The day before

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Jonah's P.O.V

"We'll tell the others today at the meeting, Ok?" Dani said playing with my hair. I just nodded, we both laying in my bed, my head on his chest and we both cuddled. I loved it. It was warm and I only smell his scent. I didn't want to move. Then our stupid alarm goes on. "Ehm shut that stupid thing off" I mumbled into his chest. He just giggled. "Babe the meeting is now. We have to get dressed" he said standing up and suddenly everything went cold. "Noooooo don't leave your so warm" I tried to grab his shirt. He laughed again. "Later. Now c'mon" he took one of my favorite shirts and put it on. Then he threw a harry potter shirt on the bed for me. "Well you know what I like" i said giggling. I sat up and changed my clothes. Yep in front of him. We changed in front o us so often but our cheeks still blushed. He was so cute with blushed cheeks. We finished changing and walked to the meeting room where we sat down on the floor waiting for the others to arrive. After a few minutes they came. Daniel and I stood up. "Before we start we have sth to tell you guys" I started to say a bit nervous. "Well we both are dating... Since a year" Daniel continued. Zach started to chuckle. "Yeah Jack and I know. I mean it was obvious. And all the time you threw Jack out of your room to be alone with Daniel." he giggled. Daniel and I just stared at each other and started to laugh too. Ok it was hard to hide but it was cool that they are ok with it. I saw that Zach looked the whole time to Jack and every time Jack coughts himself Zach will just look away and blushs. I smiled. In this moment Namjoon Hyung came in. "We have to talk. It's about Corbyn and Taehyung" he says. I look to Corbyn to see his eyes widen. "He told you! He promised me!" He said shocked and angry. I kneeled next to him but looked to Namjoon. "Hyung, explain" I said comforting Corbyn who was really angry. "Well it seems like Corbyn and Tae are getting treats. Really bad treats. Well the things they have to aren't that bad, but they treat to Kill someone they love if they don't do it." He says sighing. My eyes widened a bit. "Which fucking bastartds treats the members of our two gangs" Jack said angry ready to kill someone. "Well we don't know what stands in it because Yoongi Hyung found from Tae and told me and both are nnot feeling good right now so Corbyn should explain" Namjoon said. "Well in the first one stand to go to a place. When we arrived there on the next day there stood we should distract you on Friday. But I'm not quite sure why" Corbyn said. Well it was obvious why. "They want to do something, with out us knowing" Jack spoke out my thoughts. "We need to be prepared. Tomorrow is Friday. Jonah, call my members." Namjoon said. I mentally said a spell to call all the members. 

Namjoon's P.O.V

And after a few minutes everyone was there but their aura was weird. Yoongi Hyungs was sad, angry and Jimin was full of guilt and sadness. What happened? I saw that Jknah recognized it too. I had to talk to them later about that. "Okay, listen guys. We found something out. Taehyung and Corbyn got threats.." "I thought you promised to tell no one!" Tae said angry to Corbyn, cutting my words. "well I didn't it was you!" Corbyn said back. "I did" yoongi hyung whispered and every one looked at him. "That's not the point! Now focus. They both both were threatened to distract us tomorrow. We think that someone is going to do something bad tomorrow. Meanwhile we have to protect two people. Who was it?" I asked looking at Tae and Corbyn. "Well on the blue paper stand Freya" Corbyn said gulping. "Wait did you say blue paper?" Jimin asked. "Yeah" Tae said. "I became four months ago threats on blue papers too" he said and I saw her was trying to avoid to look at Yoongi. He became threats too? "What was written?" Daniel asked. "Ehm... That I should hurt someone but not physically.." Jimin looked to Yoongi, who just stared on the ground. That's what happened. "Okay so we have a or more persons that threats is and want to do something bad. What do they want to reach with it?" I asked. "Mmh we are the two strongest gangs. Maybe they want to separate us all so there gang could become the strongest." Hobi Hyung said. "yeah that could be the reason. Ok. Tomorrow they want to do something. okay I have a plan. They want Tae and Corbyn to distract us. And we'll be distracted from you. Jonah, your sisters gang will protect Freya and Tae's brother. We will install cameras everywhere so we can see who it is. We are twelve persons together so they won't realize if one person misses. Jonah. You look around with your senses for magic. Tae and Corbyn. You two distract us with a fight. Do like you fight over sth. And now take some rest. The rest I'll send you per thelepaty so no one can listen." I commanded, my brain ready focusing on tomorrow.

Shadow Falls Camp/ Academy (BTS & WDW version)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя