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disclaimer: i know absolutely <nothing> about universities in korea and literally looked up "universities in korea" for university names so locations, campus designs etc. are most definitely inaccurate.

Hours had passed and the two boys never left the table. Jisung had discovered a lot about Minho, and vice versa.

Minho was a third year at Hongdae University, unlike Jisung who was a second year at Hanyang University . He majored in art, and formed a small dance crew with a couple of his other friends.

Hongdae University was only a couple blocks away from Hanyang University, the coffee shop the two boys were currently standing in being exact halfway point between the two schools.

But school wasn't the only topic of conversation. Minho had a feature about him Jisung couldn't explain. He made him want to spill his whole life story to him despite the fact that the two had just met. Minho's smile overflowed with understanding and he knew exactly how to comfort a friend. Jisung, allured by such qualities, managed to spill the beans about his current home situation.

Jisung and Hyunjin had shared an apartment. Now that the two had broken up and Hyunjin had already silently claimed it. Jisung's parents lived in a completely different country, so living with them was out of the question. Jisung, knowing the breakup would come sooner or later, stressed about this moment all week, his mind becoming more of a mess as the day went on. He tried his hardest to forget about it but he knew that at the end of the day he'd be lost with nowhere to go. Until Minho came along.

"Why don't you stay at my apartment? I've been searching for a roommate to split the rent with anyways so-" a giant smile grew across Jisung's face, only to turn into a frown within seconds. "A-Are you sure? We've only just met.. I could be a lazy, sloppy, pig for all you know!" Minho laughed but his face turned serious when he saw Jisung wasn't doing the same. "Are you..?" Jisung realized what he said. He almost facepalmed himself in embarrassment. "No! Not at all I swear! I was just-!" Jisung exclaimed as fast as he could, standing from his seat. "Phew!" Minho laughed and Jisung sat back down. "It'd be the same as if I set up an ad online, and we've been talking for quite a bit so you've saved me from having to interview some random stranger, why not?" There it was again. That smile. The smile equivalent to honey. It was the most genuine, warm, smile Jisung had ever seen. "Thank you so much!" Jisung stood up and hugged the barista, nearly bursting into tears.

Minho smiled, satisfied with himself for doing a good deed. I guess not all heroes wear capes, he laughed to himself.

Jisung let go from the hug and sighed. "I guess I'll go pick up my stuff from the apartment," his eyes stayed glued to the floor, as his fingers began to play with the sleeves of his hoodie, similar to what he had been doing before breaking up with Hyunjin. It had only been a few hours since they had last seen each other and Jisung felt nowhere near ready to see his face again. Interrupting his thoughts, Minho's face brightened as an idea popped into his head. "I'll drive you! It'll be much more easier to just drive to my apartment afterwards anyways. Plus, you look like you need some moral support." Jisung looked up and smiled with gratitude, remaining silent. "Let me just pack up real quick," Minho said as he pointed to the cafe counter. The younger boy nodded and watched his new roommate walk away.

"Hey, Woojin." Minho called to his friend as he put his coat on. "Thanks for taking my shift today," Minho smiled as he thought about Jisung again; the contagious feeling of happiness he gets when he hugs him. Making Jisung happy made Minho an unbelievable feeling, and he was thankful for his coworker for allowing him to meet the wonderful boy. "No worries Minho, you did a great thing out there," Woojin patted Minho on the shoulder. "Yeah.. got myself a new roommate too," Minho smiled as he began to walk away. "You what?! I thought you only comforted the guy, and now I find out he's moving in with you?" Woojin looked at him in disbelief. The superhero confidence bursting through Minho was hurt by Woojin's lack of support.

"Look Woojin, he didn't have anywhere else to go. Plus, I was looking for a roommate anyway,"

"Sure, but you just met the guy!"

"It'd be the same if I put out an ad online. And we talked for quite a while and he's actually a great guy!"

Woojin sighed. "You do you, bud. Don't come to me when you find out he's a psycho." Minho scoffed at his statement. Woojinwent back to brewing the customers orders as Minho walked back over to Jisung.

Jisung looked up from the floor as he heard familiar footsteps walking in his direction. "Lets go!" Minho exclaimed with a hint of playfulness in his voice. Jisung smiled as he followed Minho out the cafe door.

The two boys stepped into the car and buckled their seatbelts. Jisung texted Minho the address of his ex boyfriend's apartment. Minho started the car and began to back out of his parking space, forgetting about the music he had previously been playing on the way to work. Minho was just about to turn onto the street when the bluetooth system finished loading, playing the chorus of Twice's What Is Love? at full blast. His hands jerked to the volume buttons in attempt to mute the song. Jisung burst out in laughter. "You listen to Twice?" Minho tried switching the song immediately, having to skip over dozens of Twice songs in order to get to Day6's I Like You. "Okay, but who doesn't?" Minho fired back in attempt to hide his embarrassment. Jisung chuckled at his response.

Exhausted, Jisung rested his head against the seat, taking in his surroundings. Minho's car smelled of strawberries mixed with a small hint of coffee scent emitting from the older boy. The air conditioning sent a cool sensation to his face as he unknowingly sang along to the music.

"You have a nice voice," Minho commented, keeping his eyes on the road although he had to fight back the urge to look at the younger boy sing. "Huh? Shit, was I singing?" Jisung sighed at himself. He never liked his singing voice and never sang even around close friends, let alone someone he had just met. "It was amazing! Please sing more!" Minho pouted, attempting to act cute to convince Jisung to sing again. He glanced at the boy as he shook his head and fell asleep. Minho felt strangely upset that Jisung had fallen asleep. He longed to speak with Jisung again; his voice singing or not, was beautiful to him.

Why am I like this?

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