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Unbeknownst to the girls, the next morning could make or break their relationship. Vanessa and Madelaine were being flooded with tweets, asking if some articles written about them dating were true. Vanessa was mad before they even figured out who released it to the press.

"Who the fuck did this?" Vanessa yelled to her girlfriend.

"I don't know, let's read one of the articles."

"Fuck, I'm so mad."

Madelaine opened an article, and the first words her eyes darted to, broke her heart.

A tweet from Hart Denton this morning broke the silence about two of his costars rumored relationship.

Below the line was a tweet from Hart himself. Vanessa, but not Madelaine, knew he had been trying to date her since he had started filming for the show.

I've noticed some questions on Instagram from fans asking about a possible relationship between my costars, Vanessa Morgan and Madelaine Petsch. You're hearing it from me, it's all true, the girls are our FAVORITE off screen couple.

If Hart had been talking to them in person, you would've been able to hear the sarcasm dripping off his voice when he read the last portion of the tweet.

"Oh fuck, Vanessa."


"It was Hart."

Vanessa slammed her water bottle down on the table and ripped the phone from Madelaine's hand.

"I'm about to rip that little shits throat out."

"Vanessa. Calm down."

"Calm down?! He could ruin our relationship because of this!"

"That's not going to happen."

"You don't know that Madelaine!"

Madelaine reached out and placed her hands on Vanessa's face, softly rubbing her cheek.

"Madeline. He's going to ruin it all."

"He won't baby, I promise."

Madelaine pressed a soft kiss to Vanessa's mouth, then opened Twitter.

"What should I say?"

"Just fucking tell them it's true I guess."

So Madelaine wrote out a tweet, that was too long for even the recently lengthened two hundred and eighty character cap. Then she erased it all and simply posted a tweet, with the only words being '#gayformorgan' and within moments she had a text from Travis, with a screenshot of the tweet and and a very long text basically saying 'fuck you, you little bitch, I thought we had something.'

To which Madelaine responded, basically saying 'you were a distraction because I was afraid to tell Vanessa I liked her, good fucking riddance.'

Then she deleted his number, and unfollowed him on all social media platforms she had him on.

Vanessa loved her, so much and she didn't want to argue with her, but was it the right thing to publicly admit their relationship?

She would soon find out.

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