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disclaimer: this chapter makes no sense whatsoever but i was too lazy to edit it right now so here it is

"Jisung!" Jisung was awaken by the constant sound of Minho calling his name, along with the shaking of his shoulder. His eyelids lifted slowly. Minho let go of the boy and allowed him to wake up. Jisung looked out the window to a familiar sight. The same apartment he had run out of days before, and hadn't gone back since.

"Do you need me to go up with you?" Minho asked, his voice silky and full of empathy. Jisung was beyond glad Minho offered before he had to ask. "Would you?" Jisung let out a polite smile. Minho smiled and nodded, opening the car door shortly after, Jisung doing the same.

The two shared an awkwardly long and silent walk. The sound of their footsteps echoed through the halls as the two of them silently longed for this moment to be over.

They had finally made it to the fourth floor and Jisung led the way to the apartment , Minho trailing just a couple feet behind him. He kept the same distance from him as Jisung reached the door.

Jisung took a deep breath, taking in the familiar scent of the hallway before ringing the doorbell. It was so hard to believe that all those years with Hyunjin, the thousands of kisses and feelings of unconditional love happened in this same hallway. How is it that such a happy feeling can turn so cold?

Here goes nothing, he thought to himself as he pushed the button, earning a muffled ding from inside the apartment. The ding faded and the sounds of footsteps walking toward the door became clearer.

Jisungs heart raced. What if Seungmin's in there? What if he answers the door? He prayed over and over again that his boyfriend wouldn't have moved on that quickly, leaving Jisung the only moping and lonely one of the two.

The door opened, and to Jisung's relief it was Hyunjin, and only Hyunjin. His eyes widened "Jisung I-" he paused for a moment, giving the younger boy a chance to examine his ex boyfriend. His eyes were swollen and red, making it obvious that the boy had been crying for hours and hours on end. "What are you doing here?" Jisung rubbed the back of his neck, struggling even to say the words I'm here to retrieve my belongings.

Minho noticed his struggling and immediately stepped up. "He's here to get his stuff," he said, earning stares from the two younger boys. "Oh." Hyunjin replied, still staring at the dark haired mystery boy. "And who are you?" Jisung quickly turned back to face Hyunjin, ready to object any assumptions his ex had stirred up in his head. "I'm his new roommate." Minho smiled awkwardly.

"I see," Hyunjin nodded. "Well you pretty much only had your clothes and school items so I already packed your stuff. It's those two boxes in he living room," He pointed into the apartment. "Oh and your squirrel plushie is in there too," Minho had to fight back the laugh rising in his throat, but an uncontrollable grin grew on his face. "Thank you.. Minho would you mind helping me?" Jisung turned to Minho again, causing Minho to immediately drop his smile. "Oh yeah.. sure," the older replied as the three boys walked into the apartment.

Minho and Jisung quickly said goodbye and left the apartment, attempting to avoid any awkward small talk with Hyunjin. They practically ran downstairs with the boxes and out onto the sidewalk where the car was parked.

Once the boxes were placed safely into the trunk of the car Jisung pulled his hair and groaned as loudly as he could. "I hated every second of that," He let one hand go to put on his seatbelt. Minho laughed lightheartedly. "So what's the squirrel's name?" he strategically avoided any conversation having to do with the contact with his ex boyfriend.

"Hey!" Jisung pouted. "And it's Sungji," he smiled as he thought about the cute face sewn onto his plushie. "Sungji? Like Jisung backwards?" Minho laughed even more than before. "Wow it really just hit me. You totally look like a squirrel," With each word, Minho's laugh became more and more uncontrollable. Jisung had never heard him laugh like this before. Sure there were the small chuckles and giggles here and there, but this was different. And he really took the time to take it in, putting on the expression of an offended child to hide the fact that he was this interested in the older boy's laugh. You can really clearly hear the "haha" in his laugh, and without even realizing it Jisung began to laugh at Minho's laugh.

The two continued laughing for a good five minutes before they cooled down, giving Jisung time to think. Minutes after breaking up with Hyunjin, Jisung never thought he'd laugh like this again. Though yes he did miss Hyunjin, and his heart still ached at the thought of the betrayal, Jisung was somehow happy. He enjoyed being in this car with this boy he had just met that day. He found someone who was able to make him laugh for hours, no matter what disastrous event had happened before.

And suddenly for just a second, he saw the world in a completely different way. Minho, a stranger he met just that day, suddenly became a life long friend, and he subconsciously treasured this moment forever.

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