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minho twisted his keys into the doorknob. his mind was swirling, still feeling guilty about jeongin. if he had known the boy had such a fragile heart, maybe he would have helped him with jisung. his guilt for jeongin only increased, and all he wanted was to stop thinking about it.


but how could he?

"hey jisung," minho gave a small smile towards the boy at the end of the hall.

"was jeongin working today? he hasn't been responding to my messages or anything," the younger pouted. "i really wanted to watch this one anime he recommended!"

"jeongin?" minho's heart froze. "oh, um.. yeah. yeah, he was,"

jisung nodded in response, giving a small "oh," as he did so.

minho unlocked the door, leaving it open as jisung rushed from the end of the hall and through the apartment door. jisung threw his backpack onto the couch and flopped onto his bed. turning around, he could see minho rumbling through the fridge from his door. the older boy grabbed a canned drink (jisung couldn't tell exactly what it was) and began walking towards the door. this action caused a confused jisung to rush out of his bedroom.

"where ya going?" jisung asked, tilting his head at his roommate.

minho look at jisung, and to the floor. "the rooftop," he began walking to the fridge again, grabbing an identical can and gesturing it to jisung. "you.. wanna come with?"

jisung walked to minho and grabbed the can. "sure," he shrugged.

the two walked out of the door, minho walking slightly faster despite seeming more calm and collected than the energetic boy behind him.

they took the elevator to the highest floor and walked and walked to the end of each hallway, stopping before a door that read, "authorized personnel only".

"are we allowed to be up here?" jisung questioned, eyes widening at the sudden break of rules.

"of course not," minho chuckled. "but what's the fun in it if we were?"

jisung laughed at this comment, and followed minho to the edge of the building. it was a little shocking to jisung— the fact that minho seemed to come here often despite his rather large fear of heights. but as he walked closer to the edge, he found that there was a small platform only about five feet below. a fall would really only result in a few scrapes and bruises and a request for a ladder.

jisung seated himself next to minho as the two opened their cans. just jisung's luck, the can of calpico soda overflowed onto his hands, spilling onto his legs.

"shit!" he cursed, earning a laugh from the older boy beside him.

jisung licked the soda from his hands and the two roommates finally settled into their "seats".

there was a comfortable silence for a while. of course, with the occasional slurp of soda from either boys. thoughts ran through both of the boys' heads as they stared into the beautiful city view.

"so why did you do it?" jisung asked, breaking the silence.

"do what, sungie?"

jisung's heart raced at the nickname. he could've sworn he felt every thought in his head as his face turned a bright shade of red. he was thankful for the low light of the night sky.

"you know," jisung gulped. "take me in so easily?"

minho chuckled at the question. jisung quickly turned away from the older, focusing his eyes on the tall buildings standing before him.

"i was cheated on, i cried in the cafe, and i really just looked like a loser," jisung chuckled, as his heart settled down. "but you made me a coffee, sat and talked with me for who knows how long, and even invited me to be your roommate after talking for only an afternoon?" jisung took a sip of his soda. "that's not something you do with all the cafe customers, i'm assuming,"

minho laughed into the cold air. "because," his smiled faded to show jisung how serious he was. "i thought— well still think i guess, you're special," minho tilted his head, unsure if he was satisfied with his own answer. "yeah, sungie. you're special to me,"

jisung became a flustered mess, tightening his grip on the soda can to avoid dropping it onto the platform below them.

but why? jisung swore he dropped his feelings for minho a long while back.

"aww, are you flustered?" minho teased, giving jisung a light, playful punch in the shoulder.

"what? no! why would i-"

"just jokes! chill a little... baby," minho laughed, winking at jisung and smirking at him simultaneously.

"h-hey! w-what was that for?"

and that's just about how the rest of their night went. but it all came to a close as soon they finished their sodas and it became too cold to handle.

jisung said goodnight to minho and sprinted to his room, shutting the door behind him. he changed into comfy clothes and zoomed into his bed as quick as possible. he grabbed his phone and started a call. the receiver picked up immediately.

"jeongin! you're not going to believe what just happened!"

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