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[[ disclaimer: i'm a lazy bitch and i don't want to write the time in between this, so have a 3 month time jump. ]]

Vanessa, the night they had first admitted they were dating, questioned if they made the right decision. Madelaine, who hadn't questioned if they made the right decision admitting they were dating, made the most of it and exploited their relationship. They had been together 4 months, and constantly were getting hate. It got so bad at one point, that Vanessa, thought to herself about quitting the show, deleting her socials and living out a normal life. Though she was overreacting a little bit.

The girls, who had been living together for a total of sixteen months, after considering it for a while, decided that they had technically been dating for that long. So Vanessa, being the nervous girl she was, purchased a promise ring. She was nervous about someone swooping in and stealing the girl she loved. She was nervous about the public driving them apart. On the night she planned to give her the ring, Vanessa brought Madelaine to the restaurant they had their first date at.

Only mere moments after getting their meals, Vannesa slid the ring out of her pocket. Her heart started beating hard. This is what she imagined a heart attack being like.

"Hey, can we talk?" Vanessa listened to herself, she was deadpan and monotonous, just like she was the first time they talked. Vanessa figured Madelaine thought she wanted to breakup.

"Yeah?" Madelaine's eyebrows furrowed.

"I just want you to know, that I love you okay, I'm not breaking up with you, this is the exact opposite. I'm right here, forever giving you my love."

Madelaine looked confused.

"Madelaine, I'm promising you to forever love you, cherish you. I'm promising my devotion to you, and only you. In return, I just ask you to return those promises."

Vanessa held up the ring, where Madelaine could see it.

"Oh my god."

"Of course!"

Vanessa smiled and placed the ring on her finger.

"The funny thing is," Madelaine trailed off.

She held up a ring that Vanessa had originally wanted to get, but had been sold out.

"I was going to do the same thing."

Vanessa's eyes started glossing over with tears. She nodded and allowed Madelaine to slip the ring over her finger.

As soon as they had paid, the girls raced to the car, kissing each other as soon as they got in.

"I love you." They both kept saying to each other in between kisses.

The girls were in a healthy, loving relationship, and nothing could mess it up. They had good jobs and were in a perfect apartment. Nothing could mess that up. Right?

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