14 - Lovin' Ain't Easy

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Hyungwon paces in front of Mr. Kim's office. It was a spontaneous decision at best to come here. He's going to beg for a room change. Seriously. Seeing Minhyuk in nothing but a towel yesterday had been the last straw.

Mr. Kim's door opens suddenly, causing Hyungwon to stop pacing. "Hyungwon? I didn't expect to see you here!"

"Can I come in?" Hyungwon asks, gesturing towards the inside of the office. Mr. Kim nods upon seeing how serious the younger looks.

Hyungwon shuffles in and sits in the chair across from Mr. Kim's desk. He looks everywhere but the Dean's face, unsure of what he thought was even goimg to come out of coming here. "What's on your mind, kid?"

Hyungwon sighs, rubbing his face with his hand. "I can't wait any longer for a room change. Seriously."

"There's only two days left, I'm sure you can handle it!" Mr. Kim encourages, grinning at the younger across from him.

Hyungwon groans. "I can't, though! I can't do this any longer. Please. I'm begging you."

Mr. Kim observes the student across from him. Hyungwon seems geniunely distressed, there's no doubt about that. Mr. Kim just can't help but feel that something good may come out of the situation if only given a little more time.

"Have you talked to Minhyuk about any of this?" He decides to ask. "Does he know you feel this way?"

"I'm very positive that we're both on the same page," Hyungwon mutters. "Please let me switch rooms."

Mr. Kim sighs. What should I do? What would Namjoon do in this situation?

"Alright," Mr. Kim speaks up finally. He knows exactly what his boyfriend would say at the moment. "You give me three good, valid reasons why you can't wait two more days, and I'll let you switch early."

Hyungwon sits up straight in his seat. "Really? That's all?"

Mr. Kim nods. "Yes. But they must be real reasons. Not that you hate him."

Hyungwon nods excitedly. Three reasons why he can't room with Minhyuk? That'll be a piece of cake.

Hyungwon opens his mouth to list off his first reason, but then finds himself closing it moments later. Maybe this isn't so easy to put into words.

"A lot harder than you thought, huh?" Mr. Kim questions, satisfied with the stumped look on Hyungwon's face.

"No." Hyungwon looks up at him with determined eyes. "Reason one: It's hard to be in the same room with him."

"You're gonna have to elaborate with that," The Dean says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"It's just-" Hyungwon sighs, trying to think of how to say that Minhyuk is way too attractive and suffocates the atmosphere without sounding gay. "It's just really damn hard to room with him, especially after he showers. He comes out in only a towel and it's frustrating to me."

Mr. Kim tries not to laugh. "Why is it frustrating? You're both boys, right?"

Hyungwon swallows. It shouldn't be this hard to get a room change. "It just does, okay?"

"Alright, fine. Give me two more reasons."

Hyungwon's eyes glance down at his hand. He remembers the time just a few days ago when Minhyuk burnt his hand on the oven.

"He's really stupid," Hyungwon blurts out, causing Mr. Kim to scowl at him. "That's definitely not a valid reason to switch rooms. And, Minhyuk also recieved a full-ride. Try again."

Hyungwon tries to think of Minhyuk's bad qualities. He's not really that messy, so that's off the table. He's not bringing over friends when Hyungwon is trying to sleep- in fact, he doesn't even bother Hyungwon when he tries to sleep.

Hyungwon's mind suddenly drifts to the treehouse they shared years ago. They left the roof off in order to watch the stars together. Hyungwon remembers how fast his heart would beat when Minhyuk would accidentally brush his hand against his arm. It was a simple touch that made the sky above them seem foggy and distant.

"Hyungwon?" Mr. Kim is snapping fingers in front of his face, trying to re-gain his attention. "Think of anything else? I have a meeting in twenty minutes."

"I-I," Hyungwon stutters. "I love him."

Mr. Kim's eyes widen. He was not expecting a confession from this session, especially not from Hyungwon. "You what?"

Hyungwon covers his mouth with his own hands. He doesn't know if he's going to throw up, pass out, or cry... maybe all three. Did I just say that I love him- out loud?

Hyungwon removes his hands from his mouth and stands from his seat, glancing at Mr. Kim with panicked eyes. "I have to go."

Hyungwon dashes to the door as the Dean calls for him. He doesn't turn back as he runs out of the office and across campus.

So sorry for the wait guys. School has kept me so busy lately lol. Thanks for reading :)

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