Lets take a Trip to the Principals Office

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Dean was sitting in the principals office, anxiously waiting for his name to be called. He had to make a trip to the nurse first for an ice pack and a few bandages for the cuts on his face, and also to make sure Cas was okay. He had to help him stand after Crowley pummeled him on the cafeteria floor, but at least Crowley was told to go to the nurses office in the east wing of the high school. He didn't feel like glaring for that long.

The nurse had diagnosed Cas with not dying, therefore after she patched him up he could get back to class. His nose was bleeding and he was surely going to have a black eye and a few bruises tomorrow, but he'd live. He didn't have to go to the office, since he didn't throw any punches, which left Dean alone in the waiting room while Crowley got his lecture.

After a few minutes, Crowley walked out of the office and took a seat across from Dean.  Dean was shocked to see all of the damage he had done on Crowley.  It looked like he would have double black eyes, and a few cuts on his face.

"Dean Winchester, Mr. Sanchez would like to see you in his office." The secretary said, snapping Dean from his thoughts. He slowly got up and made his way to the door, not breaking eye contact with the boy who hurt his other half. He didn't mind himself getting hurt, but if anyone hurt Cas, they'd be dead before they hit the ground.

Dean slowly turned the handle, and walked into the office. It was rather small, with a wooden desk with a swivel chair, and matching bookcase. The bookcase was overflowing with books, it had the Harry Potter series and Percy Jackson series, amongst many others. There was a chair in front of the desk, and Dean took a seat. He noticed the rather small man sitting in front of him, he looked just under 5'5", but Dean couldn't really tell, since he was sitting. He had a mustache and goatee, both of which were speckled with grey, as well as his hair.

"Hello, Mr. Winchester. I'm Mr. Sanchez. So, what's this about fighting I hear?" The short man - Mr. Sanchez - introduced himself.

"Uh... Crowley came at me. He threw the first punch. It's his fault." Dean replied nonchalantly. He'd been to the office a few times before for fighting, and everytime time they called his dad, and he'd get another beating. Thankfully, he was able to convince a few principals to call Bobby instead of his dad. At those times, he was thankful for his persuasive skills. He would not be able to handle all of the beatings he'd get if his father was called every time.

"You do realize that a teacher saw you pummeling Crowley, right?" Mr. Sanchez questioned, with a bushy eyebrow raised. Dean resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and instead, grunted in response. "Well, I do believe that crowley threw the first punch, God only knows how many times that boy has been in here, but you did punch him too, Mr. Winchester, and I'm afraid I'm going to have to call home."

Dean was calm on the outside, but he was internally panicking. He didnt know who his dad listed at his emergency contact, but he was hoping it was Bobby. Dean didnt want to have to deal with his dad today.

"It says here that your emergency contact is... Mr. Bobby Singer?" He said, to Dean's relief.

"Mhmm" Dean replied. Although he didnt show it, he was secretly overjoyed his father wasnt going to be called.

"Let's give him a call." Mr. Sanchez picked up the phone on his desk, and dialed the number on his computer screen. Bobby picked up on the third ring.

"Hello?" Dean heard Bobby's gruff voice over the speaker on the phone.

"Hello. Is this Bobby Singer?" The principal said.

"Yes it is."

"Um, I'm just calling to inform you that Dean has gotten into a fight with another student and will be staying after school for an hour every day for two weeks to serve a detention." Mr. Sanchez said.

"Ok. Uh, is Dean there?" Bobby asked.

"Yes he is." Mr. Sanchez answered.

"Dean, you're grounded until further notice. You hear me, boy?" Bobby's authoritative voice said.

"Yes, sir." Dean answered politely.

"We'll talk about this further when you get home."

"Yes, sir."

"A customer just walked in. I gotta go now. Bye." Bobby said.

"Bye, Bobby." Dean replied, and Bobby hung up.

"I hope you know, Mr. Winchester, that we do not tolerate any type of violence in this school. If you get caught fighting again, you will be suspended. I know it's hard being the new kid, but that's no excuse to fight your peers. Stay out of trouble, Dean. Now get outta here."

Dean gladly left the office without a word. He walked to his ninth period class, which only had about twenty minutes left. He sat in his seat, thankful that Crowley wasnt there.

When the bell rang, Dean bolted out of his class to his baby. It took Sam two minutes to get the car, and Cas five, but as soon as the two were in the car, Dean sped away.

He was pissed that Crowley got him grounded, not to mention his detentions that started tomorrow, and the bruises he left on Cas. He'd have to get him back somehow.


A/N sorry this one took a little longer to write, but there have literally been seven days of school and I've already had four projects assigned and algebra hw every day. From now on i think this is going to be updated on weekends only :/. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I promise not to give up on this :)

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