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The next morning, Vanessa woke up and pressed a quick kiss to still sleeping Madelaine's cheek. She made breakfast and sat down on the couch, laying Madelaine's head on her lap. She ate and watched a rerun of Friends. When she woke up, Madelaine realized the spots had been reversed. She rolled over and stared up at Vanessa, who was still watching Friends. It was still early, just after 6 and Madelaine was glad she was up, despite the fact they had a day off.

"Hi Nessa."

Vanessa's heart melted when she heard Madelaine's sleepy voice.

"Hi Mads." Vanessa pushed a peice of her red hair away from her face.

"So Madelaine, I know you've been seeing Travis, but I know it's not official. Would you," Vanessa stopped and gulped. "maybe, possibly want to go on a date with me?"

"Like a real one, not like two friends."

Madelaine's face started to burn. She hadn't admitted to Vanessa she wanted to go out with her except while she was asleep.

"Yeah. Yeah!"

Vanessa let out a tiny giggle and leaned down, pressing a kiss to Madelaine's forehead. Vanessa expected to be more traumatized than she was about last night, but all she wanted was Madelaine, she made her feel better.

"Lunch or dinner?"

Vanessa looked back down at her.


Madelaine smiled.

The girls spent most of the day watching Friends until four, when Madelaine decided they needed to get ready. She went with a black halter dress and the shoes Vanessa got her the day they met. Madelaine did her makeup and put her hair into loose curls. Vanessa wore a maroon short bodycon dress that went off her shoulders and had sparkles from the top of her ribs up. She put on a pair of wedge sandals with maroon straps and applied makeup, curling her hair extravagantly.

When they saw each other, they both said, "Woah, you look amazing." at the same time.

Vanessa stuck her arm out and Madelaine took it, smiling. She lead Madelaine down the stairs, cautiously, and deciding to drive. Madelaine was used to driving, but it was nice to take a break.  Vanessa had made reservations at an amazing restaurant with vegan options. Madelaine sat in the passenger seat, smiling as the girl she so desperately wanted to call her girlfriend, drove, staring out at the already starry sky.

"You look so fucking gorgeous Vanessa."

"Yeah, that's the reason you're bi right, cause I'm always so fucking gorgeous," Vanessa joked, turning a corner.

"What? How do you know that?"

"I heard you last night Mads, I'd give anything to be with you too."

Madelaine smiled and grabbed her hand.

Vanessa pulled into a parking spot and got out, walking around the car, opening the car door for Madelaine. She opened the door to the restaurant. Madelaine stepped in and looked up. The ceiling was covered in glowing stars. Vanessa smiled and had the host lead them to their table. They ordered and chatted, never looking anywhere than each other and the ceiling.

After they finished eating, Vanessa snuck a kiss to her when they started out of the restaurant. When they got into the car, Madelaine made the first move and grabbed Vanessa, kissing her. Vanessa reached up to her jaw, stroking it with her thumb.

"So, can I be your girlfriend?" Vanessa asked, pulling back.

Madelaine bit her lip and nodded. Vanessa kissed her again, then started back home. When they got home, they walked together upstairs, arms linked together. Each girl changed and removed their makeup, then laid down on the couch, snuggling into each other, giving quick kisses to each other. At the end of the night, Vanessa begged Madelaine to sleep in her room with her.

"Of course baby."

Vanessa blushed and pulled Madelaine so she was pressed against her chest.

"Goodnight, love you baby," Madelaine whispered.

"Goodnight, I love you too babe."

Out Of Place // MadnessaWhere stories live. Discover now