A Dead Rat and Tight Skinny Jeans for Sam

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After Dean hung up the phone, he started to get to work on his revenge plans. For Crowley, he already decided to leave a dead rat in his gym locker. He would just have to get one from behind the school, near the dumpster. God only knows how many rat carcasses there are back there.

And for Sam, he wouldn't go that far. Dean knew that Sam had one pair of jeans that he absolutely hated. Their dad didn't let him throw them out because "they still fit", and so Sam kept them at the very bottom of his drawers for emergencies only. Dean thought now was a good time to create said emergency.

Sam loathed the jeans for one reason. That was because he claimed they were too tight on his ass, but Dean knew Gabe loved those jeans for that exact reason. So, Dean decided to sneak in Sam's room and steal all of his other jeans, forcing him to wear the pair that showed off his ass. That'll teach him, he thought.

The next morning, Sam was furious.

"Dean, what the hell did you do to all of my pants!" Sam yelled, storming into Dean's room in his boxers.

"Whatever do you mean, brother?" Dean asked in fake innocence, but he couldn't help the smirk from spreading across his face when he saw Sam's red face.

"You know exactly what I mean, douchebag! All my pants are gone from my drawers. Only these tight ass skinny jeans are left!" Sam explained angrily.

"Oh, yeah they're in the washer. They're all wet, by the way, so it looks like you have no choice but to wear those pants." Dean shrugged, the smirk not leaving his face. Sam huffed, and turned on his heals and left his older brothers room.

"I HATE YOU, YOU SHIT HEAD!" Sam yelled from his room.

"Aw, c'mon, Sammy! You know you love me!" (A/N I know you care, just shout whenever,and I'll be there, you are my loove, you are my heart, and we will never ever ever be apart! Sorry not sorry) Dean shouted from his room.

"I really don't!"


When they got to school, all eyes were on Sam. Or, more accurately, his ass. He really did look good in those jeans.

"'Sup, sexy," Sam heard Gabe's voice from behind him. "You should really wear those jeans more often. They really bring out your ass." Sam's face turned fifty shades of red, and Dean started cackling.

"Gabe!" Sam scolded him, "I'm only wearing these cuz my dickhead of a brother knows how much I hate these, and decided to wash all of my other pants. And it's not like I can borrow his, either. His fat ass has jeans double the size of mine." Sam shot his older brother and evil glare.

"Hey! I am not fat! How dare you! And my jeans are not double the size of yours, they're only like two sizes bigger." Dean said while holding his hand over his heart in mock hurtfulness (A/N sorry idk how to word that but you know what I mean).

"Sure. Keep telling yourself that, Dean." Sam replied while rolling his eyes.

"Alright. I gotta go now." Dean said.

"Where are you going? The bell doesn't ring for another fifteen minutes." Gabe said.

"Uh, I got stuff to do." Dean avoided the question.

"I bet he's gonna fuck his boyfriend in the bathroom before school." Sam said with a smirk. It was Dean's turn to blush now.

"Sam! Shut the fuck up! I'm going to take care of some business and I'll be right back." Dean grumbled. He made his way outside to the back of the school, and to the dumpster. Sure enough, multiple rats were dead there. Dean grabbed one with a bag and paper towel over his hand, and gagged at the smell. He carefully made his way to Crowley's locker, making sure the owner wasn't there, and put the dead rat body into it.

This reeks, he thought, literally. When he finished his payback, he made his way back to the two freshman.  He found them making out in the hallway in front of Sam's locker.

"Ew gross. Get a room, you nasties." Dean said as he walked up to his younger brother and his boyfriend, who broke their kiss and looked very annoyed.

"Fuck you, Dean. Oh wait, I forgot Cas just did." He replied. Dean just rolled his eyes and started to walk to his first class, but stopped when he heard his brother.

"He didn't deny it!" Sam said, giggling. Dean just blushed and walked away.

The rest of the day went by slowly, and Dean was glad to hear Crowley skipped today. Boy, was he in for a surprise tomorrow.


A/N I ate one lunchable, five fruity snacks, two nutter bars, a bean burrito, and three mini Cokes while writing this... Needless to say my stomach hurts.

Also, if anyone wants to write some smut for this story PM me and I'll credit you cuz I want this to have some smut if you guys want but idk how to write that stuff...

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