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"Vanessa, wake up."

Vanessa stirred, rolling over to look at Madelaine.


"We should get married today."

It was a week after they had finally gotten home, Milo was cuddled up to Vanessa, Yoshi laying on her feet.

"What? We were going to take our time and have a planned wedding."

"Uh, well." Madelaine held her phone to Vanessa, the screen showing the pictures they had taken with the girl at the shelter plastered all over Instagram. Vanessa's ring was clearly visible. The caption of the photos turned Vanessa's stomach inside out.

Vanessa Morgan and Madelaine Petsch were in the shelter I volunteer at the other day. They had just come from somewhere romantic, based off of their clothing. I was not concerned, it's not my business. I noticed a ring on Vanessa's finger. I've noticed the same ring before. It's a very expensive ENGAGEMENT ring. M and V are getting married!!!


"Yeah. I just don't want anything like that to screw this up, I want to get married."

Vanessa's phone started dinging. The dumb Instagram cast group chat was going off.

colesprouse: v and m? are you guys getting married?!

He sent the photo, a red circle around Vanessa's ring.



camimendes: ME TOO

melton: nice

vanessamorgan: uh

vanessamorgan: you guys all want to go out for dinner? filming doesn't start for another couple weeks and we won't be able to talk otherwise

vanessamorgan: or we can chill at our place

madelame: can we just crash at the apt?

colesprouse: i'm down

camimendes: I'm obviously coming

lilireinhart: You don't even have to ask

melton: yeah i'll be there

kjapa: If Charles is coming I'll be there

kjapa: kidding. I wouldn't miss it

iamamurray: girl I'll be there

thejordanconnor: yeah I'll be there, but  Drew's gonna flip his shit when he gets on

Vanessa looked over at her fiancée smiling at her.

"Our friends are crazy." Vanessa leaned over and kissed her, smiling.


vanessamorgan: see you guys tonight

drewraytanner: THATS ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY

drewraytanner: ILL BE THERE

madelame: yeah yeah, see you guys there

Around four, Camila nearly started banging down the door.

"It's Cami! Open up!"

"Yeah we can tell, based on the slamming on our door."

Vanessa opened the door and Camila nearly tackled her, trying to hug her.

"You're getting married!"

"Yeah. I know. Mads kinda proposed to me."

Camila followed Vanessa into the living room and hugged Madelaine too. Lili and Cole arrived quickly after, hugging the three of them, then sitting down, starting to ask about what they had planned so far.

KJ was the next to arrive, squeezing Madelaine and Vanessa harder than they imagined he could. The next thirty minutes were a blur, people showing up, running around, squeezing, yelling, food (and lots of it). Around six, everyone who could make it was there. The smell of whatever cologne Charles had gotten his hands on clouded up the room. Vanessa and Madelaine were cuddled up, Cole and Lili doing the same next to them. Charles and KJ were throwing peanuts at each other and trying to catch them in their mouths. Camila was chasing Jordan around because he had stolen her phone and was holding it above his head. Casey and Ashley were sitting on one end of the U shaped couch, pushing each other around, laughing about some dumb text Casey had sent. Things were chaotic, to say the least, but Vanessa and Madelaine wouldn't have it any other way (despite Drew asking every detail of their trip).

Finally, when Charles nearly threw himself over the couch trying to catch one of his peanuts, everyone calmed down and relaxed, turning on a movie they had all agreed to see when they saw each other next.  Vanessa started to drift off about halfway through the movie, only hearing KJ laughing over god knows what. Her eyes quickly opened, suddenly fully awake. Vanessa realized she hadn't been on social media all day, and undoubtedly everyone would be asking if it was true. It wasn't the fans asking that freaked Vanessa out, it was other people.  People that would be the most freaked out by these rumors circulating.

Her parents.

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