Waking Up

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I looked at the guy sadly. "It seems like Jackson hypnotized them or something like that so they did everything he wanted to. Dont worry Youngjae, he will be fine. We checked his health and he is fine." Jimin said and walked back to heal other people. "Corbyn could you show Youngjae Mark's room?" Jonah asked me. I nodded and looked at Youngjae. We walked threw the hallway slowly. "And what is your power fairy?" He asked me after a bit of walking. There was no hate in his voice. His voice was just tired and curious. "I can teleport myself and other people" I answered. "Thats interesting." he said while walking. "Hmmm. Ah here is his room.  He got no one who is sharing it with him so you're all alone." I said pointing at the door. I wanted to leave as his voice stopped me. "How is this academy? Are they nice here?" He asked. I nodded. "They are. It was really confusing for me because I didnt even know I had a power. I was so shocked as Daniel turned into a tiger". He laughed. "Woah you really didnt knew it? Unbelievable for me. I grew up with it and its so normal for me. I cant imagine how that is for you" he said. "Yeah.." "So thank you for bringing me" he smiled. "No problem" i smiled and walked away. Something about this guy gave me a weird feeling. Why? I dont know. I walked back to the healing room where Mark sat up straight. "THIS IS NOT YOUNGJAE" he almost screamed. "What? What do you mean by that?" I asked walking to him. "It's his body but in him is Jackson! He is possessed by him!" The others looked at Mark. "How do you know that?" Namjoon asked. "I can remember he told someone as I listened by accident. He said that as soon as his body dies he will choose Youngjae's body because he knew he couldn't do anything against it!" Mark explained. "Corbyn teleport Youngjae here as fast as possible." Jonah commanded and I nodded. I teleported to him and he looked shocked at me.
"I need you to come with me. It's about Mark" he nodded and I took his wrist teleporting us back. Gladly we did not fall into the pool. As soon as we were there Mark looked a bit shocked and confused. "M-Mark how are you?" Youngjae immediately asked and took his hand. "Youngjae what date did we came together and how did you ask me out?" Mark asked and Youngjae looked confused as hell. "Just answer" Namjoon said. "We came together on the 29th of August in 2016. And not I asked you out, you asked me out while I was reading my favorite book. A paper fell out with 'Will you go out with me? -Mark" Youngjae smiled a bit, still looking confused. Mark hugged him tightly. "Seems like he is not it. Maybe Jackson did not possess anyone?" I asked. Mark just looked even more confused. "W-what happened?" He asked looking like a lost puppy at Youngjae. "What is the last thing you can remember?" Jonah asked even before Youngjae opened his mouth. "Uhm going to that job application" he said and everyone gasped. "Babe that was 2 month ago!" Youngjae said shocked. "W-what??? Can someone explain me what happened??" Mark said looking to all of us. "We would like to know that too" a voice behind us said. Six people were standing there. The others from the 'bad ones'. "Well as far as I understood" Namjoon started but I stopped him. "Wait a second Mark. If you cant remember anything what happened in the last two months, how do you know that Jackson said he would take over Youngjae's body?" I asked confused. Youngjae gasped and also did Mark. "I-I said that?" He still looked confused. "Mark do you remember anything?" Yoongi said looking him in the eyes. "U-Uhm no" the other answered and Yoongi nodded. "He is saying the truth" and in the next second Yoongi was gone.

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