16 - Now That's Tea

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Kihyun sighs in annoyance, shaking his head as he pauses his track for the seventh time in ten minutes. He can't seem to get his new song right, and it's due in two weeks.

C'mon, Kihyun, think. Get it together. He lets himself mumble inside his head. You usually have no trouble coming up with new songs.

"Fuck it," The purple-haired man mumbles, shutting his laptop to take a break. He grabs his phone, eyes widening when seeing he has missed calls and a text from Hyungwon.

3 new notifications:

2 Missed Calls from H-One

H-One: I'm coming over. I hope you're there

As if on cue, there's a knock at Kihyun's dorm door. He rushes over to answer it, knowing that the younger never calls him. It's only half past noon, so why is Hyungwon (of all people) even awake?

Kihyun opens the door to a very distraught-looking Hyungwon. The taller one's cheeks are tear-stained, and he just looks... shaken up.

Hyungwon's in dark skinny jeans and a light gray t-shirt, but he has no jacket on. Not only is he obviously upset, but he must be cold.

"Oh my god," Kihyun mumbles, motherly instincts kicking in. He opens his door wider and ushers his friend inside. "What happened?"

Hyungwon doesn't immediately answer as he's led to the small futon in Kihyun's room. He sits down, allowing himself a second to collect his thoughts before he speaks.

"Do you want me to make some tea?" Kihyun inquires, figuring that the younger may want a moment. Hyungwon nods in return, and Kihyun promises he'll be back in a minute with a warm drink.

Hyungwon sighs after Kihyun is out of sight. He doesn't know why he came here, honestly. He couldn't go through with his plan of telling Minhyuk how he really feels, and he couldn't stay there while those two were sucking face, so here he is.

He would've called Changkyun, but he doesn't want the younger to be upset or be brought down with his own problems. So, here he is on Kihyun's ugly green futon. It may look like a feminie piece of furniture, but boy is it comfortable.

A blanket is draped across the back of the futon, which Hyungwon gratefully drapes across his shoulders. He hadn't realized that the crisp, autumn air has been getting to him lately.

Kihyun returns to Hyungwon what seems like moments later, a cup of steaming tea in his hands. "Here you go," The older says, leaning down and placing the cup in Hyungwon's shaky hands.

The youngest thanks him and takes a tentative sip, savoring the way the warm liquid travels down his throat. "Whoa," Hyungwon says, laughing slightly.

"What is it?" Kihyun questions, suddenly insecure in his tea-making abilities. Usually people love his tea the most. "Is it too hot, too sweet?"

"No, no it's perfect. It tastes just like my mom's tea. It shocked me a little."

"Oh," Kihyun says, a sigh of relief leaving his lips. Thank God his tea is alright. He sits down next to the younger, smiling softly as Hyungwon finishes his cup of tea.

"So, do you want to tell me what happened now?" Kihyun asks, raising his eyebrows as the younger shifts slightly to look at him. Hyungwon nods, clearing his throat.

"Well," Hyungwon starts, trying to think of where to start. He decides to just get straight into it. "I went to see the Dean today."

"Okay.." Kihyun trails off after Hyungwon doesn't continue, tilting his head to the side slightly. "What for?"

"I wanted a room change," Hyungwon says, shrugging slightly. He hands the empty cup to Kihyun, who takes it to the sink before returning to his seat beside the younger.

"So... I'm assuming you didn't get the room change? Since you're upset, I mean," Kihyun muses.

"I... Well," Hyungwon murmurs, thinking back to what had happened in the Dean's office. "I kind of ran out before he could even give me a yes or no on the room change."

Kihyun furrows his eyebrows, trying to process what the younger is saying. He waits for Hyungwon to continue, but it's silent. Kihyun clears his throat. "Why did you run?"

Kihyun watches Hyungwon's face closely. The younger is struggling to keep his expression neutral, and it's very obvious to the purple-haired. Kihyun is about to speak up again, but Hyungwon finally does.

"I love him."

Kihyun fights the urge to jump off the couch in shock. "You... What?"

"You heard me," Hyungwon mutters, glancing over at Kihyun. "I'm not saying it again, so don't ask."

"No, I won't. I heard you," Kihyun starts, leaning back against the futon slightly. "I just didn't expect you to admit it."

Hyungwon nods in understanding. Not in understanding of his feelings, because God is he confused, but in understanding of Kihyun's surprise.

"So, is that why you came here, then?" Kihyun questions. "I feel like there's something more?"

The atmosphere is something between calm and tense. It's a word neither of the two could describe, things weren't uncomfortable, the situation Hyungwon is in just makes the air feel odd.

"I ran all the way across campus to tell him." Hyungwon shrugs after his statement. "I was feeling confident in the moment and I wanted to confess to him right then."

Kihyun swallows, sensing the direction this story is spiraling into. He nods for Hyungwon to continue when the other looks over to him.

"I got there and he was making out with someone else. The dude from the party, I'm pretty sure."

"Hyungwonie..." Kihyun trails off, unsure of what to say to convey how sorry he feels for the younger. "I'm so sorry.."

Kihyun pulls Hyungwon into a hug to which Hyungwon greatly accepts and appreciates. "It's okay," Hyungwon mumbles. "He's a douche anyway."


I promise this story will get better :)

And YES the changki is coming soon as well bbys I got y'all

Highly unedited sorry

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