P.18 - Elijah's Location.

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I have roughly two hours to do a few more chapters! Let us begin my Harvesters ;) 


"You want to say that again?" I threatened towards Arche who's face had gone pale like mine had done moments ago. After hearing this lovely man was the prince of the land of the spirits, the place Dracula had been trying to get me to go to- I just couldn't help it. It was a place that rose up bad memories I'd rather keep hidden.

"I'm t-the Pri-Prince to the thrown in Balifor?" He muttered again but with a lot lower amount of confidence and backbone. A growl threatened to rise from Karko, I could tell by the silent one he let rip. 

"Why are you here?" I snarled at him, digging my fingers into the palm of my hand until it bled. The stabbing pain throbbed as I glared at him.

"How am I suppose to know?! It was just a mere three days ago that I was a six-year-old running from a babysitter!"  Arche confessed with his hands moving into a defensive position. Sighing, I turned to Karko and pointed to Arche with my thumb.

"Can I kill him please, he's strongly irritating" I grumbled to him. Karko looked at Arche for a moment longer than to me, shaking his head in a complaint. Groaning louder, I used my left hand to ruffle my silver locks and flickered my eyes to the floor. Thinking and hoping Rod would come to my rescue. To give me some reason to not kill this man.

"You know, love, you should go talk to Frank- go with Arche and Karko to his main pack house and come up with a plan to locate Elijah. Okay, kid?" Rod told me, my head unconsciously nodding as Karko and Arche looked at me queerly. Releasing the grip on my hair I turned to the two men and walked towards Karko, dragging him by the white sleeve into the opposite end of the roof.

"One minute!" I yelled at Arche who shrugged and sat down on the bench I was previously sat on. A tug inside me flickered. 

Dragging Karko, more like- leading him- I released him once I increased the distance by a large gap. Knowing he wouldn't be able to hear us or even yell to talk to us. Tugging on his sleeve to indicate him to lend me his ear, I moved my hand to block the way my lips moved and began to speak.

"Can we go to Frank's pack? I have a plan and I need his resources if you don't mind- and can you mind-link him since you're the pack doctor?" I asked him in a whisper. He backed away from me in a tumbling motion and gawked at me. 

"Ho-How do you know about those!?" Karko asked me in a rather demanding voice like it was unnatural for me to know. 

"I didn't do nothing you know back at Dracula's Castle before I escaped that horror infested place" I shrugged and looked up at the sky that was beginning to clear. The rustling of leaves being heard not too far from my current location. Resting my eye-lids, I listened to the silence of the wind. The sweet soothing trees dancing together- but something was off.

I listened carefully, and then it hit me.

There were no birds. 

Snapping open my eyes, I went to Karko and retrieved both his arms inside the palms of my hands and shook him while I raised my voice at him.

"Where are the birds?! Do you hear any?! Please tell me you do.." I called to him, praying that there was at least one singular bird. Knowing that... if there were no birds on this island- that fate's scroll was coming true. The one Dracula had told me about. The fate of the Beliamarvati's return. Yet I knew, deep down- that if it was true, then this island- no... The whole world would be turned to ruin.

Closing his eyes like I asked, I watched his ears twitch as he listened for that noise. Reopening them, I looked into his deep gold ones with my own blood red ones and searched for an answer.

"There are birds, there are none near here though, it's why you can-- What are you doing?" Once the words that they still around came out, I collapsed to the floor and gripped my hair- and Arche came over when he watched.

"We need to get to Frank's. Now.

Skipping three hours later. 

We walked on the porch towards the entrance of Frank's house. It had taken some persuading but Arche and I got released from the hospital and we had ridden on Karko's large wolf frame to arrive here. I was still in my human form and as I took a deep risky breath- I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. 

"I'm sure he'll agree with the plan," Arche told me with a reassuring smile. But I was anything but secured. It was a dangerous plan, and if it worked; we would most likely find him. However, we still needed him on board with it.

Moving my hand forwards I pounded on the door with Arche on my left and Karko on my right. Eagerly waiting for someone to answer the door.

My hands trembled as I rubbed my palms against the white and blue gown I still had on. I had no other clothing so this was all I had. Hearing the faint footsteps of many people running around inside, I questioned it silently with a whisper under my breath. 

"One moment!" Someone yelled from inside, rushing around with crashing sounds making us wince at the contact. Then the door opened to reveal a small woman who had grey hairs coming in through her dark hair. 

"Oh, hello there! Do you have--- KARKO?!" She began and then turned to the man who was on my right. His smile widening as he walked forwards and gave her a hug that made me envious. My heart thumping with a desire of wanting to be hugged like that by my family.

"Well don't just stand there, come in! Come in!" Her loud booming voice informed us, ushering us inside the warm house. I could feel the heat rising from my feet to my cheekbones. Turning to Karko who shrugged innocently. 

Looking up as I heard a familiar voice interacting with someone, and I watched as the man who once had only dark hair now slightly turned grey with a beard that reached halfway down his neck. His eyes had lost part of the glimmer they had when I first met him and he looked larger. He had yet to notice us and when he reached the last step- he looked at Karko. Then Arche.

Then me.


How'd ya like it? Did ya? It seems a little bland to me compared to the others since it's just an explanation beginning but NO FRET MY HARVESTERS! It does get better ; ) Just gotta be patient and await the good stuff that will be here shortly. 

Have a pleasant day/afternoon/evening! Wherever you are ;D

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