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The bittersweet smell of coffee flooded Jisung's nose as his eyes scanned the coffee shop. His fingers nervously played with the sleeves of his oversized hoodie as he searched for his boyfriend, who he hadn't talked to in days. Jisung knew exactly what conversation was coming his way, and his heart clenched at the thought of it.

"Over here," his boyfriend, Hwang Hyunjin, was seated at a table near the center of the cafe, calling for him. The noticeable drop of the usual cheer in his voice burned through his heart. Hyunjin always greeted Jisung with a warm smile and a cheery hello. He wondered if he would ever hear the same happy greeting ever again. All thoughts aside, Jisung put mask over his sadness, and smiled at his boyfriend as he walked to the table.

"Jinnie! Sorry if I kept you waiting long," he said as he sat in front of Hyunjin. Smiling hurt, but all he wanted to do in this moment is forget that night never happened. In fact he wished that that night never happened in general; so there was nothing to forget. "It's fine," the older replied with a small polite grin, acting completely oblivious to Jisung's obvious anxiety. He looked at his boyfriend, guilt weighing heavy on his shoulders. The memory playing over and over again in his head.

five days earlier
Hyunjin's phone buzzed. The notification in which showed up on the screen was a message from Jisung.

Sungie❤️: working late again today :'<

He locked his phone screen and sighed. He threw himself onto the couch, laying there with only his own thoughts. Thoughts of longing. Jisung had been working overtime this whole week and truthfully speaking, he missed his boyfriend.

Little did he know, Jisung had actually been getting off work early the whole week. He had spent hours on the phone ordering special desserts, takeout meals, and flowers preparing for an early anniversary surprise for Hyunjin.

Jisung drove around the city, picking up the various items in preparation of tonight. He constantly pulled over to review the pile of items in the passenger seat of his car, checking to make sure he got everything he ordered. His heart skidded with excitement as he thought about Hyunjin's loving reaction; his loving smile beaming as he pulled Jisung into a giant hug.

Hyunjin on the other hand, completely unaware of the upcoming celebration, laid on the couch with no feelings but emptiness.

Eventually, he dragged himself off the couch to walk to the fridge. It was six o'clock and he was starving. The cold wooden floor struck his feet as he stepped off the fluffy carpet. Unfortunately though, the doorbell rang, interrupting his trip to the kitchen.

He opened the door to see a familiar face. A childhood friend now stood before him. "Kim Seungmin?" Hyunjin lit up. Seungmin smiled at him from the doorway.

Letting his friend inside, ended up being the biggest mistake of his life. One thing lead to another, and the two ended up in a heated kiss on the living room couch.

Oblivious to the world surrounding them, neither of the boys noticed the apartment door click open. Jisung stared at the two with wide, hurt eyes, his world crumbling beneath his feet as he saw the man he had previously considered the love of his life passionately kissing another man. The bouquet of flowers and endless boxes of cake and takeout fell from his hands, alerting the two boys of his arrival.

Hyunjin and Seungmin jolted up at the loud sound. Jisung looked at the stranger in confusion as tears blurred his vision. His eyes moved to Hyunjin, who desperately wished was dead in that moment. He looked at the items sprawled out in a mess on the floor and realized what he had done.

"Jisung I-" he started. But Jisung ran into the hallway and out the apartment building in seconds.

And that was the last time he had interacted with Jisung. Until now.

"Should I get us some drinks?" Jisung's smile shone brighter than the stars, though it showed no genuine happiness. "Actually Jisung I wanted to talk-" Jisung cut off Hyunjin. His heart raced as he fought back the tears slowly making way to his eyes. "Look this lemonade has cotton candy!" His words came out quicker than lightning, desperately trying to fight away the thought of losing the man in front of him.


Hyunjin's voice was serious. Jisung had never witnessed this side of his boyfriend before. He sighed and dropped his act. Tears fell down his face as he rested his forehead in into his hands, his fingers pulling tightly at his hair.

"What did I do wrong, Jinnie?" Jisung's words came out in sobs. "What did he have that I didn't? I tried so hard-" Hyunjin felt a pang in his heart. "I know you did, Jisung. You were an amazing to me and I never deserved you." He watched the younger as he continued to cry. "You deserve so much better Jisung. Which is why we can't be together."

"Hyunjin, I love you so much, can't you see? You're the only one I want to be with!" Jisung sobbed. His words hit Hyunjin like bullets. Though what he did was wrong, he still loved Jisung. He couldn't bare the fact that he had hurt him this much. "Goodbye, Sungie." Hyunjin got up and left the cafe, leaving Jisung alone at the table. His eyes couldn't bare to look up to watch him leave.

Jisung had just lost everything. His home, his happiness, his love. And the stares of the surrounding cafe customers didn't help at all.

Breaking the silent stillness of the once lively coffee shop, one of the workers began walking towards the crying boy with a cup of sweet, warm caramel coffee.

"I didn't order this." Jisung said flatly as the barista set the drink on the table. The worker ignored his words and continued to take a seat. Jisung looked up at the dark haired male who had now replaced Hyunjin's seat. "Well, you looked like you needed it," he smiled. Jisung remained silent as he took a sip of the coffee, the cup warming his hands as the sweet taste filled his mouth.

"So," the barista interrupted his thoughts. "What's your name?" Jisung looked up from his coffee and made eye contact with the boy. He looked older than Jisung, but only by a couple years. "J-Jisung. Han Jisung." he stammered. The worker smiled a warm smile. The comfort in his eyes Jisung at ease. "How about you?" Jisung asked awkwardly.

With the same genuine smile the boy replied. "Minho. Lee Minho."

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