17 - That Escalated Quickly

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*uhh slight nsfw warning for this chapter ? Y'all wanted it and I'm here to deliver it so-

Hyungwon walks back to his dorm room after talking with Kihyun, feeling a bit more relief about the situation. The older always knows the right things to say to him to smooth things over, even when Hyungwon feels like nothing is working out.

As Hyungwon's approaching his dormitory building and is honestly dreading entering it, he feels his phone buzzing in his pocket. He pulls it out, slowing his pace upon seeing Kkungkkungie flash across the screen.

"Hello?" Hyungwon answers, sitting down on the bench outside. Ironically, it's the same bench that he sat on during his phone call with Changkyun on his first day here.

"Hyung," Changkyun lets out, sounding out of breath. "Thank God you answered."

Hyungwon furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "Are you alright?" He asks, leaning forward on the bench. "Why are you out of breath?"

"I ran," Changkyun pants, "all the way to the bus stop."

"You- what? Why?" Hyungwon questions, feeling slightly guilty for panging the younger with so many questions, but curious all the same.

"It's... a lot to explain. I'll tell you what happened once I get there," Changkyun states, and Hyungwon's eyes widen.

"Here? You're coming to my school?"

"Mhm, is that a problem? This is really important, hyung," Changkyun whines. "And I'm already on the bus."

Hyungwon sighs, rubbing his forehead. "That's fine. When will you be here?"

"Probably around 6:30 tonight, you didn't exactly pick a school close to home..."

Hyungwon nods, forgetting that he can't be seen over phone. Changkyun starts talking again before he has a chance to speak up and correct himself. "I have to hang up, there's an old lady glaring at me."

"Okay, please be careful alright? Let me know when you're here," Hyungwon says, bidding a goodbye to his friend and hanging up.

God, he thinks, shaking his head. What could be so important that Changkyun can't say over the phone?

Whatever it is, Hyungwon doesn't have a good feeling about it.

- - -

When Hyungwon gets back to his dorm room, Minhyuk is in a rush to leave. He's putting his textbooks into his backpack and pushing past the younger for the door. Hyungwon merely glares at him.

"Hey," He calls out, stopping Minhyuk in his tracks in front of the closed dormitory door. "I saw what you did."

Minhyuk scoffs, shaking his head at Hyungwon. "What are you talking about?"

"I fucking saw you making out with that built-ass senior in our room," Hyungwon mutters, clenching his fist by his side.

Minhyuk's eyes widen in realization, and he visibly pales. "Y-you.. How? How did you see-"

"I have a fucking key!" Hyungwon yells, tears threatening to spill from his eyes from all the emotions he's been suppressing.

"Wonie, please listen-" Minhyuk starts, but Hyungwon shakes his head.

"Don't call me that."

Minhyuk sighs, shifting his weight from foot to foot. "It didn't mean anything, I swear. You have to believe me-"

"Why the hell should I?!" Part of Hyungwon wants to shove the older against the wall and tell him how angry he is, and the other part of him would rather kiss Minhyuk hard and then there's another part of him that wants to do both at the same time-

"Hyungwon, why does it matter to you anyway? We aren't dating, who I kiss is none of your business," Minhyuk mutters, bringing Hyungwon out of his thoughts.

The younger stands there, clenching and unclenching his fists in an effort to become less angry. Jealousy has completely taken over his mind.

"Hyungwon, please, please calm down," Minhyuk starts, taking off his backpack and setting it down. He approaches the younger slowly, intending on sitting him down and explaining what had actually happened.

Hyungwon has other plans, though.

"Don't tell me to calm down," He mutters, taking a step closer to Minhyuk and shoving his chest lightly. The older stumbles a bit but regains his footing quickly, looking Hyungwon in the eyes.

He takes note of the hooded shape of his eyes and the even-darker-than-normal tint that they've taken on. Minhyuk swallows at that.

"I'm so fucking mad at you," is all Hyungwon says before he finds himself taking another step closer to Minhyuk.

Minhyuk doesn't step away.

Their faces are mere inches away at this point, both of their breaths intertwining with each heavy exhale being released. The air is slick with sexual tension, neither of the boys knowing quite what to say to relieve it.

With eyes locked on each other, Minhyuk finally breaks the silence in the air. His voice is husky when he speaks up, his eyebrow slightly cocked.

"What are you going to do about it?" He questions, attempting to provoke the younger. It works.

Hyungwon doesn't waste a second and immediately presses his lips to Minhyuk's, not waiting on permission or approval from the older.

It takes only a millisecond for Minhyuk to kiss back, eagerly grasping the back of Hyungwon's neck in surprise.

It's tender, the way that Hyungwon is leaning down slightly to meet the older's height. The way that Minhyuk occasionally tugs at Hyungwon's hair makes the younger's knees quiver slightly, and he fights the urge to completely submit to him.

Hyungwon pulls away, leaving the both of them breathless. He pushes Minhyuk's chest once more for good measure, walking him backwards until Minhyuk's back is against the door.

Minhyuk stares at him, waiting for the next move or some kind of explanation as to what the hell just happened.

They both stand there, breathless and just staring at the other in shock.

Hyungwon opens his mouth to speak, more to himself than anyone. "What did I just do-"

It's Minhyuk that kisses first this time, slamming his lips against the younger's. Unlike the last time, there's nothing delicate about this kiss. The only soft thing about this moment is the texture of Hyungwon's lips as Minhyuk bites across them.

Hyungwon whimpers against Minhyuk's mouth, desperate for more of whatever this feeling swelling in his gut is. The warmth spreading from his heart all the way across his body is something he doesn't want to let go of.

"Minhyuk," He mumbles, breathlessly pulling away from the older. Their foreheads rest together, the both of their chests heaving. It's a moment you only read about or see in movies, and Hyungwon almost can't believe it himself as the next words fall from Minhyuk's mouth.

"I think I'm in love with you."


roommates // hyunghyuk [monsta x]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz