Rise and Shine, Sammy!

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Yep, he thought, definitely not straight.

"Morning, handsome" Dean said with a flirty smile when they pulled apart. He may not be used to kissing a guy, but he was used to flirting. "Is Samantha awake yet?"

"Nope. He's still sleeping on the couch with Gabe." Cas said with a yawn.  They had partied hard last night, and Dean couldn't blame him for still being tired. He was the first one up, after all.

"Let's go have some fun with them." Dean said with a sly smile. "Do you have any markers?"


Two minutes later, Cas had retrieved two black sharpies. They silently made their way to the couch with the two unsuspecting freshmen. Dean drew on Sam's face, and Cas on Gabe's.

When they were done, Sam had a moustache, goatee, and a pair of circles around his eyes.  Gabe had a handle bar moustache, and a lightning bolt on his forehead (just like Harry Potter), because Castiel didnt want to do too much to his little brother. Also, he couldn't reach much of his face without moving it, since it was buried in Sam's chest.

After they got their pictures, Dean put on "Heat of The Moment" on his phone to wake the two lovebirds up.  "Rise and shine, Sammy!" Dean yelled.

Sam slowly blinked open his eyes, and when he realised what was going on, a wave of panic washed over him.

"Uh... Dean!" He exclaimed while trying to get away from Gabe, "Its not what it looks like!"

"Oh, really? Cuz it looks to me like Sammy's got himself a boyfriend!"

Gabriel was slowly waking up, and he looked slightly confused. "What the hell is going on, Sammy?" He said with a yawn, "Get back here.  I need my snuggle buddy."

If Sam wasnt already blushing, he was now.  "Gabriel Novak, dont you ever call me your 'snuggle buddy' again." He said while making air quotes around the words 'snuggle buddy'.  Gabe was still latched on to Sam's torso, even though he was halfway sitting up and halfway lying down.

Cas and Dean erupted with laughter at the words 'snuggle buddy'.  Gabe was still trying to sleep, seemingly not caring at all.  Sam, on the other hand, was furious.  He blushed about three shades deeper, but this only made the boys laugh harder, seeing as he still had the sharpie on his face.

"Leave us alone, asshats!" Sam yelled.

"Shut up! I'm trying to use you as a pillow, here, and last time I checked, pillows didnt talk." Gabe said with his eyes still closed.  Dean didnt think he had opened them at all since all this had started, since he didnt point out Sam's new 'facial hair'.

This statement finally got Sam to look down at Gabe, and he noticed the marker on his face.

"Gabe, what the hell is on your face?"

With this, Gabe's eyes flew open. "What?"

"Theres marker. All over your face."

"Yours too." He said after a second.  Both boys flew off the couch to look in the mirror that was hanging on the living room wall.

"OH MY GOD DEAN WINCHESTER YOU ARE DEAD!" Sam yelled. (A/N the moose has been provoked. I repeat, the moose has been PROVOKED) Gabriel just shrugged and started to walk to the bathroom, but Sam was already pissed that he was woken up by his least favorite song, and this was the last straw.

He started to chase after his older brother, but Gabriel held him back.  "Dude, its not worth it. Come on, let's go scrub our faces and eat.  I'm starving."

"Whatever." Sam muttered angrily. He will get his brother back. He will have his sweet, sweet revenge. All in good time.


After they cleaned up in the bathroom, they ate their breakfast.  Cas was a surprisingly good cook.  Sam was still bitter about the marker, so he didn't talk to Dean at all.

"Sammy, you can't be mad forever. Its not possible." Dean said.  He was still quite amused from the events of the morning, but he hated when his little brother was mad at him.

"Watch me." Was Sam's reply. His brother always pulled crap like this, but this time it was different. This time he pulled Gabriel into it. He will have his revenge. I should put itching powder in his underwear. I think that's a fair punishment.

"Thanks for the breakfast, and for letting us stay, Cas, but I think we should get going." Dean said after breakfast. It was now 1:26, and even though they had no where to be, he didnt want to overstay their welcome.

"Alright, then.  See you later?"



When Sam and Dean were in the car, Dean finally decided to bring up the topic of Sam's sexuality.

"So. You were sleeping with Gabe?"

"Yeah. Uh... not like that sleeping, but like actual sleep sleeping. We didnt do anything, if that's what you mean." Was Sam's nervous reply.  He knew, deep down, that he had to tell his brother that he was gay.  He caught him sleeping with a guy, for heavens sake. He just didnt want to.

"Are you gay? Or at least Bi? Or Pan or whatever?" Dean asked. Sam bit his lip, trying to stall until the last possible moment.

"Uh, yeah. I'm gay." He said in a voice so small it was barely louder than a whisper.

"Cool." Was all Dean said. After a few moments, Sam spoke up.

"Cool? You're fine with it? You dont think its gross?"

"Well, I kissed a guy last night. No, I dont think its gross." Dean said with a smile.  Sam's jaw dropped with this news.

"You? Kissed a guy? Are you gay? Or bi or pan or whatever?"

"I think it makes me bi."

"Wow. Who was it? Was it your first kiss with a guy? Were you drunk? Are you sure it wasnt just all the alcohol?"

"Ok, ok ok." Dean said, "One, it was Cas, two, yes, three, yes, and I'm sure it wasnt the alcohol. I kissed him again when I was sober to make sure."

"Oh, my God, you kissed Cas! I cant believe you kissed Cas! I didn't know he liked guys. Wait, doesnt he have a girlfriend? Did he cheat on her with you?"

"He broke up with Meg before the party. She cheated on him." Dean explained.

"I ship it!" Sam said, "it's now casdean? No. Deancas? No. Cean? Ew no. Umm... ooh I got it! Its Destiel! I made up my mind. You cant change it. Its Destiel forever."

"Fine." Dean said with a slight smile, "but yours and Gabriel's ship name is... Sabriel. Ok?"



A/N yay I was finally able to reach my word count goal! Im not a complete failure!  I hope you enjoyed this chapter because I enjoyed writing it :) See you later!

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