Its Spoopy Time Bois

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Halloween came quickly after their fancy dinner date. Both boys were very excited to spend their favorite holiday with each other. They were going to wear matching costumes, Dean wanted to go as Batman and Joker, and since Cas didn't have any other ideas, he agreed. They spent hours working on their costumes, and they even went face paint shopping for Cas' outfit together. When they were finished, they stood in front of the mirror, marveling at their heroic costumes.

"We look awesome, babe." Cas said. He grinned, the red face paint on his lips making him look slightly psychotic.

"Yeah, we do. We should get downstairs, though. The decorations aren't going to put themselves up." Dean said, giving Cas a kiss on the cheek before making his way downstairs. Cas followed him, picking up the bags of decorations from the floor on his way down.

Cas and Dean spent a few hours putting up fake spiders and a few spider webs, and even some pumpkins and skeletons. When they were done, they made their way to the store and bought pop and chips. When they got back, they set the snacks up and locked all the doors except for the bathrooms. They didn't want people having sex in their beds. That's gross.

People started showing up at around nine, and they were mostly drunk around ten. They had created a Halloween playlist that included songs like Thriller and the Monster Mash to play for people to dance to. Everyone came in costume, there was a few mummies and sexy pharoah's, skeletons, witches, and even some tv show characters. Dean swore he saw a John and Sherlock making out in a corner. At around eleven, things were getting a little wild and Cas was getting restless.

"You okay, baby?" Dean asked. Cas had been looking like he was about to have an anxiety attack any minute, but he didn't say anything.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Dean. It's just- there's a lot of people here. I just need to relax." He said.

"Oh ok. I'll get us some drinks then?" Dean asked.

"Yeah. That sounds good." Cas replied with a smile. Dean made his way to the kitchen to grab their drinks and made his was back to Cas.

"Here you go babe." Dean said as he handed his boyfriend his drink.

"Thanks, baby." Cas said as he leaned up to kiss him.

"DEAN WINCHESTER WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?!" Dean turned around to see John, of all people, standing in the kitchen doorway.

"Uh, dad its n-not what it looks like!" By now most of the teens were staring at them.

"Oh really?! Cuz to me it looks like my fucking son is a fag! Get your things. Were leaving. Now!" John spat in Dean's face. Dean hung his head in shame, and moved to leave.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Cas yelled, grabbing Dean by the arm, stopping him from leaving.

"Who the fuck are you?" John asked Cas, who now had fury and hatred gleaming in his eyes.

"Castiel Novak, bitch." Cas said while crossing his arms sassily.

"What'd you just call me, fag?!" John spat in the shorter boys face.

"I called you a bitch, bitch. Now get the fuck outta my house before I call the fucking cops!" Cas spat back in the older man's face.

"Gladly. Dean, we're leaving. Now!" John yelled at his son.

"No." Dean said quietly.

"What did you just say to me, boy?!?!"

"I said no!" Dean yelled, his head no longer hanging in shame, but held high in defiance. "I'm not leaving Cas, weather you like it or not. He's the love of my life, and if you can't except that, then you can go fuck yourself."

John stood dumbfounded by Dean's outburst. His sons never defied him, especially Dean.

"Fine. If that's how you want to be, you can fucking stay here. I will not have a fag living under my roof." And with that, John left as quickly as he came.

"EVERYONE OUT. PARTY'S OVER!" Cas yelled. He and Dean needed to talk about a few things, like where the fuck John came from, and what they were going to do now.


I totally didn't write all of this today what do you mean

P.S now after like 20 something chapters we finally get into the plot XD I'm sorry it took this long oops and I'll also try to be better with updates I promise.

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