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When Madelaine woke up, she could tell it was about seven am, and she sighed in relief, knowing that they had to audition at eleven. Vanessa had her head on top of hers and her arms were wrapped around Madelaine's waist. Madelaine felt weird, she barely knew Vanessa, but at the same time, it felt nice to be pressed against her. When Madelaine shifted, Vanessa moved too.

"Morning," Vanessa yawned.

Madelaine yawned too.

"Morning Nessa."

"I'm gonna go shower, where's the bathroom?"

Madelaine sat up and lazily pointed to the bathroom door. Though Vanessa would never tell her, sleepy Madelaine was just about the cutest thing she'd ever seen. Vanessa rose to her feet and walked back to her room, picking out clothes before walking to the bathroom. As she passed, she saw Madelaine cuddled up to a pillow, asleep on the couch again. Vanessa smiled to herself. She turned on the water and undressed, stepping in and leaning her back against the cool shower wall. After 15 minutes of washing herself and her hair, Vanessa heard a scream. She turned off the water and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around herself and running into the living room. Madelaine was standing in the kitchen, covered in water from the sink.

"Oh my god," Vanessa laughed.

"The sink did something and now there's water everywhere."

"I can see that, Madelaine."

Vanessa shook her head and turned around.

"Nice ass!" Madelaine yelled to her.

"Shut up!" Vanessa pulled the towel tighter and ran back into the bathroom.

After changing, applying makeup and detangling her hair, Vanessa walked back into the kitchen, where Madelaine had laid out vegan pancakes and fruit.

"Nice ass," Vanessa mocked, eating a strawberry.

"You little shit."

"Hey, you're only like 2 inches taller than me, you shut it."

Madelaine rolled her eyes and retreated to her room to take a shower. When she came back, Vanessa was finished eating and was screwing around with her hair.

Madelaine was wearing the outfit Vanessa had got her. Her hair was curled and half up. "Where are you going all dressed up?"

"We're going to the audition."

Vanessa's eyes opened wide and she yelled, "Oh fuck! I didn't know it was today! I'll be right back!"

She went back into the bathroom and blow dried her brown hair, leaving it in the normal loose curls and parting it on the side, tucking the smaller side behind her ear. She changed out of her leggings and sweater, putting an olive green tank top and black ripped jeans. She slipped on her heeled booties and went back to Madelaine, who was shoving bites of pancakes into her mouth. Madelaine felt the way Vanessa had the day before. Her heart felt too big for her body.

"Okay there Mads?" Vanessa raised her eyebrow at her friend.

Madelaine had paused with a forkful of pancake about to go into her open mouth. She finished her bite.

"Oh, yeah."

Vanessa rolled her eyes and Madelaine blushed, leading Vanessa to her car.

When Madelaine started down the road, she turned on the radio.

Vanessa stopped the radio. "Did I not get told the audition was today?"

"I'm sure you did, it was late and you probably don't remember it."

Vanessa groaned and her head fell back, hitting the head rest of the car seat.

"I don't know any fucking lines."

"Vanessa, they give you a script when you get there, do you think you would've been able to sign up the night before otherwise?"

She shook her head. Within 20 minutes, Madelaine pulled into a studio and got out, Vanessa scrambling behind her. They checked in and waited with at least 100 other people, until someone poked his head through the door and called for Madelaine. Vanessa threw her head back against the wall.

"Fuck, I'm gonna fail."

She heard at least 2 people scoff. Madelaine came back, practically skipping.

"How'd it go?"


They talked about how she did until the same man came back, calling for Vanessa this time. Vanessa knew she bombed it. They asked her to sing something she had never seen or heard before. They asked sweet Vanessa to sass someone they were using as Archie.

"Read my glossed lips, Red. Not gon-"

"Ms. Morgan, that's not your line."

"Oh fuck," she whispered to herself.

"You can go."

When she went back, Madelaine knew she bombed it too. They left, but not before Madelaine made sure they didn't need to stay.

"Wanna get some ice cream, they've got a great vegan place downtown," Madelaine asked, starting the car.

"Nah, I just want to go home."

Madelaine gave her a quick side hug and Vanessa leaned onto her shoulder. When Madelaine released, Vanessa leaned back towards the door, staring out the window.

"C'mon Nessa, cheer up."

"Mads, you're gonna get it and I'm not."

"It doesn't matter, we're going to still be friends and if you want to get into acting, I'm sure we can find something for you. We can get you someone to date, we can find me someone to date because we're both fucking alone."

Both girls laughed and when Vanessa closed her eyes, she saw her and Madelaine kissing. She shook the thoughts from her head. She wasn't a lesbian, or bi and neither was Madelaine. At least not to her knowledge.

When Madelaine pulled back into her parking spot at the apartments, she got out smiling, while Vanessa followed her upstairs, moping. She plopped down on the couch. Madelaine sat down next to her, wrapping her arm around her, allowing Vanessa to lay her head on her shoulder.

"Wanna watch a movie?"


Madelaine pulled up some dumb movie and began watching it, but all Vanessa could think about was that dumb kiss, and how every time Madelaine touched her, the spot she touched would tingle softly, but mostly the kiss.

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