P.1 - Harvey

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"Even if times get tough, look to the stars and smile. Know that someone out there loves you" -Unknown

A big thank you to @WolfofGatsby for the wonderful cover! 


I watched as the rain poured outside my half-open window. Tears rolled down my chubby eight-year-old cheeks, the warmth of the attic seeping outside.

I had never known what it was like to step outside onto the grass. I was lucky enough to have the window broken so that I could feel the rain for the first time.

A smile made its way to my stained face. As I hopped off the rugged old rocking chair that continued to sway back and forth whilst I left for my bed. My small hands grasping the life out of the stuffed bunny I had gotten from my dead momma. I hardly remember her at all...

My hand moves upwards and grabs hold onto the locket she had given me before she left. It was a heart-shaped- a heart that had a crack from being dropped too many times. My eyes began to water as I opened the locket, looking at the ripped photograph.

It was me and my mother,  but her face had been ripped off somehow and I couldn't gain the image back. But as I heard the smashing of glass below the wood- I winced.

The sound of crashing and thrashing warned me of the old man who began walking slowly up the stairs. My hands began to tremble as did my small legs. I rushed around and hid the teddy underneath my mattress- sitting on my bed as I awaited the man's arrival.

I knew that he was unhappy, because when he was unhappy- he would do things to me...things I thought were normal. But apparently, they were anything but normal.

I watched with fear in my eyes, unaware of what colour they were. Glancing from the top part of the door down to the handle, wondering when he'd enter. I took a gulp as sweat dripped down the back of my neck. Thumbs on both my hands beginning to fiddle with one another unconscious of my emotions rumbling inside me.

"Oh, sweet sweet Harvey" The man sang out my name. It made me cringe at the sound of him even rolling my name off the tip of his tongue.

I remained silent as the squeaking sound of the handle moved downwards. My hands grasping against the hem of my shirt.

"Harvey, you know- I've had a rather bad day today..." He spoke while his feet moved further inside my bedroom. My shaking body couldn't move as he closed the door- turning the lock so I wouldn't be able to get out.

I stayed silent. I couldn't bare utter a word as his large frame wobbled towards me. A belt in his left hand as his right reached towards my small body. A small squeal of fright left me, I didn't want him to come near me- but he still did.

"Come on you little bitch! You know what to do!" He roared, my throat tightening. I paused before nodding, my hands trembling once again as I stood up, my head reaching his hips as I turned around. His right hand grasping onto my silver hair that he had adored so much when he bought me from the orphanage.

"I haven't got all day!" Timothy spoke, his large frame bulging with power as he threw my petite and bruised body to the floor. A single whimper left me as I curled up into a protective ball. Shielding myself as he raised the belt.

The impact of the belt against my body left bruises and blood stains against my pale skin that had yet to see sunlight.

Another whimper left me as he took his anger out onto me. I sobbed silently, praying that it would be over shortly. But they were never answered. My small body groaned in hunger while he continued causing me pain, his eyes gleaming with a hunger that never seemed to be satisfied.

Pants left my parted bleeding lips, I finally heard the clicking sound of Timothy departing the room, the wooden floorboards gaining more blood from my body. The stains just becoming more and more noticeable.

The door slammed shut as I remained in my curled position- afraid to stand up- afraid to raise- afraid to move or speak. So when I opened my eyes and looked up out of the broken window... I thought I would be dreaming when I saw a light of warmth.

A light of deep red, the same shade of my blood. The blood that had stained many items inside this small room I knew as home.

Though, for some reason- as I gained the smallest of confidence to stand up- to ignore the throbbing pain on my legs, arms and other parts of my small eight-year-old body. I inched closer to the light.

'Is this freedom? Is this me leaving?' I thought to myself, a small grin making its way onto my face. I had always craved to leave deep down- but I never had the courage to do so. But as I looked at the light. I noticed it was further than my grasp.

Moving down the small box, I looked around to find something that would smash the window. Thoughts of him finding me faded as I grasped ahold of anything and everything that I could find. My small amounts of strength grabbing items and throwing them at the window. My eyes shining with a determination I hadn't felt in... well, ever.

Holding onto a rather heavy box, I grunted as I walked towards the window. Pants leaving my lips as winter slowly began attaching itself to my pale frame. My cold body not wanting to give up as I pushed the box out of the window with all my might- and sure enough... it broke.

The glass shattered while I yelped in shock, my arms moving upwards in a protective manner. I was getting out of this place, and following the light. But as I was about to depart, I turned to my mattress and grabbed the stuffed teddy.

Hugging it against my body as I stepped upwards. Towards the exit. Towards the blood lit light that I aimed for...

But it was too late for me to notice. Too late for me to take a single breath as I looked down as the world seemed to move in slow motion.

I was falling, falling down three stories and straight into the soaking grass below. My eyes feeling heavy as I heard the faint sound of screams and rackets from the other buildings. Darkness soon consuming my body. Blood swooshing out of the injuries Timothy had made as well as the newly formed one from the fall.

The fall that notified many people of my existence.

The existence of an eight-year-old girl, who wasn't supposed to exist.


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