Its time to Partayyy

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After their boring, uneventful day at school was over, Dean drove Cas, Charlie, and Kevin home. Cas lived the farthest from the school, so he was the last one left in the car with Dean for a few minutes.

"So, what are going to wear to the party?" Dean asked. They still had a few minutes to get to Cas' house, and he didn't want to sit in silence.

"I don't know. Probably a button up and some jeans. How 'bout you?"

"I was thinking the same thing. Maybe a regular t-shirt, though."

"Risin' up, back on the street
Did my time, took my chances..." The familiar tune played on the radio. Without a word, the two boys started singing the song together as Dean reached to turn up the radio.

"Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet
Just a man and his will to survive." The boys and radio sang in perfect unison. The song was over by the time they had reached Cas' house.

"I didn't know you knew that song." Dean said. He was genuinely surprised that Cas started singing along and knew all the lyrics. He didn't look like the rock type.

"Are you kidding? That's one of the best songs ever!" Cas exclaimed. Of course, this comment led to a five minute discussion on their favorite rock artists, and songs. They both agreed that AC/DC rules, and so did Kansas. Cas' favorite song was 'Dust in the Wind', but Dean argued that that song was too depressing. His favorite song was 'Back in Black', but Cas argued that that song was too popular.

Finally, they agreed that the greatest song of all time was Queen's 'Bohemian Rhapsody'. It truly is a masterpiece.


As soon as Dean got home, he went straight to his closet to find something to wear. He wasn't going to go to Charlie's party in his school clothes.

After about an hour of having a mental debate about his clothes, he finally decided on a pair of jeans, and a dark grey t-shirt with a red flannel.

He took about another half hour to do his hair. It was a bit messy from school, so it took a while to tame again. When he was finally ready, it was almost time to pick up Cas.

When Dean pulled up into Cas' driveway, he noticed Cas already sitting on his porch. When Cas noticed Dean, he stood up and waved at him. He was wearing a dark, skin tight t-shirt that brought out his sparkling blue eyes. The t-shirt also brought out, as Dean noticed, his broad shoulders and large biceps.

Don't think like that, Dean thought, Cas is a friend. Guys don't think like that about their guy friends. Well, I'm sure gay guys do, but you're not gay.

At this moment, Cas opened the door, interrupting Dean's not-so-heterosexual thoughts.

"Heya Dean!" Cas said as he sat down in the passenger seat of the Impala. Dean noticed he looked slightly less cheerful than he normally was.

"Hey, Cas. Is there something wrong?" Dean asked with concern in his voice.

"Uh... no, its just... I broke up with Meg about a half hour ago." Cas said a little sadly. Dean felt a little happy at the news, but then he felt immediately guilty after. His friend just broke up with his girlfriend. How could he be happy?

"Oh... um... I'm sorry to hear that. May I ask why?"

"She cheated on me. With Balthazar, of all people." Dean did know that much about Balthazar, but what little he did know was all bad. He heard from friends that Balthazar liked to do drugs, and that he was just a toxic person in general. He's used and cheated more people than Dean knew.

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