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"so you said I forgot something in here?" jisung looked around the car as he buckled his seatbelt.

"no, I just wanted to be with you," minho smirked playfully, winking at the younger boy as he started the car.

jisung hit minho's shoulder. "you're mad weird, bro," he chuckled.

and minho's response? he just smiled.

jisung had to admit, his smile really was everything. it made him feel different, proud even. and all he wish for in those moments was to make minho smile forever.

jisung found himself forcing himself to snap out of his thoughts once again. he turned on minho's car radio and took the aux cord without asking.

"heyㅡ" minho began to protest, but jisung continued anyways.

"you'll love it i promise," jisung assured, leavinng minho to sigh back in his seat.

and after a couple minutes of silence as jisung looked through his phone for a good song to play.

a smile of satisfaction had bene brought to his face as he finally settled on chocolate by day6. he brought his eyes back up to the road and smiled.

this song made him happy, and apparently it made minho happy too.

the two sang and danced to the song on repeat until they reached their destination.


minho and jisung's car jam session came to a close as they stepped out of the car and into the restaurant.

to their surprise, the three other boys had gotten there already, despite them leaving campus after the two roommates.

"finally! what took you two so long?" Changbin asked, slightly annoyed.

"woah there, we're not the ones who 'took so long'. not our fault you all traveled here at the speed of light," jisung replied, pointing at Changbin.

felix chuckled. "whatever, let's eat!" the boy jumped out of his seat. "my treat!" he chirped again, earning a cheer from everyone but Minho.

"no, mine!" the older boy called, chasing felix to the counter as he began putting their orders in.

after the two boys had left to order their food, jisung was left with chan and changbin.

"hey can I ask you guys something?" he fiddled with his fingers, unable to look up at the two boys seated in across from him.

"sure, go ahead," chan replied, expecting something small like a request for their lecture notes.

"okay um," jisung started. "jeez, i really don't know how to start this,"

"is it about hyunjin?" jisung looked up from the table, and stared at changbin, feeling a sharp pain in his heart at the mention of his ex-boyfriend.

"actually, this is about minho," jisung took in a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "There's something about him. his smile. dear god it's his smile! i always want him to be smiling. whenever i see him smile my heart starts racing and everything else in the room becomes completely irrelevant. but i just met the dude?" jisung quickly glanced at his two friends. the two responded with shocked faces.

"holy shit dude someone's got a crush"


omg hello! this book got 1k reads wtf dhshdhsh this was originally just for shits n giggles bc its .. really bad but i published it for my friends LOL but now this has 1k reads thats wild .. i wrote this chapter back in like august and im too lazy to edit (again LMAO) so ,, here it is yikes

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