The Double Date pt.2

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"What in the blazing hell?!"

Dean flew off of Cas so fast you'd think he was Sonic. If it was his dad, he'd be dead. If it was Sam, he'd be scarred for life. If it was anyone else, they would probably be a murderer and kill him, too.

As it turns out, it was someone else, but this someone else wasn't a serial killer.

"Bobby?" (A/N hahahahahahaha I got all of you) "What-what're y-you doing here?" Dean stuttered. He was still trying to catch his breath after moving at light speed, not to mention after the way he was just kissing Cas.

"Uh... after work, your dad decided to come to the roadhouse for a drink. We have a new bartender that hasn't yet been trained to deal with men like your father, so he gave him one too many drinks. He's currently very drunk in my car, so I suggest you two idgits get dressed before he comes in." Bobby explained. Thank God for Bobby, Dean thought, I would've been dead if dad came home drunk while we were... together.

"Thanks for the heads up, Bobby."



"Oh. My. God." Castiel said as soon as they were alone in the Impala. "Your dad could've caught us. Do you know how bad that would have been? He would've killed us both." He said. They were going to drive to a little isolated cliff in a park Dean knew about to watch the stars, since neither of them wanted to end their date.

"I know," Dean said with a laugh, "thank God for Bobby."

"Amen to that."


When they got to the small cliff, they both got out and sat on the shiny black hood of the Impala. Dean put his arm around Cas, and he leaned into his boyfriends shoulder, taking in his scent. He didnt want to forget any detail about the night. They sat like that in silence for a few minutes, just watching the beautiful night sky shine with all the twinkling stars.

Dean felt a feeling in his chest start to grow as they sat there. He had never felt this feeling before, it was new and strange, but he also kinda liked it. It made him want to spend the rest of his life with Cas. He wanted to graduate with him, and go to college, and buy a big house, and marry him, and even adopt a few kids down the line. He wanted to grow old with him, and retire and live out their last days together in some quiet old house in the country. He loved Cas so much, and he wanted to tell him that, but what if he didnt feel the same? What if he saw their relationship as just any other one? But what if he did love him back? They could spend the rest of their lives together, if he only told Cas how he felt. Dean figured that it was worth the risk.



"I love you." His voice was so small it was barely a whisper. He was so afraid of Cas not feeling the same way that he did that he didnt dare to raise his voice any higher. There was a short pause, and then Cas lifted his head off of Dean's shoulder to look him in his beautiful green eyes. Oh no, Dean thought, he's gonna tell me he doesn't feel the same. Hes gonna say that it's too early to say that, that this was all just a big misunderstanding. That he doesnt love me. That he'll never love me. Hes gonna say that we should break it off because I'm being too clingy. God, why am I so stupid? You and your big fat mouth just ruined everything. Have fun dying cold and alone. No ones ever going to love you again. Ever. This is it. If he doesnt love you, no one will. And he probably doesn't.

"I love you, too, Dean." Cas said with a small, loving smile. He leaned in closer to Dean, and pressed a light kiss onto his lips. This kiss wasnt feverish and fast like last time, but slow and sweet and gentle. They kissed each other for almost a minute, but neither of them wanted to pull away.

"I love you too." Cas repeated. Dean could feel the butterflies start to swarm in his stomach again as he heard those four words come out of Cas' mouth again. He loves me too. Dean was over the moon. The love of his life just told him that he loved him too. He couldn't stop repeating the words in his head. Cas loves me too. Dean couldn't stop the stupid, love struck grin from spreading on his face. He loves me too.


They stayed to watch the stars for a few minutes, and then Cas got a phone call from his mom.

"Hello?" He answered, "Uh... at the park...with Dean...watching the stars...ok...I'll tell him...alright...see you then. Love you, too, mom. Bye." He hung up the phone. He turned to Dean, with a hint of sadness in his big, blue eyes. "My mom wants me to come home now. She said it's getting too late to be out on a school night."

"Alright," Dean said with a sigh, "I should get home, too. Let me text Sammy real quick." He didnt want to leave. He wanted to stay and watch the night sky with Cas forever, with his arm around him and Cas' head on his shoulder. He wanted to tell him how much he loved him, how much he meant to him. He wanted to tell him those three words over and over again, but they weren't enough. What Dean felt was so much more than those three words could ever describe, it was more than what any words could ever describe. He knew he had to take Cas home, but that didn't mean he wanted to. Nevertheless, he pulled out his phone to text his baby brother.

Dean: Hey Sam. Cas' mom called. I have to take him home now so get ready I'm omw.

Sam: do I have to? I'm kinda busy.

Dean: doing what? You've already seen those stupid Harry Potter movies. You don't need to watch them again.

Sam: uh... we aren't watching the movies anymore...

Dean: oh

Dean: oH

Dean: arent his parents in the house?!

Sam: maybe...

Dean: and you're still doing it?!

Sam: ...

Sam: we arent doing it, we're just... making out...

Dean: Sam, what is wrong with you?! You need to get ready I'll be there in 10 and you better have your pants on or so help me Sam you are walking everywhere for the next three years.

And with that, Dean put his phone away. He'll have to talk to Sam about this later, but right now, he needed to take Cas home. He didnt need his boyfriends parents already mad at him.


When they got to the Novak house, Cas didnt get out right away. Instead, he took his seat belt off and turned to his boyfriend.

"I had a really nice time tonight, Dean." He said.

"Yeah. Me too." He said. Cas leaned closer, and Dean could feel a slight blush creeping up under his collar. Cas pressed a kiss onto Dean's lips.

"Next time," Cas said, "we'll have to finish watching that show."

"Mhmm. Sounds good." Dean said with a small smile. "Bye, Cas. Love you."

"I love you too, Dean."


A/N I really tried to make that 2000 words like I promised, but I have a grand total of 0 ideas and it was already taking too long. Sorry :|

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