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To Jisung's surprise this past weekend had gone by way less depressing and awkward as he thought it would be.

Minho and Jisung spent their first few days living together doing nothing but binge watching several movies and television shows as they spent an enormous amount of money on ridiculously unhealthy takeout.

Jisung was beyond thankful for his roommate. Not only did Minho offer Jisung a place to stay when he had nowhere to go, but he helped take his mind off his current situation.

But as this weekend came to an end, so did their lazy paradise, which meant back to school for the both them.

Thankfully, Minho was willing to give Jisung a ride to Hanyang University, despite the fact that it was in the complete opposite direction of his own school.

Jisung held onto the last few minutes in the car with the older boy. He would only be at school for the next few hours, but strangely enough Jisung found himself starting to miss Minho even in such short time away from him. When together, Jisung thought about nothing else. His mind completely forgot about everything; his grades, his breakup, and most importantly his family, which was a whole different story he was nowhere near ready to tell Minho.

Now here he was:; sitting at a table in his school's courtyard, his classwork uselessly sprawled in a mess in front of him as he thought continuously about other things.

"How are you holding up?" his friend, Chan, asked as he took the seat across from him.

Jisung looked up from his work. "Not good," he sighed. "But to be completely honest, not bad either."

"I guess that's better than nothing, right?" Chan chuckled in attempt to lighten up the mood.

"Where's Changbin?" Jisung questioned, noticing the absence of his friend.

"Flirting with that dude from Hongdae, probably," Chan scoffed.

"Hongdae? Hongdae University?" Jisung's eyes went wide at the mention of his roommate's school.

"Yeah, you know who I'm talking about. That Australian with the cheeto hair," Chan laughed at his own words.

"Oh, I know someone who goes to Hongdae!" an unintentional smile formed on Jisung's face as an image of Minho popped into his head.

"You? What? Who?!" Chan tilted his head in confusion.

"My roommate,"

"You have a roommate?!" Chan practically yelled, standing from his seat in shock.

"Shush, will you? And yes... yes I do," Jisung crossed his arms proudly, though he didn't really know what he was 'proud' of.

"How'd you find a roommate so fast?" Chan asked, still in disbelief.

"I don't know to be quite honest," Jisung replied. "He was working at the coffee house and witnessed Hyunjin and I  end our relationship. Guess he just assumed we lived together and took me under his wing,"

"You can't just do that," Chan said, his mouth still agape.

"What? Why not?" Jisung questioned, slightly annoyed at the lack of his friend's support.

"Jisung, you don't even know the guy!"

"Chan I'm not dumb. Of course I got to know the guy first, and look at us now! We became like best friends in the span of a weekend!"

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