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Minho twisted his keys into the lock of his apartment door, struggling to balance the box of Jisung's belongings in this other hand.

Once the door had opened, both Jisung and Minho set down the boxes each of them held as soon as possible. Minho plopped onto the couch face-first as Jisung remained in front of the boxes panting heavily and wiping sweat from his forehead.

"Don't you have an elevator here?" Jisung asked between breaths.

Minho turned his head so that his face was no longer buried into the sofa.

"We do, but I saw the neighbor I didn't like walk in there so we took the stairs instead,"

Jisung rolled his eyes at the older boy, but immediately began looking around the apartment as Minho once again buried his face into the couch.

A fluffy white rug laid across the living room, covering the dark hardwood floor of the apartment. Trendy colorful contemporary furniture decorated the room, along with strings of fairy lights lining the ceiling. It reminded Jisung of all the apartments in the dramas he'd watched, only giving Jisung another reason to look forward to living here.

His eyes soon came back to the couch Minho crashed onto minutes earlier. His eyes were still open, indicating that he was still awake, but the boy looked half dead regardless of being awake or not. Jisung let out a small chuckle.

He stacked the boxes on top of each other and began dragging them with him. Guess I'll have to tour the apartment myself, Jisung thought as he began walking toward the hallway he had seen upon entering.

At the end of the hallway there was an open door, which by looking inside was obviously the bathroom.

On the two sides of the hallway though, were two doors. Jisung was sure the doors led to the bedrooms, but had trouble guessing which one was his. He remembered Minho telling him that his previous roommate had left a few pieces of furniture in the room. With this information, Jisung would know immediately which room was his, assuming Minho's room had much more than a bed, a desk, and a single book shelf.

Jisung sighed and went for the door on his left, hoping to see the empty room. Knowing Jisung's luck though, it wasn't empty at all. Still he looked around the room a while longer, even though he knew it wasn't his.

Minho's room was neat and organized, his bed made and the floors clear of any mess. To his surprise the light switch he flicked on turned on multiple string lights lining the desk, as well as his cubic bookshelf, instead of a ceiling light. He had to admit though, he did like it better than typical harsh lighting.

Through the cubic bookshelf filled with various kpop albums you could see the bed, covered with almost a dozen stuffed animals. The sight caused him to laugh to himself as he switched the lights off and shut the door.

Jisung walked across the hallway and into his owned room, furnished with just the right amount of furniture as he expected. His bed had a red, metal bed frame, like something you'd see in a child's room. Both his desk and the bookshelf were the same as Minho's, giving him hope that he could decorate his room to be as aesthetically pleasing as his.

Minho walked from behind him sleepily, his footsteps causing Jisung to turn around.

"Sorry I didn't tour you around the place," he mumbled, rubbing his tired eyes.

"Oh, it's fine," Jisung replied. "I found my way around,"

Minho smiled at Jisung and gave him a lazy thumbs up. "Goodnight roomie,"

Minho laughed as he entered his room and closed the door.

"Goodnight," Jisung whispered to himself as he closed his own door as well, bringing his stack of boxes inside with him.

The first thing he unpacked was his bluetooth speaker, whipping it out immediately, playing Zico's newest song, Soulmate, on repeat as he unpacked the rest of his belongings.

Content with the way he was able to decorate the room, he plopped onto his bed and turned off his lights.

A million thoughts still ran through his mind, preventing him from sleeping.He thought about a lot of things; the past with Hyunjin, his future with Minho.

Jisung had a good feeling about Minho. His heart always became excited whenever the boy talked to him, and there was something so satisfying about making him smile.

I think we'll end up being good friends, Jisung smiled to himself as he drifted off to sleep.

sorry for this chapter's abundance of grammatical errors. it probably makes 0 sense and just sucks in general hahaha. i wrote this as i was literally falling asleep and i was too lazy to reread it and edit it. only like two people read this story so i guess its alright lmao hope y'all can stand this mess.

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