P.15 - Seeing Harvey

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Greetings fellow Harvesters ;D (It's weird-- but eh it seems to fit surprisingly)! I am here to bring you a new chapter; hope you enjoy it! 


Arche's POV

The irritating sound of beeping awoke me from my slumber. Cluttering, sliding and unnatural sounds wanted inside my head, but I blocked them out. Clenching my eyebrows together, I fluttered my eyes open with a groan pursing out of my lips. 

My hands being unable to move as the cluttering sound returned. Curiosity peaked, I squinted my eyes gainst the war from the light above my head. A ticklish feeling on the nape of my neck as I turned my head towards the curtain that blocked off one side of my view. The other was a door. With a strange looking handle. 

Plopping onto my elbows, I sat up and sighed in agony. My stomach aches from what I believed to be from plummeting from the sky down to the ocean. Knowledge flowed into me- new words and meanings pounded in my head. Groaning once more, I placed my wire covered hand on my forehead and placed it down when something whizzed past me. 

And as if in slow motion, I widened my eyes at the soul of a woman who looked gorgeous pass by me in a quick motion. A grin on her pale skin, her stunning long silver hair flowed behind her naturally. But what my head became curious about, was when I pulled back the curtain that blocked my view from the right, there was the same girl who had ran past me. 

"What in Belifor's name..." I whispered to myself, an eyebrow-raising with interest. Moving my hands, I attached my fingers to the covers that rested on top of my lower half and revealed my legs- only to feel numbness. I couldn't move them for some reason- and that's when my panic set in. 

'Why can't I feel my legs?!' I asked myself, knowing full well that there would be no reply. I did not know the answer I was looking for. Upset with my mind for not knowing the answer, I screamed. The woman who had the long silver hair flinched but did not move. My eyes widened at a scorching pain in my chest, using my hands as my chaotic chest burned, I glanced down and saw some sort of mark forming. 

'Seriously? What's with today and all these weird phenomenal things?!"

The door opened and an army of five walked in. Dressed in the same or similar uniforms to one another, my head tilting as I wondered who they worked for. Was it some new army that I had not been told about? Was my fate finally coming to me?!

Bracing myself for some sort of impact, I took a deep breath in and steadied my arms to either side of this tiny bed. Easing my eye-lids downwards. I looked at my legs and feet that had been wrapped in some sort of dark fabric. Questioning it with a singular raise of my eyebrow, I attempted to stand but only to fall against the opposite bed in pain.

A grunt left my lips as my hair flopped down the front of my face, a puff snuffling out of my lips in annoyance. Brushing it away with my neck bending in an unsightly manner, I looked around to see if anyone had seen my little 'fall'. 

Thankfully no one had and that let me drop the act as I allowed petrified to be expressed on my face.

'Where am I?'

'Who's this?!'

'More importantly...WHO AM I?!' I asked myself, wondering if anyone knew the answer. Then it dawned on me. I had seen the soul of the woman next to me run past- she wasn't human either. 

Gulping in preparation, I stumbled over to her the best I could with a minimum amount of pain sourcing through my limbs. A wince left me as I misstepped and placed my foot sideways- a silent yelp leaving me as I stumbled backward and landed on the floor, my left arm hanging on the back of the girl's bed. My right bent in some awkward position and my legs turned both to the left. It was horrible.

"Geez Louise..." I uttered to no one. Taking my time this time around, I carefully tread closer to the woman and as I was about to place my hand on her shoulder, the door opened. A man dressed in a dark brown trench coat entered, he had a worried expression and looked like he had seen better days.

"H-Har-Harvey? Is that you?" He asked the girl who stood to face the window. I knew she wouldn't reply because her soul left, all that body was- was emptiness.  A holo shell. And apparently, this man didn't know because when he approached her, I stopped him by stepping in his way.

"Sorry man, I don't know you and it looks like Harvey isn't interested," I stated to him with a glare that made the man shorter than me whimper. But he held back and bit on his bottom lip before glaring back up at me- the prince of Balifor

"I told you. To. Back. Off." I glared back, fear trembled through him as he nodded and scurried off- leaving the door wide open as I sighed. Only to hear something that peeked my interest in this 'Harvey'. 

"Doctor, should he even be awake?!" One of the female voices spoke in a rather surprised tone. I rolled my eyes at this because I'm the son of Balifor, I have healing abilities, you mere humans. 

"No, he shouldn't it's a miracle he's even walking around!" The doctor replied, and I looked down at the things on my legs with hatred. You call this walking around?! Idiots.

"But what about her? She's been stood like that for over twenty minutes now without moving...I'm worried, I mean she has been in a coma for the last decade...Poor thing, her last adoptive father even came here to see her nearly every day, saying something about how he regretted what he did to her on the day it happened- I guess they got into an argument or something..." She spoke, saying these weak things like it was her business. And that got me mad.

I don't quite know what came over me when I revealed myself to the doctor and the nurse who turned their heads to me in shock.

"It's rude to talk about someone while they're nearby y'know?" I told them and watched them scruffle away, mumbling to themselves. 

Sighing, I closed the door after backing away from the middle and turned to my bed- about to go to it when I noticed blood dripping on the floor by the woman. My eyes burrowed in a complaint at the stain and trembled over. My curiosity had been peaked and even more so- when I felt a whooshing feeling past through me once I placed a hand on her shoulder. 

And I knew, in that singular moment- that she had returned. The prophecies being told in Balifor had come true. But I didn't think it would be so soon.

"Who are you?" A powerful and beautiful voice questioned my figure. I halted and removed my hand from her shoulder with an awkward cough, looking into her blood red eyes as I played with my thumbs before looking at her and speaking;

"The name's Arche, and I think I'm your soulmate".


Dun dun duuuuuuuuuun, what did you guys think?! Did ya like it? Hate it-- Hate's a strong word....erm....dislike it? Love it?! :D

A girl can dream, am I right? 

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