P. 13 - Arche

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"Can you please stay calm while I explain a few things, Harvey?" The doctor asked me, his bald head shining as the light above his head glistened. A small smile tugged on my lips but I nodded none-the-less.

"Do you remember the accident?" He questioned me, my head beginning to pound as I thought about that fateful night I ran away from him.

"Accident? What accident?" I bit back, his facial expression crunching in a complaint about my question but answered back.

"You don't remember? I got told by your adoptive father that you fell out of your bedroom window when you tripped over something" The doctor replied, my face falling as I raised an eyebrow.

"Who told you this?" I asked him, my hands gripping the covers as the heart monitor rapidly began thumping, a nurse rushing to my aid as she began shooing away the doctor, telling him that he shouldn't ask to make my emotions heightened. 

Shoving the doctor out of the room, the nurse apologetically turned to me and frowned at my attempts to stand, my legs seemed longer- maybe I was just imagining things.

Shrugging off the wires, the nurse scowled at me but didn't stop me for some reason.

"Could I use the bathroom?" I asked with pleading eyes, my silver hair seemingly longer than I remember it... I could've sworn I cut it back at Dracula's house. 

"Y-Yes you can, it's over 'ere" The woman informed me, my legs wobbling as if I hadn't moved in years. Patting against the carpeted floor, my figure moved slowly and steady. Breathing in and out weakly. 

Finally reaching the door after five minutes of struggling, falling and yelling at the nurse to stay away so I could do it on my own- I reached the bathroom. Attached my hand around the circular knob and twisted it open. Rain falling slightly inside through the open window. Closing the door with my foot, turning around and locking it with a fiddle.

Sitting down on the toilet lid, I sighed and looked up at the flickering light, my eyes squinting every now and then. A darkness following my eyes wherever I looked. 

"Now...What exactly happened to me?" I expressed, my hands moving to my now longer hair, scrunching it up as I created more knots than needed. The voice in the back of my head inching closer and closer to where I could understand it properly. But I forced it back; I wasn't in need of someone telling me what was going on. I had eyes, I could see. 

Glancing towards the mirror, I gulped silently and released a gasp. Wondering if I should have a look at my reflection. The last time I did so was at Dracula's inside his cages. 

Panting, I rose from the seat with a bit more strength than before, closed my eyes as I used my hands to guide me towards the sink where a mirror hung above. Bracing myself mentally, I opened my eyes and saw someone who looked nothing like my ten-year-old mental self.

In the mirror was a teenager. She looked like she had seen better days. Long silver hair that reached just below her chest which had grown tremendously over the last few...days. 

"Who put a poster here?" I mumbled, moving my right hand to tear off the image but when nothing happened- my hand slid down the mirror and I gasped. It was me. 

"What in gods name happened?!..." I asked myself, looking at my reflection in utter shock. My eyes didn't look like the white that I had back at Dracula's castle, they were a deep red colour that looked like blood, no wonder the nurse was scared of me. Sighing, I plastered my ass against the ground and curled up into a ball, wondering what had happened to me.

Somewhere thousands of miles away in the distinct land of Balifor.

"Sire! I've told you that you cannot leave your bedroom!" The babysitter yelled at the child who laughed and ran down the hallway. His dark hair floating up and down as he hopped from one block to another. 

A panting babysitter halted and placed their hands on the knees. Catching their breath, the woman looked up at the boy who playfully pulled a face, the woman rolling her eyes as fire boomed from each torch. The medieval styled town had been blocked off from the world for centuries. 

And this little boy, who ran around carelessly, without a fault in his little world- would break that barrier. When his fate began in two years time. The six-year-old boy giggled as he was being chased. His little feet and legs maneuvered through the blocks, his hand flicking as he watched them bang wildly against the wall, falling back to their original positions. 

The woman squealing each time one fell in her path.

"You can't catch me!!" He gleamed, his eyes roaming for a hiding spot and finding a door that was covered in vines that desperately needed a trim. Looking at the babysitter, the dark-haired boy grinned and opened the door with struggle.

Wiggling his small frame inside, the door slamming shut automatically as he entered the dark room. No source of light emitting from any corner of the room. 

The boy squinted, hoping to find some source of light. Yet failed as he took a singular step forward, and plummeted down a flight of stairs, his eyes closing for protection as he fell down, and down, and down. A grass-like substance wrapping him into a cold hug before releasing him, his body glowing brightly as he curled into a ball.

His figure falling down a darkness, the only light being from his body as he fell down to another time. A time where he would begin his fate. The fate with her. 

Scorching pain, the boy screeched an ear piercing scream, birds that were flying fell down to their demise. His arms and legs became longer, his dark midnight hair grew down to his shoulders that became enlarged with muscle. His legs growing larger, muscle wise and lengthwise. He was becoming someone else, and he couldn't be more scared as he fell. 

Seemingly everlasting, the fall came to an end when his figure joined with a substance that he was not used too- Water. 

His body light faded into the depths of the lukewarm liquid. Fishes swam for their lives as usual as the boy turned to man's frame connected with the water, floating further down. His unconscious state being usual for someone falling down almost like he had fallen from an airplane. 

The man opened his weak eyes and heard the unfamiliar sound of the engine of a boat coming towards him, a light being brought to his frame as someone else dove into the ocean. 

The boy is known as Arche had joined the war that was beginning, his fate beginning quicker than planned. 


Hello! I hope you liked it; I will be adding author's notes now to my chapters and I hope you will leave a comment on your thoughts! I had a recent episode of writers blockage so if it's a little...unusual then that will be why.

Don't forget to comment, vote and share! Much appreciated ;D 


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