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jisung denied it. he denied it all. i mean, how could someone develop a crush on someone he's barely known for 24 hours? it was silly, and so were the friends sitting in front of him.

but were they? jisung kept thinking. maybe he did have a crush on minho, maybe he didn't. but crushing on someone was always a fun ride for jisung. keeping heart eyes for that one special person in your life, until you move on, or in some cases until it goes further.

either way, a crush would be a fun, refreshing experience for jisung, or at least that's the way he thought of it.

after five minutes of jisung fighting off chan and changbin's childish lovebird teases, minho and felix finally came back with their food.

"meal's here! and so's the food" felix joked.
"gross" minho retorted, earning multiple laughs from the seated boys.

felix playfully hit minho's shoulder, as he set down the tray of tteokbokki.

"dig in!" minho cheered, and the five of them did exactly that.

the small hangout with their friends slowly came to end, which eventually ended in another silent, but comfortable car ride for the new roommates.

minho's phone was connected to the bluetooth, though most of the songs in his playlist were pretty popular and jisung found no trouble in singing along.

jisung's voice was angelic. and the way he sang the prechorus blew minho away. he knew jisung and his friends were all musically talented, but he never thought he'd meet people with this beautiful of a voice.

jisung readied himself to go all out with the chorus of the song, hopefully earning a laugh from the boy beside him. because making people laugh was his absolute favorite thing to do. maybe he'd even sing it in one of his character impressions. he giggled to himself just thinking about it.

but coincidentally, he got cut off, and minho's obnoxious text tone interrupted the song. jisung pouted in disappointment. who on earth sets their text tone to something that long?

"hey im driving, would you mind checking wjo thag is for a sec?" minho asked, keeping his eyes locked on the road. jisung respected that, his car playlist may not be the most interesting, but minho was definitely a good driver.

"sure" jisung replied, picking up the phone.

kangmin <3
thanks for the help today! (人◕ω)

jisung stared at the phone. trying to interpret the message shown on the screen.

"from kangmin ; thanks for the help today," jisung relayed the message to minho.

minho glanced over at jisung. "oh," he said. "i'll reply to it later," minho kept his eyes fixated on the road, but jisung couldn't help but notice the small smile that formed on his face.

his signature cat-like grin, different from his normal smile, different from his smiles in pictures. jisung got the message. and he didn't really mind this 'kangmin' person, but he definitely couldn't ignore the feeling in his chest that longed to be the person making minho smile like that.

jisung let out a fake chuckle. "so the lee minho has a crush on a dude? tea! spill it,"

minho laughed at his use of internet slang. "it's nothing much. just this cute guy in my class. helped him carry his books to class today, what a cutie," minho's laugh lightened the space around them, and his eyes sparkled as the words came out of his mouth.

jisung's heart fell. well that crush lasted about four hours, he thought to himself. inside, he laughed at his inability to maintain a stable love life, but even deeper inside, a part of him felt sad.

"wow, love that for you, dude," jisung lied. no, it wasn't a big crush, but it definitely was disappointing.

their conversation died quickly, but jisung didn't go back to singing along with the songs playing in the car. minho definitely noticed.

instead of singing, jisung went to text his friends.

hot sauce

well that's disappointing lol

what is?

the fact that i didnt get
felix's number? i agree

apparently minho already
has someone in his mind :<

oh shit

hey dude im sorry..

nah its fine, it wasnt a big
crush anyways lmao
a shame tho..

jisung put his phone down and ignored the rest of the incoming texts. he never sang along to the rest of the songs either. he listened, stared out the window, and waited for them to arrive back home.

and the two finally did. minho unlocked the door to the apartment and was startled to see jisung rushing past him and into his new room.

"ji, you good?" minho questioned, not thinking too deeply of the boy's behavior.
"just tired," jisung replied dryly, closing his bedroom door immediately behind him.

he sunk onto his bed. letting the softness of his sheets settle onto his honey skin as he took his coat off laying down.

tears slowly streamed down jisungs face. he couldn't really pinpoint a reason why.

it wasn't minho. honestly, the minho situation didn't bother him too much.

what really hurt him, was the fact that he always got himself into these situations. building up what he takes as mutual feelings, only to be let down in the end.

maybe he was just overthinking all minho's kindness. the smiles, the laughs. jisung could've sworn minho felt the same way (or at least close to) jisung felt.

but obviously that wasn't the case.

jisung laid in his bed for even longer, just thinking. he felt sad. lonely. he just wanted to feel loved.

hhhhh another rushed unedited chapter bc i have no idea where this book is going, but it's definitely going way too fast JDJSJSJ the story doesnt really make sense, and i dont even remember what i wrote so everything probably contradicts each other, but you guys seem to like it so here we are owo

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