P.9 - Elijah's Demon

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After staring at my reflection in wonder- I heard the sound of coughing as my nose crumbled in disgust.

"W-Who are you?" One of the humans neighboring my cell asked, his hands wrapped around the bars as he rose to his feet. He looked like my age, young- but not old enough to have hit puberty. My white eyes boring into his dark blue ones. My feet covered in dry blood moving forwards. 

I leaned against the bars and looked up at the boy who had backed away and tumbled against the cold stone floor. His eyes widen with trembling fear of thunder and lightning. Lighting up the dark room each time the spark escaped down to earth before fading back into the heavens.

"I'm Harvey, who are you?" I questioned the boy, taking in his appearance. His blue eyes complimenting the hair that rested on his head- looking like it hadn't been washed in days. The once light brown had turned dark as small white specs attached themselves to his hair. My own hand reaching to the top of my own silver hair, hoping I didn't have the same thing. 

"M-My n-name is E-Elijah Ray Patt, nice t-to meet you" Elijah spoke, his hand outreaching to me as I merely raised an eyebrow at him. My head tilting but reached my own hand and showed him that I could not touch him. 

"I'm what you would call a soul, Elijah. You cannot touch me, you shouldn't even be able to see me unless your supernatural" I told him as I crouched down and placed my head in between the bars that blocked us apart. Other cellmates listening in to our conversation with curiosity. 

Nodding frantically, Elijah took back his hand and gulped nervously, a hand going to his hair as he ruffled it, shaking the white specs out of it like a dog.

"So, Elijah- do you know where you are?" I asked him. I had never met the people taken down into the cellar, even if I was down here with them- most of them would be too frightened by Dracula to say anything. 

"N-No...I was out w-with a friend and they left me al-alone, I went looking for them and someone hit me and next th-thing I knew... I woke up here" Elijah told me, honesty beaming in his eyes. My lips pursing into a straight line as I released a sigh, sitting down on my butt as I silently mumbled. 

"Do you want me to tell you where you are?" I offered him, my eyes closing momentarily. Opening when I heard the faint whimper of a hound, my eyebrows scrunching in wonder. There were no dogs around here, I would know- I adore hounds. 

"I w-want to know" Elijah whispered back to her, the rattling of doors opening and shutting peeked her interest.

"Let's get out of here first, then let's talk," I told him in a whisper, grueling to my feet as I took a deep breath, and tried to listen to whoever was trotting down the step that I had been dragged down a couple moments ago.

"I'm telling you, Frank! She's a freak!The voice of one of the butlers known as Yasif spoke his American accent thickening in an intimidating way. My throat drying up as the clicking of the feet became louder and louder, the door to the cellar also clicking as Frank and Yasif emerged from the darkness hidden behind that singular door. 

My body posture is straight when the two men emerge into the room, Frank's eyes laying on me with a strange pity glance. My eyes rolling in a circular motion as Yasif closed the door behind him, the humans flinching ever so lightly at the contact as the two stormed over to my cage. My eyes watching their every move. My hands beginning to tremble as I scooted the furthest I could get. Elijah's dark blue eyes watching my once confident body turn into a fragile little girl. 

"W-What d-do you wa-want w-with me?!" I bombed them, Frank's facial expression turning into a comforting one to me as I blinked in confusion. Rod's words revealing themselves to me.

'Go with him, you can trust him- Go now, Harvey!' He yelled at me, my body gripping against the floor as it refused to move.

"Come on...move..." I uttered to myself, not noticing Frank knocking out Yasif with a swift movement of his wrist, his hand outstretched to me as I noticed the red potion beginning to wear off. 

"Harvey, come on! We need to go now, I have Dracula distracted but not for long!" He told me, my hand reaching his in a tight grasp as I turned to look at the humans. A feeling inside my stomach told me not to abandon them to Dracula's wrath. 

"Let me free them- please?!" I demanded with a slight tone, gesturing to the fact I wouldn't move until they were free. My grip tightening around Frank's hand, his lips pursing as he nodded in agreement. His hand releasing mine as I began unlocking the cages with the flick of my wrist. Sometimes the imagination came true if I wanted it bad enough. 

Time ticked on by and an unnatural feeling stirred inside me, my hands gripping into a fist as I released the humans one-by-one. Elijah being the remaining one as the others had already bolted out of the basement. Even if they were unaware of the exit. 

"Come with me, I want you to..." I asked him as I flicked my wrist and unlocked his door, my hand meeting the cold dark metal as I pulled it open. Frank awaiting me with an impatient tap clicking down the hallway. 

"Y-You s-sure?" He asked with a trembling voice, his eyes widening but rose to his feet none the less. My hand still outreached as my head bobbed up and down in confirmation. 

"I'm sure, now let's go before you get eaten alive" I chuckled lifelessly. Elijah's already wide eyes growing even larger if possible. His trembling pale hand intertwined with mine and the feeling in my stomach rumbled. My veins becoming brighter as it flew into Elijah's his breath hitching as his body trembled. 

A loud voice echoing in the room, but not loud enough to meet the human's ears.

'Elijah Roy Patt. You have been chosen as my newest soul. Protect and honor our master and live your life for her. If you disobey- suffer the deepest and harshes of consequences. The scroll must be found and returned to my grasp. Lead on, champion and do not fail me.'

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