After hearing her son's name, Hyungwon's mother shakes Hyunwoo's hand eagerly and gestures for him to come inside. "Come in! Any friend of Hyungwon's is a friend of mine."

Hyunwoo sits down on the couch he knows all too well. This is the couch where he would tease Hyungwon to no end on, the couch where they would play when Hyungwon's mother wasn't around. 

"So, what brings you by? You know Hyungwon isn't here, right?" Hyungwon's mother questions, pulling Hyunwoo out of his thoughts. 

"Oh, right," He starts, laughing slightly to ease his nerves. "I guess I'll just get right to it." Hyunwoo looks up to Hyungwon's mother with earnest eyes. 

"I made a really big mistake."

Hyungwon's mother looks at Hyunwoo, confused.

"A mistake?" She questions, furrowing her eyebrows at Hyunwoo.

"Yes. I made a mistake... With your son."

"W-with Hyungwon? What do you mean?" Hyungwon's mother asks, more confused now than when this conversation had first begun. Before any more progress can be made with Hyunwoo's plan, however, there are footsteps trotting down the stairs and someone is walking into the living room.

The new entrancee to the room looks at Hyunwoo, confused, before asking: "Mrs. Chae, who is he?"

Hyungwon's mother is about to answer, but Hyunwoo does first. "Who are you?"

Hyunwoo's eyes rake up and down the other guy's body. He's fit, slightly on the shorter side. Good looking enough, but, how does he know Hyungwon? And why is here right now? He looks too young for Mrs. Chae.

"I'm Changkyun... Who are you? Hyungwon isn't here. I'm just here helping clean the rest of his mess up that he left."

Changkyun. Hyungwon's close friend. "I'm Hyunwoo."

Changkyun's eyes widen to the size of saucers. Holy shit, he thinks, that's my best friend's ex boyfriend.

"You need to get him out of here! Now!" Changkyun exclaims, rushing over to Hyungwon's mother and pulling her up to her feet and off of the couch. "He was a total dick to Hyungwon and Hyungwon doesn't like him anymore!"

Hyunwoo swallows hard, completely and utterly dreading saying what he's about to say. He has to save this situation somehow.

"I love him." The words flow off his tongue easily and, although he's only saying them to get back with Hyungwon and get in good with his mother, they seem almost believable.

Hyungwon's mother is silent for what seems to be hours. (In reality, it was about nine seconds of silence). Changkyun remains stood rooted to the spot, his arm still looped through Mrs. Chae's elbow.

"I don't trust him," Changkyun finally whispers, glancing over at Mrs. Chae with a worried expression on his face. They exchange knowing glances, which only worries Hyunwoo further.

"When Hyungwon told me he came out to you..." Hyunwoo starts, clearing his throat slightly. "I got scared. I didn't want to be outed, too. And-"

"Hold on," Mrs. Chae interrupts Hyunwoo. "So... you didn't want to commit to my son, is what you're saying?"

"That's not it at all, I just-"

"I think I've heard enough," Mrs. Chae declares, crossing her arms across her chest. "Get out of my house and please don't come back."

Changkyun almost laughs, but disguises it as a cough instead. He jerks his head back towards the door when Hyunwoo remains seated. "You heard her pal, get outta here."

Hyunwoo reluctantly stands, walking towards the door and past the two still standing. "I'm sorry," Hyunwoo tries, turning around once more.

"Sorry doesn't make me want you with my son. Guy or girl, I don't care who it is, but they better truly love my son and expect the same in return from him. You don't love my Hyungwonnie."

Changkyun wants to yell about how savage Mrs. Chae is, but he keeps it to himself.

Hyunwoo leaves without another glance, too embarrassed to say anything else. As the door closes behind him, Changkyun begins laughing hysterically. "Holy shit! That was awesome!"

Sorry for the late update, school has been kicking my butt lately lmao. Hope you enjoy and get ready for this story to get saucy

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