P.16 - The Doctor

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Was it good that it was Arche's POV last time? Should I do more like that? Hmmmmm...Possibly...well, we're back with our lovable Harvey this time around so buckle up Harvesters! We're in for a ride! ;) 


"I'm sorry- what did you say?" I argued back to the man who had just called us soulmates. My heart thumped louder by the minute and I could have sworn it was about to do a summersault. A grumble from my stomach caused me to look down and make a mental note to thank the heavens for saving her.

"Hungry?" He grinned, the smile seemed to tug at my heartstrings but I merely shrugged it off. Faking my disinterest as he frowned, he had an expression that showed he had hoped that she would be interested but I was anything but. 

I wondered to myself what he was thinking- but I turned my attention to the crowds of nurses flooding into the room. I pondered what they were all in this room for, but my answer was greeted with the simple few words from a doctor coated in white, and slight splashes of red on his coat.

"Harvey, John Doe- I believe you have a few questions regarding your situation?" He asked them, our faces turning to one another before looking back at him like he had grown an extra head.

"Excuse me, I've been a coma- YES I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!!" I boomed out, the flinches went noticed by me and the dark haired man also dressed in a disgusting white and blue gown. His eyes gleaming with disgust at their words. A slight proudness shimmered but I turned my attention back towards the doctor's who looked like they had seen better days. 

Gawking at my sudden outburst, the doctor flustered and coughed like he had something stuck inside his throat. Clearing it out- the man dared to take a step forward as the man next to me sent a threatening sounds rumble from his throat. 

It shocked me- but also reassured me. I had someone on my side, someone who was next to me. Unlike them.

Shaking my head of the thoughts of the people I had met during the two years of my little 'trip', I looked at the man and reached out, tugging at his sleeve and shaking my head to let them answer to my question. Hesitantly, he agreed but not before sending them one last glare and retreating to stand behind me like a guard. His arms crossed and the casts on his legs didn't exactly help him look tough.

Chuckling softly, he rolled his eyes playfully at my action and let a small smile slip. My own lips pursing into a smile of their own as a voice brought us back to reality.

"If you must know, then John Doe here--" The doctor began, and the man interrupted him before the doctor ushered another word.

"The name is Arche, doctor" Arche stated with a sense of venom dripping. Cowering at the tone, the doctor backed away defenselessly and continued with his speech with hopes that he would not be interrupted. They were granted.

"Well, Arche, Harvey, I'm sure you are both quite confused about your current...plight and I'm going to tell you everything I know- and please, if you have any questions wait until I'm finished. Do we have a deal?" He uttered in one single breath. I took the time to wonder if it actually hurt a human to talk so much without uttering a single breath to pause.

Nodding my head in agreement, Arche agreed with my choice and nodded his shortly after I began. Our bodies moved in sync and we plopped down onto my bed, I crossed my legs and he...well he stayed in the only position he could. 

"We got a call ten years ago from a certain address that shall not be named due to personal data, so sorry about that Arche---" A snicker came from beside me as the doctor moved on.

"--and we got told that a girl had fallen from the third story building and had fallen unconscious- that was you...Harvey. You've been unconscious for ten years. What's the last date you remember?" He inquired towards me. Acting like I should be aware of the answer- which I wasn't. 

"I don't know, my adoptive father was known as Timothy disliked me a lot, kept me in the attic and didn't let me out," I told them truthfully- not caring what had happened to that idiot after ten years. 

And then it sunk in. 

"Wait- let me rewind, I've been asleep for the last ten years?!" I had to double check- but once their faces grew dimmer and their heads bobbed in sync I let out an agony cry. I had missed most of my childhood, not like I had one, to begin with-- but I missed out on so many things that I had wanted to do as a child.

"What about me then?" Arche spoke, tilting to the side his head did. His dark locks curling around his eyes and shifted side to side as he shook his head.

"Well, we got a call from one of the fishermen who go out to collect rare fish that swim only at midnight, convenient right?--" Convenient my ass... "--And they saw someone falling from the cliff side and one of their divers went in and got you here. Any more questions?" The doctor suddenly asked and as I opened my mouth to ask one... The door slammed open.

My breath hitching at the familiar man; his own eyes looking at me with tears.

"Timothy, how nice of you to drop by! We were about to call you about her awakening." The doctor told my father who treated me like nothing but less than trash. His words- not mine. 

Snorting at their words, they turned to me with questionable expressions as I watched in shock- the same faces the doctors had as Arche began undoing the casts on his legs.

"Arche! What are you doing? They need to be healed pro--" His voice tuned itself out as he watched Arche walk around the room like he hadn't been thrown into the ocean and had them smashed by rocks three days ago. 

Shaking his head and parting out a sigh, the doctor rose to his feet and looked at the door with nurses hot on his tail before I asked him what his name was.

"I'm just a doctor, Dr. Who." He stated with a serious face as I looked at him with a confused expression. Someone had the last name...'Who'?

A bumbling ball of laughter caught me by surprise as the Dr looked at me with smug written all over it. 

"My name is Karko.

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