An Angry Crowley is an Evil Crowley

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"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Dean heard Crowley yell from his locker just before first period the next day. He sounded pissed. I'm guessing he found my little present, then, he thought.

"WHOEVER DID THIS IS FUCKING DEAD!!!" He yelled. Dean couldn't help the smirk on his face, but when Crowley noticed it, it just made him even more pissed off.

"You think this is fucking funny, Winchester?!" He growled, pinning Dean against the locker, "I will kill you, bitch!"

"N-no, I don't" Dean stuttered, his grin dropping immediately. God damnit, he thought, I can't keep my voice steady for two seconds. Although, he had to admit, Crowley was intimidating, even though he did have three inches on him. Oh, and he was taller, too ;).

"Now, you better shut up before I make you." Crowley growled, his face inches from Dean's.

"Kinky." Dean said, his grin returning to his face. Crowley backed up, with his face a mix of horror, disgust, and outrage.

"That's GAY." Crowley said, slightly blushing. Why the fuck is he blushing? Oh, no. God no, please, no. Theres no way in hell Crowley has a crush me. That's disgusting.

"It's only gay if you don't say 'no homo'. So... no homo." Dean replied, trying not to burst out laughing at the sight of Crowley, who had his eyes wide in fear and was still blushing slightly.

"Whatever, Winchester. You're still gay as shit." Crowley tried to play it off cool, but Dean could tell he was uncomfortable. 


The bell rang, letting the students know to get to their class. Saved by the bell, Dean thought.

"Smell ya later, LOSEchester." Crowley said, a bad attempt at an insult.

"Hopefully not." Dean grumbled under his breath, trudging his way through the halls to his first period.


"He what?!" Cas said, surprise and amusement playing on his face.

"He started blushing. Crowley. The king of this hell. Blushed. And worst of all, I made him blush." Dean said. He was catching his boyfriend up on the events of the morning during lunch.

"Do you think he has a crush on you? He can't possibly have a crush on you. Well, I mean, I know you're drop dead gorgeous, but he's Crowley." Cas said, and then realizing what had just come out of his mouth, he started blushing.

"You think I'm drop dead gorgeous?" Dean said, a slight grin on his face.

"Not the point, Dean."

"Then what is the point, Cas?" He smoothly put a hand on his boyfriends thigh under the table, earning a smack on said hand from Cas.

"Not now. Not at school." Cas replied with a grin.

"Then when, Cas?" Dean said softly in his ear, sending tingles down Cas' spine. Cas hated when he did that.

"My house. After school. My family is going out to the movies, but I'll ask to stay home. They should be gone for at least two hours. That's more than enough time to study." He said. Yes! Dean thought. He grinned.


Their conversation was cut short when Crowley burst into the cafeteria.

"DEAN WINCHESTER, YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!!!" He yelled, and Dean could see a vain popping out on his neck. He pulled Dean out of his chair and pinned him against the wall for the second time that day.

"I'm going to make you pay for what you did!" He growled in his face for again, the second time that day.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Dean said. Of course, that was a complete and utter lie, but Crowley didn't need to know that.

"Don't lie to me, Dean! Alastair saw you put that rat in my locker!" He spat, "You're dead!"

"Goodie! I've wanted to die for a while now!" This comment earned a punch in the face from Crowley, right where his dad had hit him only days before, worsening his already black eye. "Ugh..." Dean groaned. He knew he could take a beating, but not two in less than three days.

"This is going to be fun." Crowley said, with a smirk on his face.

"No it won't. Unlike you, apparently, I don't have a pain kink." Dean said, returning Crowley's smirk.

Crowley punched him the gut, but kept him pinned straight up against the wall, even though Dean's body want to double over in pain.

"Hey, Crowley, why don't you just leave Dean alone?" Cas said quietly. He was terrified of Crowley, even if he did stop bullying him. When he was a freshman and sophomore, Crowley was his bully, but ever since puberty hit and Cas got taller and more muscle-y, Crowley had moved on to the new freshman. Even though Dean is taller than Crowley too, he still picks on Dean because a, he isn't as muscle-y as Cas, and b, Dean liked to talk smack.

"Aww wittle Cassie wants to protect his wittle boyfriend." Crowley smirked, seeing the blush on Dean's and Cas' cheeks. (A/N I don't remember if they are out yet and I'm too lazy to reread but for the sake of my sanity they only told their friends.)

"He-he's not my boyfriend." Dean lied, still blushing.

"Then why are you blushing?" Dean opened his mouth to say something, but quickly closed it, as he had nothing to say. "Exactly."

"Just leave him alone, Crowley." Cas said, trying to muster up as much courage as he could.

"Or what?" Crowley spat.

"Or this..." Cas said as drove his fist into Crowley's face. Crowley stumbled back a few steps in surprise, but regained his composure quickly, and lunged at Cas. A little too quickly, as Cas didn't have time to register what was happening, and he hit the ground with Crowley on top of him. Crowley started to repeatedly drive his fists into Cas' face, splitting his lip and giving him a black eye.

"CAS!" Dean yelled, throwing his entire body at Crowley, trying to get him off of the love of his young life. Within a matter of seconds, Crowley was on the floor with Dean pummeling his face. Dean saw red as he drove his fists into the boy underneath him. He didn't know how long he was on Crowley, but it only felt like a second until he felt hands on his shoulders, prying him off of the smaller boy.

"Dean Winchester, you're going to the principals office. Now!" A teacher yelled at him. This is why he didn't fight back, or get into fights. Now the principal will call his dad, and he will receive another beating for fighting. He'd have to try to get around that somehow.


A/N I know the ending of this chapter wasn't strong at all but oh well. How are you guys liking this so far? Is it good? Bad? Terrible? Let me know! Also, if anyone has a good destiel or sabriel fics to recommend please let me know cuz it feels like I've read all of them. I read a really good one recently called "The Apple Pie Life". Y'all should go check that out. Also my PM's aren't working so sorry allycatlovestories for not sending this to you before I posted it but feel free to make your edits in the comments!

Thanks to all my lovely readers and don't forget to comment/vote/and follow me for more of this trash. It motivates me to keep writing when you do! Mk have a lovely morning/day/afternoon/evening and I'll see y'all later bai!

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