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A/N trigger warning: abuse

If you can't handle that type of thing I encourage you to skip this chapter, but if you want to continue reading this story after this, just know that I'll put another authors note at the begging of the next chapter to catch you up.

"Dean Winchester where in hell were you?!" Dean's father, John, slurred. He held a bottle of whiskey in his left hand, and Dean could see the anger in his eyes. He had to play his cards right if he wanted to walk -or at least limp- away from this.

"Nowhere, sir." Dean answered while looking at his muddy shoes. It was two hours past curfew, and he knew that he was going to get a beating for staying out so late. He was hoping his father would be passed out by the time he got home, but he had no such luck.

"Nowhere?! Do you have any idea what time it is?!" He grabbed Dean by the collar and shoved him into the wall. Dean grunted. That's gonna leave a mark, he thought. "I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson, boy." His father spat in his face.  Dean's heart was racing. Even though this was far from the first time he got a beating, he was still scared.  At best, he'd receive a few bruises that he'd be able to cover up, but at worst, well, let's just say that he didn't want to think about it. 

When the first blow hit, it hit him squarely in the stomach.  It knocked the wind out of Dean, and he doubled over in pain. It took him a second to recover, but he eventually did. He straightened up, and blinked back the tears that were stinging his eyes. He would not give his father the satisfaction of seeing him cry. Not ever again.

"You can't disrespect me like this, Dean. I thought you learned from last time, but obviously not." He said as he grabbed his shoulders and pinned him against the wall.  The second blow hit Dean in the eye, and he knew that this was gonna be one of the worst beatings he had received in a while.

"DAD!! DAD, STOP!! LEAVE DEAN ALONE!!" Dean heard Sammy yell from the entrance of the kitchen.  Go away, Sam. You don't need to see this. He thought. He didn't want his dad to hurt Sammy, too.

Sam ran over to his dad, grabbing both of his arms. His father took a swing at Sam, and hit him squarely in the chest. Sam was knocked over, and his father turned his attention back to the eldest Winchester brother. He hit his son in the stomach for the second time, and Dean sunk to the floor. His father started kicking him, and Dean thought he might die, but his father stopped.

"You remember this next time you want to disobey me. I won't stop then." He growled in Dean's ear. Dean didn't have the strength to speak, so he just nodded, and spit out the blood in his mouth.

Sam helped Dean up from the floor as soon as their father went into his bedroom.  "Are you alright, Dean?" He asked.

"I'll be fine, Sammy. I'm okay." He replied weakly.  Sam led him to the kitchen where he sat him on a stool. He walked over to the sink to get a rag to clean the blood off of his big brothers face.

"Aah," Dean gasped as his brother lightly dabbed the cloth over his swelling eye.

"Sorry," Sam mumbled.

"It's alright. Just be careful."

After Dean was all cleaned up, the boys both went to bed. It had been a long night and they were exhausted.  Especially Dean.


The next morning was a Monday, and that meant it was time to get up and ready for school.

"Dean, are you going to school today? Dad already left so you don't have to if you don't want to." Sam called from beyond the door of Dean's room.

"Yeah. I have to. They'll just call him if I don't go." Dean replied. He got up slowly, his body still aching from the night before.  As he changed, be noticed the new bruises on his ribs and chest, from where his father kicked him. Luckily, it didn't feel like he had any broken bones. After he was dressed, Dean made his way into the bathroom. His eye had turned black and blue from the night before. He lightly splashed some water on his face to wake himself up and clean his eye, and he thought about what lie he would tell his boyfriend.

I could tell him I got in a fight. He thought, thats kinda half true. I'll be late for class and tell him I was in a fight before school. That seems realisic.


When Dean got to school, all eyes were on him. He heard a few kids whispering, but nothing he could make out. When he got to his first period, Cas' smile dropped as soon as he saw Dean's eye.

"Babe, what happened?" He asked. He looked genuinely worried about this.

"It's nothing, Cas. I was just in a fight." Dean replied nonchalantly.

"You were in a fight? With who? When? Where? Why?" Cas asked.

"It doesn't matter with who. They look way worse than I do, trust me. And to answer your other questions, they don't matter either." Dean whispered. Class had started and they had to be quiet. He didn't want to talk about this with Cas. He didn't want to burden him with what his father does to him.

"Yes, I does matter, Dean!" Cas whisper-yelled. (A/N that's a thing now.)

"Boys! If you can't be quiet, you can go talk to the principal. Now, be quiet, or leave me class!" The teacher scolded.

"We are not done talking about this, Dean." Cas whispered.

"Okay." Dean whispered back.


"Dean, what the hell? Why won't you talk to me?" Cas asked at lunch. He had tried to get his boyfriends attention throughout a few of their classes, but Dean kept brushing him off.

"I did talk to you. During class. I told you there was nothing to worry about and that I was fine. There's nothing more to talk about." Dean answered. He really didn't want Cas to know that his father did this to him. He might call the police, and that was the last thing Dean needed.

"No, there is more to talk about. Who did this to you? And why? You can tell me that, Dean." Cas said. "You can tell me anything."

"No, I can't, Cas. Now can you just drop it? Please? I told you its fine." Dean said. He was not doing a good job at keeping the anger out of his voice.

"Okay. I'll drop it." Cas said, sounding a bit hurt. Dean instantly regretted getting angry at Cas, but he was fine, and Cas didn't need to know that his father beat him.

"Hey, sorry for getting angry, but it's fine. You don't need to worry about it. Okay?" Dean said, a little more kindly.

"If you say so." Cas said, but Dean could hear the doubt in his boyfriend's voice.


A/N hey guys! Sorry I've been MIA for a while, but I've been binge watching Riverdale and The Office (Jim and Pam are one of my otps now), and I haven't had the time to write so... Ops. But anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter (well, as much as you can, given the circumstances. *Evil laughs*)!

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