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"Freya it is" Jackson sayed and moved his hand again. Now everything went in slow motion. As he made the movement I ran towards him to stop him but I was to late...

I saw Freya fall. "Noooooo!" I screamed and wanted to ran towards her but the barrier was stopping me. I heard her scream. It was so horrible. I saw how Jackson turned around to face me. "So how is it to loose her?" He smiled. "You are a fucking monster! I HATE YOU!" I screamed and broke down on the floor. "No Corbyn not I am the monster. He i- " he suddenly stopped and his eyes were wide open. In his chest there was the top of a big knife. Blood started flowing and he fell on the floor, behind him Hobi. Hobi was wounded and I wanted to run to him but then I heard a noise behind me. The barrier faded and behind it were no one. "An illusion!" Jonah gasped. "T-thats why I am here... We found Freya" Hobi's breath was heavy. "A-are you okay?" I crawled to him and he nodded. "Guys! We need to go! The building will explode in 5 minutes. And all the bad ones are unconscious! Should we take them with us?" Daniel came in running. "Oh my god Daniel what happened?" Jonah asked. Daniel was covered I blood. "It's not my blood" Daniel said. "yes lets take them with us! And now lets go!" Namjoon screamed as the whole building started shaking. I took Hobis hand and teleported us to the car. Next to it I saw Jasmin sitting there, eyed wide open and covered in blood. I looked to Hobi. "What happened?" I asked. "She lost nearly all of her gang members. They died..." He said looking down. "T-They died?" I asked shocked. Wasnt the plan to get everyone out safely? How could this happen??" I couldnt imagine it. "They knew from our plan... Some of our gangs were in his.." My brain needed a few minutes to understand this. "Wait you mean some of us were in Jacksons gang and told him everything we did??" I nearly screamed. "Yeah. But only from my wolf pack. How couldn't I see this" he looked down sighing. I pulled him close and we hugged each other. We didnt realise that everyone else was already here and we backed away as the whole building broke apart.
As we got back home, all the dead bodies were put on in the park for the funeral. We stood around it and the witches started the ritual. Namjoon, Jonah, Tae and Miranda, the teacher stood there. They all holded different colored candles. Jonah a yellow, Tae a red, Miranda a blue one and Namjoon a green one. Jasmin came with a violet candle. They were standing in a circle and Jasmin walked to Jonah. "Air, I call you in this circle" Suddenly the air was strong and blowing from all sides, but not in an aggressive way. She walked to Tae "Fire I call you in this circle" it was getting warmer and before she even touched it it lit up highly. Her face looked powerful but you could see the sadness in it. "Water I call you in this circle" The sounds of the ocean and rain surrounded us. She walked to Namjoon "Earth I call you in this circle" As soon as she lit the candle the smell of grass was around us. Then she walked to the middle and next to the grave. "Spirit I call you. Today many people died. Too many people died just to save one person. They were all strong and powerful and would have a great a life. Simran, Hailey, Hanna, Lisa, Josi and Jan we all will miss you and wish you the best in the underworld." She lit the grave and everyone could feel the sadness. We stood there for around ten minutes then everyone except Jasmin, Kevin and Melina went. They would stay here till the next morning. I was sad and shook at the same time. As I went up I passed by the healing room where I saw Jin and Jimin working much. I walked in. "Can I guys help you?" I asked and looked around. There were many people on the beds and I also saw Hobi and Freya and people I dont know, which must be the bad ones. "Yeah we really need help, here are too many people" Jimin said and smiled thankfully. "Why do we heal the bad ones?" I wondered. "Well as soon as Jackson died they all fell down on the floor unconscious. We think that Jackson put a spell on them that they help him" Jimin looked to someone sadly, who must be his brother Jinyoung. "And who from our gang were in his too?" I asked while I gave the awake people water. "Mark Tuan and Felix. The poor Felix, he is only 18 years old" Jin shook his head while using his telekinesis to give Jimin stuff or bandage people. In this moment a young boy stormed in. He definitely wasnt in this school and soon some of the school followed him. "Where is Mark??? Where is my baby??" The boy was older than me and looked asian. "Youngjae was your name, right? He is unconscious." Jimin said, not even looking up. "It was this fucking Jacksons fault that this happened! I told him that he shouldn't accept that job!" The boy sat down in the middle of the floor crying. "What do you know about that? With Jackson?" Jonah came in. "W-well he was lookingfor a job to finance our wedding. Our p-parents dont allow us to marry because he is werewolf and I am a formchanger so we wanted to do it secretly. He knew from a friend that this Jackson guy has a job. It didn't say what kind of job. He told me he just wanted to look but didnt think that he will take it. He came back totally different. Suddenly he didn't had any time for me. He just was at this job or in this school. He didnt even call me, just once for telling something to this Jackson guy." He broke down crying.

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