The Double Date

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A/N my stepdad proposed to my mom last night and I'm super happy and excited :). Carry on.


"Hello Dean," he heard a familiar gravelly voice say behind him.  He was at his locker before school started to grab his books.

"Hello, Cas." Dean said. He didnt have to turn around to know it was him. He knew his voice anywhere. "Do you know if we need our geometry books today, or are we gonna do worksheets?"

"I believe we need them." Castiel had moved to the locker beside Dean now that the student that was there left. Dean had found all of his books, and closed the locker.  He turned slightly to stare longingly into Castiels bright blue eyes. Damn, he thought, he really is gorgeous.

"Cas, can I ask you something?" Dean asked.

"Of course."

"W-will you be my boyfriend? I, uh, I understand if you say no it's okay if you do but I was just wondering since we have been on a date that you asked me out on and- hmph." Dean's nervous, awkward rambling was cut off by Castiels soft lips pressed against his.  It took his startled brain only a moment to figure out what was going on, but when he did, his eyes fluttered shut and he pressed back. It was a soft, sweet kiss, but when it was over, it left Dean wanting more.

"Of course I will.  Do you think I would ask you out if that wasnt my intention?"

"Umm... I don't know. Maybe?" He said with a teasing smile.  Castiel just rolled his eyes, but he had a small, amused grin on his face that he attempted to hide, but failed.

"Come on, my boyfriend, we're going to be late for class." Even though he was being sarcastic, Dean's heart still fluttered at the word. Boyfriend, he thought, I'm Cas' boyfriend. And he's mine.


When lunch came, they told their friends about the news. Kevin had his nose buried in a textbook, per usual, but when he heard, he looked up at them and smiled. "Congrats, guys." He said. Charlie's and Gabriel's reactions were a little more over the top.

"Oh my god!" Charlie squealed, "finally! I shipped you guys since I caught you eye f-u-c-k-ing in the middle of class!" This made the new couple blush. They had thought that no one had noticed, but apparently, they were wrong.

"Now you, Sam and I can go on double dates and do cute couple-y stuff together!" Gabe gushed.  He was over the moon that his brother finally had Dean as his boyfriend.  Chuck only knows how much hes heard about his sparkling green eyes, or about all his freckles scattered on his nose by his love struck older brother.

"Yeah, I dont think Sam's into the whole PDA thing."  Dean replied.  He had expected Charlie to be squealing, but not Gabriel. He didnt seem like the type to be phased by this kind of thing.

"I've noticed." Gabe deadpanned. "That doesnt mean I can't bribe him."

"Alright, then. Tell me how that works out for you."

"Will do."


As it turns out, Gabriel was able to bribe Sam into going on a double date.  It took nearly all of his Reeses stash, but it worked.  The only condition was that Sam wanted to pick where they were going.  He decided on Ellen and Bobby's Roadhouse. It was about a thirty minute drive to a different city, but Sam figured it was far enough away that none of his school friends would be there.

The two brothers left the Winchester house at around 7:30 to pick up the Novaks.  "Damn, Cas. It's just a road house." Dean said when his boyfriend got in the car.  He was wearing a nice white button up that had the top few buttons undone, letting his chest peek through a little. He also had on black pants and nice shoes.  He still had his messy sex hair, though, but it was surprisingly fitting with the look.  Dean couldn't help but stare.  He looked absolutely perfect.

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