Dean Saves His Baby Brother... Again

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Dean and Cas were at the Winchesters house in record time, Dean not even parking the car correctly before flying out of the car into the house, followed by his still very confused boyfriend.

"SAMMY!" Dean yelled, frantically searching around for the injured moose, "Where are you?!"

"I'm in here, Dean." Sam sounded strained as he said this from the hallway. Dean rushed to his side, then scooped him up in his arms, careful of the side he was holding, and rushed him to the backseat of the car.

"We gotta get you to the ER." Cas chimed in. "Do you think anything's broken? What happened?"

"No, I don't think anything is broken." Sam answered, "and as for what happened, I came home from the gas station down the street, and dad was here. He was pissed that we were both out of the house, and that it was a little messy, and then he... demanded," Sam said pointedly at Dean, glancing over at Cas, "to know where you were, and I tried to hold out, I really did, but... but it hurt Dean, it really hurt and I wanted to make him stop." By now, poor Sam was crying, unable to control the body wrenching sobs that racked his whole body, "he was punching and kicking me, and I thought he might kill me if I didn't tell him, and you should've seen the look on his face, he was so mad and I could see the hate and the anger in his eyes, and I told him, Dean, I told him, and he left, and i thought he was going to kill you Dean, I thought I wouldn't ever see you again."

"Hey, hey Sam, its okay." Dean tried to comfort his baby brother, hugging him and rubbing his back as Cas drove them away from the house.


I was sick today so I decided to write a new chapter 😁

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2018 ⏰

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