i have no idea what to put here so here you go an update

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When all of the drunk hormonal teenagers were out of Cas' house, he and Dean sat on the couch together, facing each other and looking into the others eyes. Dean's was unsurprisingly filled with tears.

"Dean, it's okay. You're going to be okay. You don't need that dick in your life, anyway." Cas said as he pulled his now sobbing boyfriend into a loving hug.

"I don't care about him, but I doubt he'll ever let me see sammy again. I don't want to lose my baby brother." Dean whispered the last sentence, but Cas still heard it.

"Baby your not going to lose him ok? He can't do that. No one can ever take sam away from you. I'll make sure of it." Cas reassured him as he held him close to his chest. "Why the hell was he even here?"

"I don't know. You think maybe Sam told him?"

"You think Sam would have snitched?" Cas asked.

"I don't know. He wasnt even supposed to be back tonight. Hes never home."

"Were you supposed to do something?" Cas asked.

"Holy shit I was supposed to take Sam trick or treating." Dean realized. He had forgotten about it, but he highly doubted his own brother would turn against him like that over a bag of candy. "Maybe I should call him."

"Yeah, you should try." Cas said. Dean pulled out his phone and dialled sammy. He picked up on the fifth ring.

"Dean please come help me." Sams voice sounded strained and painful, like it hurt him just to breathe. That was not the greeting Dean was expecting, but he was on his feet nonetheless.

"Sammy?! What happened?! Where are you?! I'm coming right now. don't move a muscle."

"I'm at the house, Dean. Please hurry. It hurts." Dean was out the door before sam even hung up. Cas chased Dean outside, not knowing what was going on.

"Dean what the hell happened? Is everything ok?"

"No, I don't think so. Sammy sounded hurt. He said hes at home. Get in the car, Cas." Dean said as he opened the drivers side door at turned the key into the impala. Dean barely made sure Cas was in the car before speeding out of the driveway, on his way to rescue his baby brother.


I'm sorry updates haven't been the best lately, but it feels like my teachers are just piling work on top of work. It's gotten so bad. I got a 24% on a quiz we took (it was formative so it's only 25% of my grade) but its the lowest score I've ever gotten on anything. It dropped my grade to a c and now i'm stressing out about being on probation for NJHS (national juniors honor society). Also finals are coming up so I might not post anything until winter break. I have so much studying to do. Especially for spanish. I can't seem to learn the damn language for the life of me. Sorry for the rant.

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