Dean Wants All the Chick Flick Moments

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Dean couldn't wait for Friday to come. He was so excited for his date with Cas that he forgot to do simple things like tie his shoes. He's tripped more than once since Cas announced their "non-flannel" date. Dean had tried to pry more information out of Cas, but he wouldn't give him anything other than to dress nice. Dean was still confused at to what "nice" meant. Was he supposed to wear a tux? Or something less fancy like a collared shirt and tie? He was never good with these "socializing" things. That's probably why he never left his room until Cas came along.


It was the Friday of their fancy date, and Dean was super nervous.  What if he made a fool of himself wherever they were going and got him and Cas kicked out? What if Cas took him to a five star restaurant where all they had was seafood and he had to pretend to like that stuff? He hated seafood, but if it made Cas happy, he'd do anything.

"Dean, what's wrong?" Cas asked him during lunch that Friday. Dean was spacing out again, worrying about their date. He turned to his boyfriend, green eyes meeting blue.

"Nothing, babe. Just thinking about our date tonight. What should I wear, by the way?" He asked.

"A collared shirt and tie would be fine." He smiled. Cas was super excited for their date too, although not as much as Dean.

"Ok. Is it just going to be us two or is someone joining us?" Dean replied.

"No, it's just going to be us two. I'll pick you up at eight, ok?" Cas said.

"Ok. Eight's good. You might want to come a little early to make sure I'm dress appropriately, though. I'm not exactly the best at picking clothes out." Dean smiled sheepishly.

"Alright, babe." Cas said, and pecked him on the cheek. The bell rang, and both boys got up to go to class. "Bye. I'll see you tonight. Love you!" He said.

"Love you more!"

"I love you most!" 


Cas arrived at Dean's house at 7:50 pm. Cas got out of his Honda and rang the doorbell. Sam answered the door, and smiled when he saw it was Cas. He stepped to the side to allow cas inside, and muttered a quick greeting to him before retreating to his room.

Cas started to move towards the couch when he heard a familiar voice call his name. He turned around to see dean standing in his boxers, holding two shirts that were two different shades of blue, and one very ugly green tie.

"Babe, I dont know what to wear. Please help me." Dean looked at cas with big green puppy eyes, and castiel chuckled.

"Alright. Wear that dark blue shirt, but do you have a different tie? No offence, but that one looks like something my dog threw up." Castiel said, earning a chuckle from dean.

"Yeah, I have a light yellow one and a red one." He said.

"The yellow one will look good. And put some slacks on please. I know you have an amazing ass, but that's for my eyes only." Cas said, and dean blushed at the comment about his ass. (A/N y=-(sin(x^(1.7/6)+4)+(1/x))+10 I have that memorized)

"Yeah, yeah, ok." Dean replied, and went to his room to change. When he returned, cas was sitting on the couch scrolling through Instagram. Cas stood up and put his phone away when Dean entered.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yup. Let's go." Dean replied enthusiastically.


They got to the restaurant thirty minutes later, just in time to make their 8:45 reservation. Yes, I said their reservation. Cas took Dean to the fanciest restaurant in town, which was known to take months to get into.

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