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[[ disclaimer: this is an AU where Vanessa and Madelaine are the same age, 19, Vanessa has dropped out of college and is looking for a roommate. I know Mads and Vanessa are not the same age and I know they didn't meet like this. Riverdale will come into play with this, just later in the story. ]]
Fuck, what have I done? Were the first thoughts that grazed Vanessa's mind after she had dropped out.

Vanessa was 19, and barely into her first semester at college, but somehow she still dreaded getting out of bed in the morning. So she did what any reasonable person would do, and dropped out of college. She looked at herself in her phone's reflection. She hadn't slept a full night since the first week of school. The bags under her eyes weighed more than what her suitcase would when she left this hell hole.

Leaving! Vanessa realized she was going to be leaving!

Where the fuck am I gonna go? She questioned herself.

Vanessa pulled up the Craigslist website and began searching for roommate, 19 and female, then began scrolling. She was in Bellingham, Washington, only about half an hour from the Canadian Border. She found ads in Texas, New York, Rhode Island, Toronto, basically everywhere but within driving distance of her.

Finally, she stumbled upon a girl in Vancouver, only about an hour and half  from Vanessa, she was living alone, in a nice looking two bedroom apartment. The girl had long red hair and brown eyes, much like Vanessa's. Vanessa scratched her head, the girl's name was Madelaine. She took a risk and messaged the girl.

Hey Madelaine! I saw your ad, I was wondering if I could talk to you about becoming your new roommate.

Vanessa sat there for a few minutes, wondering why she wasn't answering. Vanessa remembered she was 19, and probably not a college dropout like Vanessa.


Vanessa glanced up at the screen

Can we exchange phone numbers? I'm a little weird about talking on this thing.

Vanessa quickly sent the girl her phone number and within a few seconds, she was getting a phone call from an unknown number.

She picked it up. "Hi."

"Hey!" Madelaine had a sweet voice that Vanessa liked.

"I'm Vanessa."

"Nice to speak to you, Vanessa. Obviously you know I'm Madelaine."

Vanessa laughed a bit.

"So, you're 19 too, right?"

"Yes." Vanessa listened to herself, she sounded so uninterested.

"Okay, well, is there anything else you can tell me about yourself?"

"Um, yeah! I recently-" Vanessa choked up. "I recently dropped out of college, um, I have a chihuahua, I'm a vegan, yeah that's basically all I can give you, I'm not that interesting."

"Wow, I'm a vegan too!"

Vanessa smiled.

"Oh, okay! Um, do you mind sending me your Instagram handle, just so I can see what you look like?"


Vanessa put the phone on speaker and messaged the girl her Instagram.

"Oh, wow, you're so pretty."

Vanessa felt her face growing red, then her phone dinged. Madelame had followed her.

"Your Instagram is madelame?"


Vanessa followed her back.

"So Vanessa, I've not gotten any other people interested, so I'd say you'd be a pretty perfect roommate!"

"Wow, thank you!"

Vanessa's phone went off, it was an address from Madelaine.

"When can you get here?"

"Well, I've gotta get my shit together, but after that, I could get there in probably, an hour and a half, excluding getting through the border."

"Great! See you soon!"


"Bye Vanessa!"

The line went dead. Vanessa hopped out of her air mattress on the floor of her dorm.  She grabbed all the clothes on the floor and from her closet and shoved them into her suitcases. She deflated the mattress and began throwing all the odd things into a duffle bag. Vanessa didn't have any furniture, other than her dog's bed and crate. She threw the mattress into her duffle bag, along with the dog bed and all the other shit in her room. Within fifteen minutes, Vanessa had all of her stuff packed away. She picked up her phone

Madelaine, I can make it down to your place by 5 today, if that's okay!

Of course!!! I'll see you soon!! xx

Vanessa grabbed her suitcases and threw her phone in her backpack, shrugging it over her shoulder. She had her dog, Yoshi, in his crate, in one hand, a duffle bag over one shoulder, her backpack over the other, and two rolling suitcases in her other hand. She was sure she looked insane. The elevator ride down, she shook the key to her dorm in her hand then threw it down on the reception counter as soon as she stepped pass it.

"Nice meeting you Ms. Morgan! Have a nice life!" The receptionist yelled at her.

Vanessa continued walking out the door, grabbing her car keys from her pocket, sliding everything down her arms. Once she got the back door open, everything was put in its place, Yoshi's crate in the passengers seat. Vanessa sat down in the front seat. Her head flopped against the steering wheel.

"Oh my god, I'm a dropout, moving to Vancouver, am I insane?"

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