11 - Happy Place

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Hyungwon sits in his art class the next day, awaiting Kihyun's arrival. He's sure that the purple-haired boy had to have been there at the party, as he's the one who invited Hyungwon. Hopefully he'll be able to tell him what had gone down.

Minhyuk hasn't spoken a word to him since yesterday. Hyungwon isn't sure why, because he thought they were finally moving past their rocky past and getting along. He guesses that he was wrong.

"Hey," Kihyun says, sitting down next to Hyungwon and placing his bag on the floor. "You doing okay?"

"Can you tell me what happened at the party?" Hyungwon asks, dodging the older's question all together. Kihyun looks taken aback for a split second, but he nods eventually.

"If you want me to, but if I were you I honestly would rather not know."

"Well, I'm not you and I'd like to know," Hyungwon counters, taking out his sketchpad to doodle as Kihyun talks.

"Well... You kinda tried to pick a fight with Wonho. Before I stopped you, I mean."

Hyungwon looks over at Kihyun confused, but continues drawing absentmindedly. "Who's Wonho?"

"Wow," Kihyun laughs, taking out his own notebook. "You really don't remember, do you?"

Hyungwon shakes his head with a laugh and returns his eyes to his paper. "Why was I trying to fight him?"

"Uh..." Kihyun trails off, glancing at the friend that he's only known for a total of a few days. "You didn't say, but, could I ask you something?"

"Uh, sure?" Hyungwon responds, slightly confused as to why Kihyun feels the need to ask that as they're already getting close.

"It's kind of a really personal question," Kihyun warns, and Hyungwon gives him a sideways glance. Oh no.

"Please tell me I didn't do the body shots."

Kihyun looks confused, but then he's laughing harder than Hyungwon has ever heard him laugh. Hyungwon is confused because he wasn't joking. Students in rows behind and in front of them are giving Kihyun weird looks.

Kihyun bows in apology to them as he composes himself. "Sorry, I just remembered how petrified you looked at the party when you saw all that happening. It was hilarious."

Hyungwon sighs. That sounds like him. "Anyways, what's the personal question?"

"Uh.." Kihyun trails off. "Maybe that's not such a good thing to talk about here. We could have lunch at my place and talk there if you want?"

"Okay," Hyungwon responds, turning his attention to the front of the room as he sees their professor walking towards the podium in the center of the room.

"Settle down please," Their professor calls, trying to silence the remaining students that still haven't learned by now to shup up when you should shut up.

"Now, last time I asked you to draw something that makes you happy, right?" It's kind of an obvious question and Hyungwon doesn't feel the need to respond, but various students nod in reply.

"Well, I've looked at every single piece of art from you guys, and for the most part, I'm very pleased!" Their professor praises, grinning at all the students.

"I bet he liked mine the best," Kihyun whispers to Hyungwon, almost causing the younger to laugh aloud.

"Yeah, definitely," Hyungwon whispers back, earning an eye roll from Kihyun.

"I wanted to share with you all the best piece from this class so far. I'll be doing this every week from now on as a way to congratulate the best artist," Their professor announces.

"Now, this week I picked a piece that really made me feel something. If you didn't get chosen, don't worry. There's always next week."

Hyungwon senses everyone around him on the edge of their seats, waiting to see who is announced. Hyungwon really doesn't care who gets picked, as long as it isn't him, he just wants to start doing more art as quickly as he can. Please don't call on me.

"Chae Hyungwon, could you please come to the front?"


Hyungwon glances around, hoping that maybe there are two Chae Hyungwon's in his Art 101 class and that he doesn't have to go to the front of the room. When no one stands up and Kihyun is practically pushing him out of his seat, though, he knows that his fate is sealed.

He walks to the front of the classroom and to where the professor stands, ignoring the various stares from classmates.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Hyungwon. Could you explain your piece to us?"

He notices that his drawing is on the screen behind him, large enough now that surely even someone with poor vision could get the ist of the picture.

"Uh, yeah. I guess," Hyungwon starts, gulping at the thought of having to explain something that he himself doesn't even know how to describe.

Classmates are staring at him expectantly and Hyungwon feels pressured. He gestures to the screen behind him, pointing at the drawing.

It's a boy resting against a tree, earphones in and wind blowing wispy, dark hair out of his face.

"This is kind of like a self-portrait," Hyungwon states, gaining his confidence back as he stares at his artwork.

"It's me, back at home in my favorite place. My mom's backyard. My old best friend and I used to have a tree house out there, in the top of that very tree. I go there to think a lot and the thought of the tree is kind of like my happy place," Hyungwon finishes, glancing at his professor for approval. He nods, giving him a thumbs-up.

"Give it up for Hyungwon!" The professor exclaims, clamping a proud hand down on Hyungwon's shoulder. Students applaud and Hyungwon awkwardly shuffles back to his seat.

"That was awful," He whispers to Kihyun, who shakes his head in return.

"It was good. My microphone drawing was exactly five times better than yours, but it's alright," Kihyun says, shrugging. "Some people just don't know talent when they see it."

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