The Ritual

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I ranned to the first person who was near me. Sadly I forgot his name. "Freya.." I started. He just looked annoyed at me. "What?" He said. Then I remembered his name. "Yoongi. Freya she is alive. We have to get her. She is alive. Are you listening?" He looked with wide opened eyes at me. "How do you know she is alive? We all saw her dead body." He said. "I heard her calling me. It was in my head the voice" I said. "Wait a second" he still looked at me with disbelieve. He was gone and a few seconds later he came with Jimin but then dissapeared. "What happened?" Jimin asked worried. "Freya is alive. I-I heard her calling me. She must be alive. Please believe me. I can feel her. Please. "Tears started flowing. He sat down next to me. "I belive you." He said smiling. "You do?" I asked. He nodded. "Thats called sibling button. Dunno why its called that but when siblings are in danger they can call each other. But it only works with fairys. I'm glad she is alive but it could be too that she is calling you even tho she is dead. We have to find Jonah and Namjoon Hyung. And maybe Tae" My hope was destroyed. Well a bit. And I was confused. "Why them?" I asked. "Because they are witches. They have the biggest magic power. And Tae is a chameleon also with witch power. I'll send them a message." He said and took out his phone to contact them. While he did it I sat down. "No don't sit down. We have to go to the witches room." He said and I sighed and got up. We walked to the witches room, well I just followed him because I got no clue where it is, and as we arrived Jonah, Namjoon and Tae were already there. "We arrived your message, what happened?" Namjoon asked. "Hyung he heard Freyas voice by the sibling button. But we still dunno if she is alive or dead." Jimin explained. "And you want us to look if she is alive and maybe find her." Jimin and I nodded. "We have to do a circle. It's good that we are 5 even tho two aren't witches. Okay. Jonah stand in the east. Tae you stand in the south. Jimin you stand in the west and I stand in the north. Corbyn you have to go in the middle. I will explain what to do. Each of you stand for an element. Jonah for air, Tae for fire, Jimin for water, I for earth and Corbyn you for spirit. I will give each of you a candle in the colour of your element. Please just think about Freya and no bad thoughts. We will all summon the elements. Corbyn you have to do that because you are spirit. Its easy, you have to say as an example Water I summon you and than you hild the lighter on the candle. You start with air and go with the time. You are the last. The rest of the spell I'll do. Understand?" Namjoon said and I nodded. We started as he told and did all the things. As I finished lightening all the candles and went to the middle Namjoon, Jonah and Tae threw their heads back and started whislering something in another language. It looked kinds scary but without even knowing the words I started whispering them too and Jimin also. After a few moments suddenly everyone stopped and it went silent. Then, something like a TV appeared, just a bit flat. I could see Freya in it. I wanted to shout her name but I couldnt move or speak. She was laying awake and trying to get out of the thing she was lying in. Namjoon moved his hand and everything dissapeared. "No!" I screamed and tried to see it again. "Corbyn calm down. You have to end the ritual. Now!" Namjoon said panicking. Namjoon never panicked. I inhaled and ended the ritual how I was told too. "Hyung, what happened?" Jimin asked. "I felt something bad. A power I have felt once a long time ago. We have to make a meeting. Tae go tell them that I want to see everyone in 5 minutes" Namjoon said with a pale face. Taehyung nodded and ran out of the room.

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