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[[ disclaimer: this chapter gets kind of dark. beware. ]]

Vanessa's heel tripped her and she twisted her ankle, sliding down some stairs. Madelaine was probably already to the apartment, not yet worried about her friend.

"Need some help?" A low grunt came from behind her.

Vanessa whipped her head around fast enough to give herself whiplash.

"Uh, yeah," Vanessa nervously laughed.

The guy gave her a sly smirk and pulled her to her feet. She couldn't quite stand on her own.

"Perfect," he whispered.

Before she knew it, she was being slung over his shoulder and being carried down the stairs. She pounded her fists against his back.

"Stop! What are you doing?!"

"Calm down princess, we're going to have some fun."

His free hand rubbed her ass through her skirt.

"No! Stop!"

Madelaine had wandered back out to the hallway when Vanessa hadn't shown up almost immediately after she did. She started back down the stairs, when she heard Vanessa screeching. Madelaine pulled off her heels and ran down the stairs. She got to the bottom just in time to see a large man carry Vanessa into his apartment. She was almost passed out from being slammed against the wall in an attempt to make her shut up.

Madelaine sprinted towards the door and grabbed the handle, turning and pushing at it. He had locked it. She slammed into the door in a feeble attempt to break the door down. The man was just starting to undress himself when his neighbor came out and saw Madelaine slamming herself into the door.

"Hey. Hey!"

Madelaine turned towards him, her mascara running.

"What's going on."

"He-He has my friend! He hit her or something to knock her out! I-I think he's going to rape her!" Madelaine's chest heaved.

The man started to pull off Vanessa's shirt. His neighbor gently pushed Madelaine out of the way and kicked the door in. He stormed in, Madelaine right behind him. Vanessa was in just her underwear when they found them. His neighbor grabbed him and slammed his head into the nearest hard object. Vanessa's head was softly bleeding. Madelaine rushed to her and started to put her clothes back on. The neighbor was still beating up the guy when Madelaine picked up Vanessa and started out of the apartment. As soon as she got upstairs, Madelaine was wrapping her in blankets and cleaning her wound. Vanessa came to consciousness while Madelaine was holding her in her arms, crying. Vanessa looked up to her and began to let her tears fall. She knew what he planned to do. Vanessa turned around so she was straddling Madelaine. She clutched her to the point there was no space between them. Vanessa pulled back. She knew it wasn't the right time, she had almost been raped. They were mere inches apart. Vanessa closed the gap and pressed her lips to Madelaine's for a few seconds. When Vanessa pulled back, she rolled back so she was laying across Madelaine's lap.

"I love you Mads."

"I love you, more than you'll ever know Vanessa."

Madelaine pressed a kiss to her temple.

Once she was almost certain Vanessa was asleep, Madelaine started whispering to her.

She ended it with, "God, I pray that one day I can admit that right now, I would give anything to be with you."

Vanessa smiled, knowing that Madelaine didn't know she had heard every word she had spoke.

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